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To See Clearly
A different reason to enter the Metaverse
Permalink Mark Unread

It's a peaceful day at Leblanc. Sojiro has a couple customers in his shop, both sipping coffee, one eating a curry. Mellow music is playing, the lighting is cozy, and the coffee is as good as ever.

He nods a greeting as Akira enters the shop on her way home from school.

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Akira waves as she passes, and heads upstairs to her attic room. 

From safely in bed, she texts Sakura-san exactly two words:

He confessed.

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Good job, kid.

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She lies back in bed and looks over at her Ryuk poster. 

What a thrill, honestly. 

She looks over at her pack. There's still a loose thread to clean up, there — the gold medal she got from Kamoshida's Palace. 

For the time being she tucks it under her futon. She doubts the police will have any reason to search her, and it shouldn't be missing from anywhere, right? It came from the Metaverse.

She kicks up her feet and waits for the customers to clear out. No doubt Boss will want a more full account.

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Morgana curls up against her side while they wait.

"It really worked. We did it."

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"Yeah." Akira smiles and looks down at Morgana. "We really did."

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"I wonder..."

They trail off, and cuddle in against Akira some more.

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Akira raises an eyebrow. "You wonder what?"

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"If I'll ever get my memories back. I have ideas about where to look, but..."

They shrug.

"No guarantees."

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"Maybe we can look sometime, once things settle down."

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They nod.

"It's a useful place, too, so it won't just benefit me."

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"How so?"

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"There's a place called Mementos. It's basically everyone's Palace, and it's connected to everywhere. You can train with your Personas, practice tactics, change the hearts of people who are only a little distorted rather than enough to make their own Palace, and of course get loot like in a Palace."

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"Huh. Cool!"

It's probably also somewhere she can take her estrogen in the Metaverse.

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"Yeah! And I have a feeling that somewhere, deep deep inside, my missing memories are hiding in there."

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"That's definitely something to investigate. I'm interested."

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Morgana purrs and snuggles against her. "Thanks, Akira."

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Akira gently pets Morgana. "Don't mention it."

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Okay, all clear.

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Akira comes downstairs and settles in at the bar.

"Hey, Boss."

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Coffee, curry, tuna.

"So. The piece of shit owned up to everything?"

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"Yeah. He called an assembly and confessed in front of all the students. He was clearly bearing a huge weight of guilt for everything he'd done. I was even a little worried we'd gone too far."

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"Hm. With everything you said he did, you probably didn't. Good sign you care about that, though, kid."

He shakes his head.

"And this change of heart thing works on anyone?"

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"It can't create new feelings or thoughts directly, only get rid of distortions that keep people from seeing the truth. How they react to that... depends on what the truth is. This gym teacher'd convinced himself that it was his privilege to abuse others and use them for his own gain. Take that away..."

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"And the bastard is left with the memory of having done it but none of the self-righteous justification. Gotcha."

He sips his own coffee, looking thoughtful.

"What counts as a distortion?"

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"I'm not sure how to put it precisely. After seeing what the gym teacher was like in the other world I have a sense of it, but give me a moment..."

She folds her arms. "I think... it's a matter of self-image. This gym teacher, in his own head, was a king with slaves to serve him. In the world he created, the students he harassed sexually were empty-headed and devoted to him, and the students he hurt physically were his prisoners, subject to arbitrary execution for any act of lese-majesté. It was really encompassing — a whole role he was acting out, complete with emotions that made no sense, like his contempt toward anyone who dared to resist him, and thoughts that were just plain incorrect, like characterizing Ann and Shiho as vapid. And all that, that whole world in his head where he was king, collapsed when we were able to take out the lynchpin that held it up."

"So to answer your question, I think anyone who's living off in a world that doesn't match to reality like that, inside their own head, could have the whole thing washed away by a change of heart."

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He gives a contemplative hmph and looks down at his coffee for a long moment.







Eventually, he asks, "How do you know if someone has a distortion?"

