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a fruit elf on the Howling Mountain
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"Sounds about right." Kiss.


Kiss. "I really want to see you touch yourself while thinking about it."


"That can maybe be arranged." Kiss.


She kisses him and wriggles out of his lap and to the side.


He - kisses her. And then kisses her some more.

"Mmmm you're so lovely," he sighs.


She kisses him. "I like it when you tell me that."


"You're lovely." Kiss. "Beautiful." Kiss. "Glorious." Kiss. "It was even more amazing than I thought it would be and I thought it would be very amazing."


"Eeee..." more kisses.



"What was it like," he wonders, running his fingers through her hair.


"...Being raped by a minotaur for the first time? It was three days after I was cursed. He--he hadn't actually told me what he had done, yet. I didn't learn that for months. All I knew was that I was alive and free--I thought he let me go because I wanted to be free badly enough to die for it. I was...that wasn't actually the first time I was raped, since, that was the day after, two days before that. It was another elf. I didn't think much of it, he didn't exactly release me somewhere nice, and it was better than being with him...but the minotaur was huge, it hurt so much..."


He shivers. He pets her. "You were gorgeous. You were - I love watching you feel things, so much, it's incredible."



"Do you want--do you want to see me with the baby's father?"


Pet pet. "Did you feel things?"


"Mhm. I--always did, when I was--pregnant with one that was going to live."


"That sounds—" He can't think of a word. He kisses her, softly but intensely. "I love you. Yes, I want to see that."


She kisses him. And--

It's darker than the room, but not so dark as to be impossible to see.

Illusory-Elodea is chained up with her hands over her head, manacled to a hook protruding from a cave wall. A pile of gold coins is heaped up under her. The look on her face is one of dull despair and she's visibly pregnant.


There is a sound, and she looks up, a small spark coming on in her eyes. An enormous silver winged lizard walks in on all four legs, then--shimmers--and there is a humanoid man there, with silver skin and a still somewhat draconian appearance. He isn't wearing any clothes. The two speak for a little while, in some language Serik doesn't speak. Elodea--is begging for something, not the mindless pleading she engaged in with the minotaur, but like she actually is attempting to persuade her captor of something, no matter how hopeless her case may be. He says something arch. She bites her lip and lowers her eyes.


"I love you. What were you saying—"


"He wanted the baby for a...sort of experiment. I--tried to convince him that he didn't need to personally oversee all of it, let me give birth somewhere else and give the child to someone who'd raise them as a person and not a data point and I'd come back if only he let me do that."

He says something else, in the illusion. She swallows and spreads her legs.


—well that's hot, but on the other hand— "an experiment?"


"...Half dragons are...a thing. He was. Kind of a eugenicist--he didn't share all the details with me, but..."



He pets her hair. He watches the illusion.


The shapeshifted dragon starts fucking her. He's not particularly violent about it, but he does occasionally tell her to do things in a very "I have something you want, so you'd better do whatever I ask if you want even a chance of it" tone of voice.

"He wasn't--like you. You love your daughter. You did your best to do right by her, even if your best wasn't good enough. He--didn't, wouldn't have."


"I - can see that," he murmurs.

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