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Bonesaw meets Beka in Angband
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It's not a very large bedroom, but there's a small table and stool next to it she could sit on. Aside from that there's a pile of clothing and blankets, a cauldron with a purple liquid, and a mirror on the wall. On the table there's what would look to someone from Earth like a toothbrush, a glass bottle of milk, a jar of cereal, and a single bowl and spoon.



She'll curl up on the pile of blankets. It's cozy.


It is! There's even an extra fleshy pillow there. 

Bonesaw wakes up early, groggy for all of half a second before her implants kick in (though she still appears groggy by default since that's how you're supposed to look in the morning).

Oh! She has a sleepover. That's nice actually. 

... She only has one bowl and spoon but she can be very very quiet* and make another one using some things from under her bed and in the cauldron. 


*She can in fact be quieter if she were trying to be.


If she's quiet she's not going to wake a sleepy orf who normally sleeps in a room with dozens of other people.


As she's finishing carving the spoon she can get progressively less quiet with setting out breakfast until she accidentally wakes up the sleepy orf.


Yawn. "- hello milady. I'm so sorry I forgot to ask if you wanted me to stay or go."


"Good morning sleepy head!" Bonesaw says in the cheery rehearsed voice of someone who knows that's what your supposed to say to guests who sleep in.


"Well right now you should stay and have breakfast with me - it's the most important meal of the day."


"- yes milady." What is for breakfast here?


Cereal and milk and a glass of orange juice! The milk tastes the same as milk normally does back on Earth and the cereal is as close as Bonesaw can get to lucky charms which isn't that close but tastes sort of right. 

The juice is orange and opaque and definitely not from any fruit but she made it in a hurry when she realized she had a guest. She made it sweeter until it tasted good enough for her (which is really rather sweet).

The extra bowl is pretty clearly the top half of a skull with a bottom that's been carved to be more flat, and the spoon was definitely made from another bone, though it's unclear which.




"Wow, this is delicious!" says the orf.


"Oh thank you! I made it myself!"


"Do you just make food out of nothing like Melkor does?"


"Oh no I didn't know he can do the - that sounds like cheating. I got the milk with some organs in the lab and made the healthy part of the cereal in a broth of bran and bone meal that I germinated with ..." she can go on for a while about how she made all the different bits  - in particular she seems to have several different processes to get the different sorts of marshmallows.



"Wow, these are all so complicated! How long did it take you to come up with them?"


"I've been improving on the marshmallows and making more types since not too long after I got here, but they still aren't as good as the ones Lucky Charms has back home."


"So they're... less lucky?"


"Lucky Charms is the name of the cereal where I'm from - they aren't really lucky."


"The cereal? Which part of it is the cereal?"


"The cereal is what people call the thing I poured the milk on top of," she says, gesturing towards the jar of cereal. "It's part of a balanced breakfast." she says in the same fixed tone of voice she had when she called Beka a sleepy head.


"Balanced against what?"


"Well, it's important to have all sorts of different nutrients if you want to grow up right, so you have to balance all the parts of the breakfast. Like how the milk has calcium and the cereal has fiber and the orange juice has iodine. If you only had one of them all the time you wouldn't grow up Big and Strong."

Bonesaw frowns contemplatively.

"Well, maybe if you only had the 'orange juice'. But that would have it's own problems." Really interesting ones now that she thinks about...


"Wow. Are orcs and me like that too?"


"Yup! Well, I think you can make do with less than humans but it's still not ideal for you. Maia are different though - Sauron does a bunch of his biology himself which is really cool but lets him cheat at nutrients."


"I'm not sure his lordship even eats!"


"Yeah, I think it's pretty boring to be honest - is you don't eat you can't have a balanced breakfast or snacks or birthday cake."

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