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"There's an app on my phone that takes three pieces of information - the name of the person, what real-world location they've distorted in their head, and the thing it's been distorted into, and if you have all that you can go into the world in their thoughts. I think it might tell me if a distortion - it's called a Palace - exists with less than the full three pieces, so long as I have something to give it." 

She gets her phone out and opens the Metaverse Navigator. "If you have someone you'd like me to check, I can try them by name and see if the app gives me anything."

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"Futaba Sakura."

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She closes her eyes for a moment and nods seriously. Someone Sojiro's actually related to...

She punches the name into the navigator and tries it.

The navigator blinks up a small screen. 

Destination Detected for Futaba Sakura. 

She looks at Boss. "They've got one."

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He sighs hard and looks down.

"Don't do anything with that just yet. I'm gonna have to talk to her."

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Akira nods. "Of course."

She hopes it's a more benign case than Kamoshida's was. Anyone with that distorted a worldview... must not be doing all that well.

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Just then, his phone rings.


"Yes, I had to check.

"Of course I didn't. Not without—

"Right. I'll be there soon."

He hangs up and scratches the back of his head.

"Gonna have to close up early today. You got things here, kid?"

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"Yeah, I think I know the basics of how to handle the kitchen by now. I'll make sure everything's put away properly, Boss."

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"Thanks. You're a good kid, Akira."

He grabs his things and heads out.

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"Wow. Who do you think this Futaba is? A relative of the Boss?"

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"He seemed more concerned than hopeful. I get the vibe it's someone he wants to protect, rather than someone who he wants to see brought to justice..."

She bites he cheek. "Wife? Daughter? I don't know. I don't know anything about Boss' family life."

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"Yeah. I hope they're okay, whoever they are. They probably aren't, though."

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Nothing like the world being awful as usual to kill a good mood. 

Akira picks at her curry a bit.

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They headbutt Akira's shoulder.

"Futaba's lasted this long. We'll make things work out."

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Akira nods. 

"Guess I should clear up the kitchen." 

She gets up from her seat and starts to putter. Work will clear her head a bit.

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Things aren't too much of a mess, so it's pretty quick to clean up.

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She supposes she should actually eat her curry too. It'd be a waste to let it go uneaten.

She eats. She gets the closed sign on the door. She turns out the lights on the ground floor. She goes upstairs and flops into bed again.

Just when one thing's done, another takes its place. 

She hopes Futaba is okay, whoever she is.

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Morgana curls up on Akira's tummy and tries to purr reassuringly.

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... At least she has Morgana and the Thieves. 

She lays her head back on her pillow and tries to sleep.

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She eventually manages to drift off, and awakens once more in the nest of black pillows.

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Akira sits up, stretches, looks around. 

She's back in the club-like living room again, with its bookcase, vinyl couch, and massive plasma TV. Joker's curled up on the couch, asleep. 

It seems she's going to have access to this mindspace every time she sleeps, then... 

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And then Julie steps out of a door of black wood, one Akira hadn't noticed either of the previous times she was here.

She walks up to Akira with a big smile. "It is lovely to see you, moitié."

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Akira smiles. "It's wonderful to see you, too." 

She gets to her feet and wraps Julie up in a firm hug.

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Julie draws Akira close, hugs her tightly, and then presses a soft kiss to her lips.

"Hello, ma belle chérie," she murmurs.

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"Hello, moitié." 

Akira kisses back softly and then separates. 

"It's been an eventful few days."

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Joker rouses herself from the couch and lets out a loud yawn. 

"You don't know the half of it. Julie and I have been maintaining the place and wouldn't you know what we found..."

She looks over at Julie. "Bedrooms first, or show her now?"

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Julie hums, then nods. "Show her first, I think."

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Joker nods. She gets up and gestures to the teak door. "After you," she says. "Don't touch anything, though."

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Akira gets up and goes over to the teak door. 

It opens smoothly to her hand, revealing a narrow flight of stairs that descend into the earth. 

She looks back at Julie just once, then descends.

