And this flap goes there, and this other bit gets peeled off here and then a pin and....
"Yay! All done with the setup. How's it feel?" Bonesaw asks her patient.
"Oh, I can fix that." Bonesaw reaches in and fiddles around for a bit and then Beka can't feel her torso much at all - a couple of seconds and a further adjustment by Bonesaw and feeling returns to everything except for her ribs.
"There!" The pleading eyes are back.
"Oh much better." She takes a breath and croons a song she learned from a prisoner once, taking osanwe-dictation when rewarding him for killing everybody in his hallucination.
Missing a sternum is still somewhat impairing even when her ribs don't hurt, but she has a lovely tone, and she practices a lot, whenever she can get a minute alone. If she had all her parts where they'd belong she'd be an exceptional singer among humans.
She pauses for a moment, listening.
When she resumes working she does so quietly, with a smile that fits her face better than it did before.
If you want me to come sing to you sometime when you aren't planning to take me apart I'd do that!
Usually if people see her more it's not good for them, she thinks within the privacy of her own mind - because if she thinks it in public the orf might change her mind.
Yeah, I'll do that sometime I think.
Eventually the muscles are installed and the ribs are back - there's some claylike substance and pins through the bone to keep the pieces together while they heal, though Bonesaw anesthetises the ribs while doing this so it won't hurt.
And finally the skin flaps are unpinned from the table and she applies a a salve before stretching and sewing and folding the skin into place. When it's all done there's a spiral* of lines on her upperchest that when tensed with muscles that weren't there before move outwards to reveal a pocket the size of two fists.
"If you tense it it should be able to open and close it. You can also overfill it and it'll expand to hold the extra stuff but it'll push at your other organs and if you do it too long it'll start trying to spit the stuff back out."
*A similar mechanism to the iris diaphrams used by camera lenses, though Bonesaw isn't aware of this.
It works, skin sections tensing and sliding around each other without much effort at all.
"Hope you have fun with it!"
And Bonesaw has her work to get back to - she has so many ideas for exciting things based on today! Uncle JackSauron will be so proud.
A week and a half later Bonesaw has been having troubling sleeping and asks a nearby orc if he can find Beka and ask her to come sing her something.
Presuming Bonesaw asks for "the orf", since nobody knows Beka's name, that will work fine! In lopes Beka. She's got a fresh tat on her chest incorporating the spiral, sort of like a top-down view of an aloe plant except it's in rose and tan. "Hello milady."
"Regular I think,"
She's not surprised a magic one exists, but she still feels like she needs to be on guard against hostile Masters hunting her, even in Angband where she's safe.
"Yes ma'am."
She finds a spot to stand and sings about sleepiness and dreaming, rocking and quiet and comfort.
And eventually Bonesaw will fall asleep, curled up around the fleshy pillow she made to keep her warm at night.
It's kind of clever.
She is not really sure if she's supposed to stay or go now and there's nobody to ask. Is there... a place in here where she could fall asleep herself, where she isn't hiding but also isn't intruding?