And this flap goes there, and this other bit gets peeled off here and then a pin and....
"Yay! All done with the setup. How's it feel?" Bonesaw asks her patient.
"Oh huh, I got left by my birth family too."
She positions the nail over the place where one of her patients ribs meets her sternum, being careful to avoid putting it over nerves so that she won't be distracted from answering.
"Do you still have do that to keep being an orf?" she asks, raising the mallet up reallllly high.
"What about if you could be an orc outside of angband? Or a human like me? Or an orc with three arms and skin that burns people who touch it and can scream really really loud? Or oooh, a dragon!"
As Bonesaw asks she gets out her bone saw (giggle) and climbs up onto the operating table to start sawing at the last bits of bone connecting the sternum to the rest of the skeleton.
"Hmmm... Probably it'd take a while to show you. I could make some sort of empathy drug but I think that'd be boring... oh but if I used it on a whole bunch of people and then one of them got hurt and they all copied each other then maybe -"
Bonesaw will chatter for a few minutes about ideas for projects and her past work if not interrupted, not really focused on anything about Beka except for how she's sawing at Beka while doing it. The sawing isn't really painful perse, unless one particularly objects to the sensation of their bones being sawed clean through.
Eventually she puts the saw down, though it takes her a minute or two to stop talking about her ideas for elf neurochemistry projects.
"- Oh uh, sorry, I was rambling. Did you have anything to say?" asks Bonesaw, all polite as she takes the patient's now detached sternum and puts it on the table next to her.
"Oh you sing?? I could make a neat pocket for you that would let you keep doing that, though I'm going to take a look around inside first to take some measurements to compare with the ones I took of some elves and orcs yesterdaty."
Bonesaw has a tub of murky grey liquid to help with this, apparently.
And now it's time for organ exploring! Bonesaw can fit her whole arm into her friend's chest cavity apparently and is taking full advantage. Sometimes she picks something out of the tub that looks a bit like an organ and plops it into her chest, and sometimes Bonesaw removes an organ from the chest and plops into the tub. Occasionally, she makes a measurement after doing this and writes it down in her notes.
"It's uh - " Bonesaw gestures to indicate a concept that really only holds together inside her head "- wait give me a second I'll get the name...." She licks it to see if that helps her remember.
"Ooh, ah! The Thymus Gland!" she announces, using the English term, beaming with pride.
"Oh much better." She takes a breath and croons a song she learned from a prisoner once, taking osanwe-diictation when rewarding him for killing everybody in his hallucination.
Missing a sternum is still somewhat impairing even when her ribs don't hurt, but she has a lovely tone, and she practices a lot, whenever she can get a minute alone. If she had all her parts where they'd belong she'd be an exceptional singer among humans.
Eventually the muscles are installed and the ribs are back - there's some claylike substance and pins through the bone to keep the pieces together while they heal, though Bonesaw anesthetises the ribs while doing this so it won't hurt.
And finally the skin flaps are unpinned from the table and she applies a a salve before stretching and sewing and folding the skin into place. When it's all done there's a spiral* of lines on her upperchest that when tensed with muscles that weren't there before move outwards to reveal a pocket the size of two fists.
"If you tense it it should be able to open and close it. You can also overfill it and it'll expand to hold the extra stuff but it'll push at your other organs and if you do it too long it'll start trying to spit the stuff back out."
*A similar mechanism to the iris diaphrams used by camera lenses, though Bonesaw isn't aware of this.
It's not a very large bedroom, but there's a small table and stool next to it she could sit on. Aside from that there's a pile of clothing and blankets, a cauldron with a purple liquid, and a mirror on the wall. On the table there's what would look to someone from Earth like a toothbrush, a glass bottle of milk, a jar of cereal, and a single bowl and spoon.
It is! There's even an extra fleshy pillow there.
Bonesaw wakes up early, groggy for all of half a second before her implants kick in (though she still appears groggy by default since that's how you're supposed to look in the morning).
Oh! She has a sleepover. That's nice actually.
... She only has one bowl and spoon but she can be very very quiet* and make another one using some things from under her bed and in the cauldron.
*She can in fact be quieter if she were trying to be.
Cereal and milk and a glass of orange juice! The milk tastes the same as milk normally does back on Earth and the cereal is as close as Bonesaw can get to lucky charms which isn't that close but tastes sort of right.