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At the bottom is large room with a bare cement floor, dimly lit by bare lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling. At the center of the room sits an enormous pool of slowly-churning black tar. Easily twenty feet across or more, and of indeterminate depth, the pool seems to have drained a ways from its peak levels, with a foot or so of cement basin revealed, though globs of tar seem to be congealing on the sides above the "waterline". Sitting on the rim of the pool, in little obsidian receptacles with channels open to the pool, are a number of small objects: cups of coffee, plates of curry, and in one case a large bento box decorated with an image of a familiar tree. Around the outside of that is a ring of rusted, twisted, spiked iron. The very air in this place feels toxic and oppressive, as though life is not meant to come down here. 

As the girls walk down, one of the questing tendrils of the pool reaches up into an obsidian receptacle and starts corroding a cup of coffee, eating away at it gradually, and then receding.

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Julie follows close behind Joker and Akira, and wraps an arm around each when they reach the bottom.

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Akira looks at the pool. 

She knows what this is, deep in her gut. It's — everything. All the hurts that have been piling up for so long. Her family. The system. The students at school. Kobayakawa and his "perverted horseplay." Everyone who doesn't understand her. Everything that sucks. 

She can feel it seethe. There's an oily weight in the air that threatens to choke her. To touch it would be beyond foolish. 

"... You didn't ask for this, did you?" 

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"It came on its own," Joker confirms. "All I can say is told you so."

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"It has its uses, chérie. I believe we can make things from it, from the globs that get left behind when it drains. Look at your dagger, mes chéries. What is it made of?"

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Joker nods. "This. A part of it, anyway."

She comes over to the side of the pool and looks down at the globs of tar that have collected on its edges. 

"I can sense the potential in these leftover pieces. They're... Pains that have resolved, that are over now, that we can make something good of. The level's receded a lot since yesterday."

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Akira approaches as well, cautious step by step. 

"I can sense it too. But it's not simple. It's still toxic, even if it's not... alive anymore."

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"Peut-être... we should name the pains. There is a power in names, beloveds, and we can use that to reclaim the leftovers of the hurts you've worked so hard to resolve."

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Akira nods, and sits by the edge of the pool, outside the circle of barbed iron. She can feel its hostility redouble, being approached so closely like this. 

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Joker sits down next to her, and takes her hand. 

"You have to say it," she says. "It's your hurt to resolve."

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Akira nods, and squeezes Joker's hand. She offers her free hand to Julie.

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Julie smiles encouragingly and squeezes Akira's hand. 

"You can do this, moitié. We're with you."

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"... things that have improved, recently..." 

Akira squeezes both her moitiés' hands, and breathes. 

"... Kamoshida, first and foremost. He confessed. He'll be going to jail. He certainly won't be harming anyone else, with the number we did on him. I still... wish I could have fixed it sooner... but watching him grovel was honestly really satisfying. It felt right. He deserves to feel like that for everything he's done."

She exhales. "Atop that... there's explaining you to the friend group, Joker. I was worried they wouldn't accept you. It's still a little awkward, which hurts a bit, but... It's still better than I imagined. They're good to me."

She squeezes Julie and Joker's hands. "And last... there's asking Ryuji out, and everyone deciding to date everyone... And that feels... It feels like a huge release. I didn't realize how worried I was that I'd be rejected, but instead I get to have all of them, and that — that's amazing. That's the best outcome. And I'm so happy to get to try it."

Akira takes another deep breath of the oily air. It seems to have receded a little, become slightly less oppressive. 

"I think that's everything. It's a lot and yet not so much, you know?"

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Joker nods. "You've done well. I think the safest one to work with would be the dating one. Asking Ryuji out, the group all deciding to date. It's the one you've most resolved."

She gestures to the pool with her free hand. "Take another look."

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Akira leans over and looks into the pool.

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A group of tar globs have solidified into smooth, egg-shaped geodes of slightly-sparkly black stone in varying sizes. The biggest is perhaps a bit smaller than a melon, and they no longer exude a toxic aura.

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Reaching in there would be foolish. 

"Julie, could you conjure some nice sturdy tongs for me?"

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Julie looks thoughtful for a moment, then clasps her hands together. A flicker of cursefire blossoms between them, and then she spreads them apart, a pair of tongs of blue-black metal appearing between them.

