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"Damn right we will. We're gonna be okay. We're gonna have time together. We'll steal the time if we have to."

He sits up and hugs her close.


Akira hugs him back, and sighs. "Yeah."

She pulls back and stands. "It's really been wonderful. Um..." She ducks her head. "I'd better get going home, though. I love you."


"Love you too. I should get home too. Walk you to the station?"



And off they go again, hand in hand. 


Ryuji squeezes Akira's hand as they walk. Soon enough they're at the station.


Akira reluctantly lets go of Ryuji's hand. 

"See you," she says. "I'll text you later, once I've kind of cooled down."


"See you soon," he replies with a nod and a smile.

And then they get on their separate trains and go home.


She feels so light.

There's an undercurrent of awe, beneath it all. Ryuji loves her. Ryuji loves her. Ryuji loves her

She barely minds the train ride home, and soon she's back at Leblanc. 


Sojiro nods to her as she steps in. He definitely still looks a little like he needed more sleep last night, but coffee is helping. He has a few customers.


She nods back with a smile, and heads up to her room and sits on her bed. 

She gets out her phone, and texts Ann and Shiho. 

Hey you two 

home from the date

you wanted details right?


Of course we do!

You sound so serious. Did everything go well?


Better than well. I'm a little blown away, actually.


Ooooooh, dish.


I'm so glad! Tell us everything. <3


Well, we met up early and talked for a bit, then watched the movie. It was decent but pretty popcorny. After that we headed over to big bang burger and talked for a bit. For a few minutes I was worried that we weren't clicking but we did find things we both liked eventually. And then... Ryuji was so earnest and so good. He was just... he made me feel safe. So I decided to play a little trick on him. I had him lean in, as if I was going to tell him a secret... but I kissed his cheek instead. 

The look on his face — fuck, I got to see that twice today, once when we met and he got to see me in my full, uh, outfit? I'm not sure what it's called when you have makeup and clothes together. My full style, I guess. He was just so blown away. 


Awwwwwwwww! Good for you! What a bold move, honestly, it's rare to see a girl take the lead like that. But it worked out well for you so congratulations!!!


Oooh YES! Seize the day and the boy, girl!


There's more, though. You wouldn't be this excited if that was all, and it's been too long for the date to be just that.


Yeah, I, um.

We kissed a little more and it was just... so perfect... that someyhing went click, yeah? And I realized that the only reason I was waiting to... say something... was because I was scared. 

So I did it. I told him I loved him. 

And he said it back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


low whistle

Wow, and on the first date too. That must have taken real guts.


Brave! I can't blame you, though, I've been saying it several times a day to Ann since she woke up the other day.


Yeah, after everything I think we're all taking the chance to — live our best lives, you know. 

I love you Shiho ♡


Love you too, Ann <3

And yeah, live our best lives is right. No more holding back.

So you told him you love him, he said it back, and then what happened next?


... It was a huge relief to say it, but also exhausting, so... I asked if we could go to a park or something, relax... and Ryuji said that there was Inokashira Park not far away down the rail line. So we went there, and we sat on a bench, and I just... leant against him... and stayed there. For... i don't know how long. it's past four now so it must have been a couple hours. 

I don't think I've ever felt peace like that before.


Not even a little bit of makeouts?

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