The juice is orange and opaque and definitely not from any fruit but she made it in a hurry when she realized she had a guest. She made it sweeter until it tasted good enough for her (which is really rather sweet).
The extra bowl is pretty clearly the top half of a skull with a bottom that's been carved to be more flat, and the spoon was definitely made from another bone, though it's unclear which.
"Oh no I didn't know he can do the - that sounds like cheating. I got the milk with some organs in the lab and made the healthy part of the cereal in a broth of bran and bone meal that I germinated with ..." she can go on for a while about how she made all the different bits - in particular she seems to have several different processes to get the different sorts of marshmallows.
"Well, it's important to have all sorts of different nutrients if you want to grow up right, so you have to balance all the parts of the breakfast. Like how the milk has calcium and the cereal has fiber and the orange juice has iodine. If you only had one of them all the time you wouldn't grow up Big and Strong."
Bonesaw frowns contemplatively.
"Well, maybe if you only had the 'orange juice'. But that would have it's own problems." Really interesting ones now that she thinks about...
"Have fun!"
And Bonesaw is back to working on her projects - a bunch of them are really interesting and she gets to make so many Friends and improve them when they get broken and her long term project is coming along really well. Still, she asks for the orf to come over and sing her to sleep multiple times a week, with the blankets set up as a nestlike bed for her guest. Once, on a particularly sleepless night, she slips up and asks for the Siberian instead, before correcting herself.
And a few weeks in Bonesaw hits an issue with her major project after discovering that magic songs can do wind and now she needs to redo a bunch of details of the delivery system and it's four days of feverish working down the drain. She's frustrated and she's having trouble both working and not working on it, until she remembers the advice from her Uncle Jack on how, if she needed to calm down, she should find easy but pretty art projects to do and do it well.
So Bonesaw goes to one of the mess halls in Angband and selects a neat looking orc to take apart and put back together inside out. She doesn't even use her lab, operating with whatever she has on hand in the middle of the busy hall - that way there's an audience. And when she's done that she cleans out any grime and puts her art project back together rightside in again. And then repeats the whole cycle again and again until she's lost in a blur of repositioning and cleaning and she has no idea how long it's been but she feels better. She skips out of the mess hall afterwards and returns to her lab to take another look at the major project before getting one of the most restful nights of sleep she's had in weeks - she doesn't even need her orf friend.
(While Bonesaw doesn't notice it herself the orc does end up right side in, though his brain doesn't seem to be quite aware of this and he's barely able to string together syllables or even scream.)
Her orf friend does eventually get called in by the right-side-in orc's wife to find out if he's doing better or worse in there than the estimated Being Tortured By The Elf Gods Forever state.
Beka goes and reads his mind, what's left of it, and determines that while it's possible the Elf gods do worse, he's not going to be able to eat or work. His wife kisses him and snaps his neck.
A couple of days later he comes by with his pitch! The orf and Bonesaw can be mother and daughter living in a cute treehouse in the woods who "found" the prisoner, "escaped" and unconscious with dehydration and general being in terrible shape. The one he has in mind won't do much, probably just lie in bed, but Bonesaw and the orf can nurse her back to health. Here's a brief on what a random Avari child of Bonesaw's approximate size might act like, but for this one he's going for a creeping ominousness - the orf has her own character notes on that but will be mostly improvising around anything Bonesaw says since this is Bonesaw's first time and he wants her to have fun with it. Here is a character sketch of what she will be pretending to look like, and one for the orf. Their names in the hallucination are to be Lalwen and Mell. Then, whenever Bonesaw's bored, she can start harvesting the prisoner's bones or whatever, though His Lordship would like to receive her back alive.
"Neat! I'm excited to collaborating with you!"
It takes her under an hour to whip up the time dilator injection - there's plenty extra for any other hallucinations that could benefit from it. So long as the prisoner gets one injection each day it should work fine, giving them the impression of many days passing of vaguely similar feeling events without altering their impression of time on a minute-to-minute scale. Higher doses are fine but she doesn't recommend they give more than a thousand times the amount she's using since when she did that her subject started assuming everything outside of themselves was fake and an illusion and she thinks that would drain all the fun out of Angband. She doubt's it will have that effect if they keep it under a few years of subjective time per real day.