"Aha. Merveilleux."

She flips the tongs over in her hand, grabbing them by the tip, and offers the handle to Akira with a smile.

"Will this suffice, chérie?"

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"Yes, thank you."

Akira takes the tongs and looks into the pool. She holds Joker's hand firmly. 

"Be ready to pull me back if it grabs me. I don't know how alive this stuff is."

She leans over the pool, and lowers the tongs to grab the smallest of the geodes and pull it from the pool's side.

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The tar slowly oozes toward her, but doesn't get close enough to reach before she's grabbed the geode and leaned back. It gradually recedes over the next minute or two.

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Yeah, it definitely wants to get her. She's lucky it's slow. 

She examines the geode, making sure there's no more goo on it. 

"Beautiful," she says. "For all that it's solidified hurt."

Her instincts say touching it is safe...

"I'm going to grab it." 

She rests the geode in her other hand and gently releases the tongs, dropping the stone into her palm. 

It's comfortably cool. She can feel vitality in it, a strength that wants to be unleashed. Slow waves of red light wash through the scattered crystals on its outside as she holds it, in time with her heartbeat.

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"It's been refined into something more than mere hurt, now. It's made of your strength, too, and the way you've grown beyond the pain. I wonder what's inside?"

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"Only one way to find out." 

Akira raps the geode once on the edge of the pool, like she's cracking an egg into a saucepan. It fissures in her hand, and she lets the halves separate.

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Inside, the walls of the geode are covered in jagged spikes of glittering black crystals, thrumming with hints of hidden power and glowing internally with red light. In the center of one side, there's a bit of a divot in the crystals, dipping down into an odd hole, and a strip of leather poking out.

Something about the leather feels like care, like fondness, like protective affection... And it feels an awful lot like Ann, Ryuji, and Shiho.

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"Ooh. Trés belle, moitié. The crystals look as though they're made of your growing strength of heart. I suspect they can be used to improve various things, like perhaps your dagger. More uses will need some investigation, however. The leather strip looks fascinating."

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"Useful crystals are nice. But I'm more interested in whatever this thing is..."

Akira carefully fishes out the strip of leather.

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As she pulls it out, it turns out to be longer, and longer, and longer than she expects. Eventually, after more than two feet of leather have pulled free, she finds the other end. It's smooth, soft, and a deep, orchid tone of violet.

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"What do you make of this?" Akira passes it over to Joker.

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Joker feels it in her hands, the sense of warmth that radiates from it, the comfort of it...

"I think it's a wrap for the hilt of my dagger," she says. "To make it easier to wield."

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Akira smiles. "Awwwwww... That's kind of adorable." 

She takes the leather again and holds it just to feel the comfort that radiates from it. 

"... Yeah, I think you're right. It's made from... being accepted. That feeling we get from the Phantom Thieves."

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Joker smiles and claps her hand on Akira's shoulder. "Good job."

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"... Thanks." Akira passes the wrap back to Joker. "Here, you can keep this for now." 

She picks up the tongs again, and fishes out the second small geode. It cracks satisfyingly on the edge of the pool, but inside are only the same rows of glittering crystals as the first. 

Akira looks at the big, melon-sized geode. 

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"I'm going to try for the big one, now. I don't think I'll be able to get it with the tongs. I'll need both hands. Again, be ready to grab me." 

She reaches in to lay her hands firmly on either end of the larger geode, and pulls.

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The sludge flows a bit quicker, this time, managing to stretch just barely far enough to brush against one of Akira's knuckles as she grabs the big geode.

A shock of visceral terror flashes through her like a lightning strike, briefly filling her entire focus with crushing misery and the need to escape. Her heart pounds, her breath quickens, her skin turns clammy, her palms sweat.

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She jerks away on instinct, and the geode flies from her hands to shatter on the basement floor. 

Her breath rushes and her heart thuds. She feels like she's dying. She's going to die she's going to die —

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Joker grabs her by the shoulders and pulls her away. With her gloved hand she brushes the small amount of oil on Akira's hand off her skin, then extends her tainted glove towards Julie for her to burn away with cursefire.

