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cayden cailean in balder's gate 3
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If punching glass worked, she'd be out already. 

"They took the others out using that--" She gestures to a table covered in glowing runes.

While the glass is glass, there is a seam running around the front of the pod he could try forcing.


Let's try forcing the seam. 


The seam is forcible! 


She collapses out of the pod onto her knees, and picks herself up. "Thank you,  I thought that thing would be my coffin."

Your tadpoles connect. She's grateful, yes, but it's mixed with wariness: you have a gith with you.


"Hi! I'm Cayden Cailean, Chaotic Neutral human adventurer. I'm from a different plane. I've spent about half an hour conscious on this plane and I spent about half of it killing imps so I can't overstate how little I understand anything that's happening." 


"Shadowheart, and I don't think I'm technically from this plane either. I think we can all agree that getting off this ship is our next move." She's theoretically talking to the both of them, but it seems rather pointed towards Lae'zel.


"Great plan! How do we do it?"


"I saw a mindflayer heading through that door, and I'd guess it was the helm. If we can get control of it, we can land somewhere that isn't--whereever we are now."


"The Hells. Avernus, I believe."


"Sonewhere that isn't Avernus then."


Avernus??? Fuck. Not exactly a scenic tourist destination. 

He heads towards Probably The Helm. 


They both follow.

Shadowheart quickly grabs a geometric object out of her pod before she does so. 


"What's that?"


"Nothing important. Trust me."


That sounds definitely important and also not the sort of thing he'd get an answer about if he pushed.

What's in the Probably Helm?


Good news! The helm appears to have controls. Well, it has wriggling tentacles, but they do look like control-y ones. 

Bad news: the helm is also full of mind flayers fighting a mix of imps and cambions. And through the front view port, the horizon line is very high up, almost as if the ship is in a nose dive.

A mind flayer speaks in your mind. We must escape. Connect the nerves of the transponder. It gives you an image of the wriggling tentacles on the other side of the all out melee.


Wow this conflict has way too many sides and all of them seem pretty evil.

He looks at Shadowheart, the only person so far who neither is an evil outsider nor has done anything particularly evil, and copies what she's doing. 


Shadowheart seem pretty focused on getting through the horde of devils to the transponder!

She casts something-- and he isn't as good at fighting as he was, but he's definitely better than he was five minutes ago.


To the transponder!

On autopilot he tries to do some fancy stuff with the dagger that doesn't work, but fortunately whenever he notices he can just stab things with the dagger instead. 


Imps remain squishy, cambions are frustratingly not squishy.

One of the mind flayers puts it's tentacles around the head of a cambion and-- somehow kills it by just doing that? (There may have also been a horrible crunching sound. It's pretty loud here.)

Lae'zel is keeping his flanks clear. Shadowheart is providing healing as necessary, and has created illusory clones of herself. 


It's nice having a party even if most of them are probably Evil. 

(It's embarrassing that people can flank him.)

Eventually he arrives at the transponder.


In front of him, there are two nerves that he knows will take him back to the Prime Material.

A dragon lands against the viewpoint in front of him. 


Well, let's connect the nerves and get the, as it were, Hell out of here. 


The nerves connect just as the dragon breaks the glass.

The dragon is left behind,  thankfully, but the ship slips into an even harder dive.

A rock clips him in the head, and he falls through the broken viewpoint.

Just before he hits the ground, he feels something slow his fall. 


See, he is the lucky drunk. Without that Feather Fall or whatever he would be having a very bad time.

He looks around. 

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