She goes to bed early that night so in the morning she can be well rested for her first big day of being an actor!
"Mm-hm, eat up while they're hot. I'll go see if our guest wants any this morning." Mime mime. "Looks like a no today. Well, one day maybe she'll be ready to get her strength back up enough that she can go meet her son." Her son's our neighbor who doesn't want to see her till she's not visibly Angbandy.
Eventually it's time to go! They have a bit of a set, so they can do things like sit down and retrieve objects without His Lordship having to patch too much inconsistency in the mime. There's their prisoner, very authentically beaten up and in no condition to go have a joyous reunion with her son at all. The orf maintains a very solemn affect about their "guest" in character, smiling at "Mell" and the extras who stop in occasionally but treating the prisoner with appropriate gravity except for the prescribed frequency of concerning smirks.
Bonesaw LOVES the simulation. She has a bunch of fun playing house with the orfLalwen and helps tend to the prisoner, setting a challenge to herself to help her get better without looking like she's doing anything much and occasionally hurting her in ways that seem like accidents.
Towards the end of the first day she turns to her acting partner and whispers loud enough for the prisoner to hear: "Mommy, what do you think happened to our guest to hurt them so much?"
"Once upon a time, the Vala Aulë was inspired by Eru Illuvatar's creation of the Elves - that's us! - and decided to make a species of his own, the Dwarves. He sculpted them out of rocks just how he wanted them, short and with hair growing right out of their cheeks like whiskers, and breathed life into them. They breathed, because he commanded them to breathe, and they blinked, because he asked them to blink, but they couldn't do anything more; they wouldn't speak or walk or do any of the things he wanted his children to do, because he couldn't give them souls. Heartbroken, he asked Eru for help, and what do you think Eru said?"
"Not at first! Eru was angry that Aulë had tried to make a people on his own. Only Eru is supposed to do that! Anyone else making a new kind of person is breaking Eru's rules. Aulë was a loyal Vala who never wanted to break Eru's rules, though, and once he realized what he'd done he was very sorry and begged Eru's forgiveness. And Eru saw that he hadn't meant to do anything wrong, or to go against Eru's will. So he had mercy on Aulë, and when Aulë begged for his creations to be imbued with true life because he loved them so, Eru granted his wish. But of course the Dwarves are not as well-made as Elves are. When they die they don't go to the halls of Mandos to be granted new bodies, and they don't have our beauty or our osanwë, because they're short and squat and their minds are as impenetrable as rocks. They might hope that Aulë has some plan for them, but no one knows better than Eru how a people should be, immortal and beautiful like us." She dabs a bit of blood off the corner of the prisoner's eye; she's still not crying straight tears.
What a nice cozy hallucination this is.
Gradually incorporating ominous content continues. There's "oh no, one of your hairs fell out" accompanied by a hairpluck. There's keeping the room hot and remarking on how it's an unusual heat wave and insisting on keeping the prisoner wrapped up anyway because they may have a fever. At one point they are supposed to give her a bed bath to make her presentable for her sister-in-law who might visit, and the bath is unpleasant enough but then the sister-in-law doesn't show up and they are not supposed to explain why out loud.
Bonesaw helps, making an almost implauisbly appetizing meal for the prisoner that taste vile the more they eat, as Bonesaw sits by them and encourages them again and again to take just one more bite they were doing so well earlier. She also enjoys the bathing bit but is a bit confused with what's up with the sister-in-law, and asks Beka about it over osanwë.
"Over time prisoners lose interest in trying to interact with anyone or anything since we make sure it's invariably torture, even though not doing anything else is also eventually invariably torture. I could probably get this one to talk but it'd require something more immersive and longer-term, or for a lot of her memories to be erased first."
"I guess that it makes sense you'd stick with things that didn't require interacting with it so much if it took you a while to get anywhere with it - I've had a a few Friends who became less talkative than I liked and I spent a while trying to figure out different solutions to different reasons they might have. But if you get it wrong you can break someone's personality in a way that isn't very interesting and I wouldn't want to mess with your writing, which is really neat by the way!"
