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We were in public, Ann. But we, um, made plans. We're going to try the big bang burger challenge when it starts up and if I lose Ryuji gets to make out with me. And if I win I get a favour... 


A favour, huh? Could be anything. Could even be makeouts. 


Could even be more than makeouts.



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Direct hit! Akira, you bold girl!


Leave it to our fearless leader to have a plan of action, huh? 


okay you can stop I'm toast already ^^; 

Yeah um. It โ€” I don't know what I actually want. But I wanted to... keep that option open, just in case. 


Makes sense! Options are good.

Sounds like you had a really good date, Akira. Happy for you. <3


Thanks, Shiho.


Seconded. Congratulations.

Oh, and if you want tips on how to take off the makeup before bed tonight go ahead and ask. It's not good to sleep in it.


Thanks, Ann. I'll let you know later.


What to do now... She's got an hour before supper, and she doesn't really want to just sit around texting...


Have you told Takemi about Kamoshida being caught yet? I think she'd really like to know about that.


No. That's a good idea, it won't take long to drop by her clinic. 

She gets up, still in her date dress and makeup, and heads downstairs.


Sojiro nods at her again. Leblanc is still busy.


And out the door she goes for the short walk to Takemi's clinic.


When Akira gets to the clinic, Takemi's inside the exam room, arguing with someone. She can see the other person's back โ€” looks like a police uniform.

"I told you last time, officer, come back with a warrant."

        "Hmph." The sound of rustling paper can be heard. "I need to see your expenses and full medical records. We've received a report of improper billing."

More rustling paper sounds.



Cops being cops, huh. Takemi doesn't deserve this hassle... 

She sits in the waiting room and listens.


"Hmm. This entitles you to billing records and nothing more. Hoping I'd get sloppy, officer?"

        "Just give me the damn records already."

"Records, billing, export all," Takemi mumbles over sounds of clicking and typing. "Okay. I'm exporting the records. You've been sent on a wild goose chase, though."

        "As if the Plague has any room to talk."

Takemi makes a pained noise. There's a quick sound of something being pulled roughly from a port on a computer, and then being slapped into someone's hand.

        "We'll be seeing you, Doctor."

The officer turns and leaves. Takemi follows him out, scowling at his back. "Good riddance," she mutters once the door closes.


And then she turns to see Akira and freezes. Her eyes widen, her cheeks flush minutely, and her lips part just a bit. A truly perceptive listener might hear a small stunned exhalation.


And then she gathers herself, barely a moment later, and smiles at Akira.

"Well don't you look good. Had a date today?"


Oh gosh, hitting Takemi like that puts butterflies in her stomach. 

She gets up and comes in to the exam room. "Yeah." She tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I, ah... A lot has happened. Have you been watching the news?"


Takemi comes in behind her and shuts the door, sitting down at her desk. She shakes her head. "I haven't. What happened?"


"The gym teacher confessed. Spilled his guts in front of a whole auditorium of students, admitted everything, called the police on himself. No-one's quite sure why he did it. It's like he just... changed overnight. It made the news, since he was a former olympian and all."


She looks to the side, taps her lips. "That's... unprecedented. A sudden attack of guilt? But if he was the type to feel that he wouldn't have done these things in the first place. That leaves fear."

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