Bonesaw is getting a bit bored and so while she's practicing sculpture she shows the prisoner what she's doing, placing the block of wood in the prisoner's lap and sculpting it with her tools until her tools slip past the block of wood and onto the prisoner, cutting into their flesh. She apologizes and bandages them up before going back to sculpting the block of wood, but when it happens a second time she doesn't bother bandaging it and after the third she just continues, sculpting their body into the same wavy abstract lines she was trying to sculpt into the block of wood.
If she were being honest her heart isn't really in it, but it'd be rude to just leave the whole simulation hanging without a proper ending so she does her best.
And eventually there isn't anything much left of the prisoner that hasn't been sculpted or shaped or chiselled, though Bonesaw was careful to avoid any arteries and the prisoner is doing remarkably well considering everything, which is to say extremely badly but not actively about to die.
Overall Bonesaw is happy she tried that but she thinks it's not her thing - too much going on in that one medium and not enough of an audience for her. Maybe if there were something extra special about the prisoner or the plot line or something. While chattering about this afterwards she asks the orf if there's a sort of simulation she likes best.
Goody! And Bonesaw is going to do so much experimenting and she has so many ideas for her big project. She goes into a fugue and barely sleeps for the next several days as she works, not calling on Beka at all.
And then, very early one morning, there is a Bonesaw in Beka's dorm, crouched on Beka's bed, yelling excitedly: "Orf! Wakeuuuuuuup!" and bouncing up and down slightly.
"Lasted longer - like a bunch of hours - and been a lot more distracting while it was active and maybe a bit too sweet sort of? I don't think one that isn't blooming could get that intense from just one try - if you smelled a bouquet of blooming ones all your senses and even your thoughts can start seeming really really pretty in a way that's too distracting to do much else even though on a deeper level you know it's not really actually pretty and it'll feel artificial and unsatisfying."
"Really the neat part is if you smell them at lower doses then that all the time for weeks. Then everything will seem unsatisfyingly artificially pretty but without them everything will feel dull and drab."
Bonesaw is not going to want a singing lesson all day! She wants to do so many things, which include learning to sing, up until the cocktail of drugs and tinker fugue that's been keeping her up for most of the last few days wears off, and than what she wants to do is sleep on the orf's bed.
"I guess I'm not used to it being safe to fall asleep without thinking about it first? It used to be that my family would only be able to sleep when we'd made sure no one was going to find us before we woke up, and even then someone stayed awake just in case. When I was really tired like last night it usually meant it was extra important not to fall asleep."
"I had a piece of tech from a tinker who specialized in things that had random and unpredictable effects and I thought it disabled it but I was in a hurry and I guess I was wrong since it exploded and sent me here."
"I'm pretty certain this is an entirely different would from mine - where I'm from almost everyone is human like me and some of them have powers that let them do a really wide variety of things - mine let me invent and understand biotechnology."
"That makes sense."
She doesn't really want to think about this anymore and the only way she knows how to distract herself is to make art. The orf's hand is right there and her power is telling her how she can take out the fingernails and soak them in some liquids and make them pearlescent and sharp and as hard as diamonds and.... the orf might not want that and she doesn't want her power to get it's way here? Or something? She's not really sure what's going on inside her own head if she's being honest.
She stares at the fingernails as she thinks.
"The tears are neutralized by ... actually I think just the normal oil my skin makes - if you rubbed my arm and then touched the tears you'd be fine. Normally I'd have made them dependent on some of the modifcations I've made to my skin so that wouldn't work, but I think the tears were one of the first things that got changed about me when I joined the Nine."
"Back then Uncle Jack said that being stronger and faster wasn't important for me since him and the rest of the Nine were already stronger and faster. Though he wasn't as insistent about that later. I think he was just worried about me being too much of a handful if I could run very fast when he first got me."
"More colors I sort of did later? It traded off with being able to have my eyes adapt quickly to flashbang grenades -" concept sent osanwë "- so I only installed something that let me see if anything weird was going on with other colors but not actually see the colors themselves."
And Bonesaw and the orf can go back to her lab together and she can start boiling the paint bases while removing some of the spare elf eyes and transplanting bits of them into the orf eyes (which is surprisingly painless for the orf).
"Can you help with mine?" she asks, laying back on the operating table.
"I'm not sure of that at all but I will try to improve on the stone wall!"
And the orf goes and paints till she runs out or Bonesaw wants her for something else. She paints flowers, although she has limited data on the concept and the petals are green; she paints crickets, and stars, and swirly abstracts in crazy experimental color combinations; she spends a long time trying to make a nice ultraviolet-through-blue gradient come out smoothly; she paints a double row of teeth with sharp fangs; she paints a complicated braid, like Elves wear when they have the option; she paints silhouettes of people, Elves and orcs and humans like Bonesaw, dancing along the baseboard.
Bonesaw enjoys the paintings and the additional time the orf spends around her due to making them.
Her work for the next few weeks is scaling up the Flowers, which means setting up hydroponics bunkers so orcs can grow the Flowers in accelerated conditions and harvest the seeds to be used for planting giant fields near Elf encampments. It's annoying to setup but once it's done there isn't much she needs to do - orcs are effected by the flowers way less than elves (or orfs or humans for that matter) and can get by on plugging their noses and wearing gloves while tending to them.
"Nf to you too!"
"Now hold still, I gotta get this bit in soon or it'll shrivel up and become toxic," she says, easing what looks like a sliced open blue pomegranate the size of a plum directly underneath where the orf's bellybutton is. Well, where her bellybutton was - if she looked to the side she can see her bellybutton is lying on the ground a few feet from her body instead.
The mysterious pod goes in and Bonesaw can sew up all the skin around it and...
"Hm. This is gonna need more skin than you have here, silly me."
Still, Bonesaw can shave off a bit of her own arm skin and then scrunch it up and use it form the orf's new extremely innie bellybutton - about an inch deep and sloping a bit downwards, right around where the mouth of the pod was located.
"A present! Just gotta activate it."
And "Boop!" she says, booping the bellybutton.
The blue non-pomegranate unfurls inside the orf, tendrils of the non-seeds reaching out and wrapping around various veins, nerves, and portions of the orf's digestive track. From the outside not much happen but the orf can probably feel the tendrils move underneath her skin.
"All done!" says Bonesaw, smiling at the orf after a moment, "You should have a new set of muscles you can squeeze now?"
"Yeah, if you sort of pull in the other direction on the muscles it'll slurp back up any paint and produce a tiny bit of solvent you can use to wipe away the paint from anything that you don't want painted. Otherwise it's pretty hard to get off."
Bonesaw's skin, clothes, and hair are not getting less rainbow at this point.
Soon enough there are Flower seeds ready to be planted across Middle Earth and Bonesaw is moving on to her next project which advances more quickly than she (or her labmate Melkor) expected.
And so one day Bonesaw is taking the new project, which looks like an unusually wormlike Komodo Dragon at this point, on a walk through Angband.
Sure, she can do that. None of her siblings have earned names yet so she calls them by nicknames; everybody uses different ones for everybody they know, though people who've never met one of her siblings might refer to them with her own nickname if asking after them. The orf is the oldest, and then there's her sister; they call each other 'slut', but like, in a nice way, they have very similar personalities and have always been closest. Before they were old enough to be sluts they were just "sister", the next few are boys. The youngest sister is Teeth, she's got more teeth than most people - orcs are less consistent about anatomical details like that - and they're also big and prominent. There's Stupidface, her favorite brother, he's smart, he let her teach him to read. There's Squeaker and Swat and Pinchy and Nibbles and Bread and Wababo and Giggly and Shadow and Holler and Rat and Spiderweb and Snore and Green and Pace and she has a story for why each one has that nickname, usually something they did or seemed interested in as a baby around when they needed to age out of just being called "the baby", though Green is just greener than most people.
"Yeah, I actually think you would have liked her."
She can make public what Shatterbird looked like:
He'll let her scoot towards the bed at least long enough for him to hurl himself up towards the tabletop to grab one of the bowls in his mouth.
When he turns around and see that the orf has made it under the bed he growls, hurrying over to where the orf was sleeping eariler to drop the bowl.
Bonesaw works hard on making sure Glaurung grows up big and strong while trying to help him grow faster than Melkor originally planned since it would have taken centuries for him to be fully grown and that's way too long in her opinion. Still, Melkor cares a lot about Glaurung's soul and not just his body. Bonesaw argued that in fact souls don't exist and so Melkor sent her headache inducing visions of his experience with souls and afterlives - things Bonesaw had stopped believing in back when she triggered and could check for herself.
Bonesaw sleeps cuddled up with the orf in the nest of blankets that night, as she sometimes does when she's finding it unusually difficult to fall asleep.
"Oh no no I didn't mean to -" there can be anesthetic she has to have some there's - she has some in a few of the needles in her body to hide the feeling of being injected but those all come with other toxins but maybe she can repurpose them but not with tools she has here but what - oh the caulduron has something. She runs over and quickly fiddles with some of the needles she keeps on herself as weapons and after a minute or two there is an anesthetizing ointment being put on her orf.
"Sorry I didn't meant to. I didn't know you were there. Sorry I -" she starts crying again.
Bonesaw blinks at the orf, thinking. When she installed the acid tears they were supposed to help her, to make her safe. But all they've done here is hurt someone.
After a moment she takes the scalpel she picked up to do surgery on the orf and turns it on herself, stabbing it into the skin beneath each eye, pulling out small pulsating sacks and flinging them across the room. They hiss where they land, pumping final dregs of acid on the floor.
Blood flows down Bonesaw's face from beneath each eye.
She'll make him swear oaths then - to hurt, to regret, and to contradict his other oaths. At the end she floods his body with the time dilation serum, so he'll experience subjective eons in the instant before she lets him die.
She's sure to be back in her lab by morning.
Over the next few months Bonesaw's main project is making sure Glaurung grows up big and strong, as well as working on the next generation of dragons (which might actually have wings!). Glaurung's appetite expands as he grows and so Bonesaw asks the orf if she can recommend any snacks for him.
"Ideally, but I can make your stomach easier for you to control if that's an issue. Probably you would still need to vomit but you can wait an hour for the pill to be absorbed before letting it to do that."
As Bonesaw talks she works on installing what looks like a three foot long tail into a limbless bat.
"A surprise! I just told you, silly."
And the back end of the bat tail can go into the eye socket, where it suctions onto the optical nerve as designed. Bonesaw then presses the bat-snout at the other end up against the orf's pregnant belly, pressing firmly but not to hard. The orf's vision splits, one eye seeing normally and the other seeing a strange colorless vision of a cavity with something lumpy curled up inside.
"Depends on what breaks? The nerve blocker could start blocking sensation all the time if it got fiddled with wrong, the paint navel could rupture if things went really bad for a while and that would be a whole mess, the eye could start failing to reconnect if things got in it or something and then there could be an infection in the socket I suppose, the pocket could fail to close and cause muscle strain... Bunch of things like that? None of them should happen by default and if they look like they might I'll fix it."
The creature Bonesaw creates resembles a cross between a warg and a cockroach, with six limbs and a wide steel infused carapace covered with fur. There's space inside that's just barely big enough to fit the pregnant orf - Bonesaw will ride on top, with a few contingencies hastily prepared in case of trouble.
Bonesaw mounts the beast and ties the bit of leathery fur that will be serving as her seat belt and combs her hair so there aren't any tangles or messes and finally smooths any wrinkles out of her borrowed clothes as best she can.
And then they can set out, galloping through the hallways of Angband faster than any warg should be able to move.
At first this works fine. The orcs get out of the way, though one has an injury that means she gets a bit run over.
When they get closer to the edges of the fortress it's more heavily regimented to prevent unauthorized passage through the perimeter, though. The monster's too fast for any orcs to catch it and try engaging it, but they were not notified of a planned egress today and they sound the alarm.
A minute later, something's chasing them.
Well what should have happened there is that all the blood in their body would flow into their head until the pressure squished their brain and blood sprayed out of every orifice in their face. Also they should have become allergic to chocolate. Maybe that part still worked.
Well, if their biology is going to be this rude than maybe she should use someone else's. She tears a scrap of flesh from her mount and throws it to the ground along with a batch of vials, the flesh bubbles for a moment before exploding into a sticky thermite infused mess.
Jeepers he's tough.
.... This is taking a while and she's running low on tricks she prepared for this escape. What she does still have are the contingencies from before she was in Arda. She digs her fingers into her thigh, extracting a small yellowish sphere and flicking it at the chaser - aiming for just in front of his feet. It explodes as it lands, spraying the immediate vicinity around her pursuer with a self-replicating acid that tears apart even vaguely biological matter on a molecular level to assemble more of itself. It was designed to act fast enough that Crawler's regeneration wouldn't have time to react, consuming his entire body in the blink of an eye.