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The unnatural panic subsides as quickly as it came. Akira feels like she just ran a marathon, but she's okay. She's intact. She's alive.

"Fuck," she swears.

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Julie glares at the goop and snaps her fingers. Cursefire quickly consumes it in a blue-black burst, leaving nothing behind.

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Then she wraps her arms tightly around Akira and Joker, crushing them both to her chest, with Akira in the middle. 

"Oh mon cœur. I'm here. Désolée, ma chérie. pauvre chérie, that looked like it felt awful."

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Akira breathes slowly, taking a moment to process. 

"That... we just got very lucky. If such a small amount did that..." 

She hugs Joker and Julie as close as she can.

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"Next time, let the girl with gloves do that. Or at least wear some yourself." 

Joker hugs Akira close. "I was really worried for a moment."

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Julie is in no hurry to separate after that. She holds her moitiés close and strokes Akira's hair and whispers soft reassurances.

"Joker is correct. We will have to do better, next time."

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Akira exhales. "Yeah. We can consider that a lesson learned, I guess." 

She lays her head against Julie's shoulder and breathes. 

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After a few moments her gaze goes to the shattered geode on the floor. 

"... Let's clean up that mess," she says after a moment. "It'll help me focus."

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Joker rolls her eyes. "You stay and hug Julie, I'll sort through the mess." 

She goes and crouches by the shattered stone and starts gathering up the shards. 

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There are quite a lot of loose crystals revealed, and two big chunks of geode, each with a similar distorted hole to what the leather strip came from. One seems to have a piece of tech, maybe about the size of a large smartphone, just barely poking out. The other has a slim wooden box.

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Joker returns with the two large pieces, one in each hand. 

"Care to do the honours?" she asks Akira.

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Akira carefully lets go of Julie, and takes the electronic device out of the left-hand chunk of geode. Turning it over in her hands, she inspects it.

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It's a handheld touchscreen device of some sort. One surface seems to be clear crystal, while the other is a smooth black stone with hints of red swirls through it. It seems to have a power button on the right edge, and a small mystery button on the bottom edge.

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Somewhat ominous.

"Hold this for a moment, I want to see what's in the box."

She passes the device to Joker. 

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Joker sets down the empty chunk of crystal, and takes the device. Then she extends the chunk of crystal with the box in it.

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Akira eases the box out of the geode, and sees if she can get it open.

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It's an elegant box made of a dark-looking wood, with delicate carvings of vines crisscrossing the surface. There's a little piece near the edge that she can twist, and that unlatches the top, allowing it to open almost like a book. Inside is a slim deck of cards. They appear to be the major arcana of the tarot, with a few atypical arcana included as well. They're done in an inky graffiti style in black and red. A few of them — Lovers, Chariot, Resurrection, Death, Magician, Heirophant, Fool, and Lust — are faintly glowing red.

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A tarot deck...? 

That's certainly a potent symbol. And it's not the usual arcana, either...

She closes the box again. 

"Let's experiment with these upstairs. I can hardly breathe down here."

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Joker nods. She sweeps the crystals into a pocket of her coat, then takes the device in both her hands and leads the way up the steps to the living room.

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Akira follows, tarot deck in hand.

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Joker settles on the left side of the living room couch and waits for the others to join her. 

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Akira sits in the middle, and pats the seat to her right for Julie to join her.

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Julie sits down next to Akira with a smile, wrapping an arm around her and gazing at the prizes from the geode curiously. 

"This looks quite interesting. I wonder what it will do?"

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"I wonder as well."

Akira takes the device from Joker and thumbs the power button. 

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It boots up with a bright splash of red, with black graffiti-style writing declaring it an ArcanaPad. Once it's loaded, it has a clock tracking the outside world's time, judging by how slowly and inconsistently it seems to move, and two icons currently available. One is labeled "Confidant Tracker", while the other is "Persona Manager".

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Akira's eyebrows rise. 

She bonks on "Confidant Tracker."

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It opens and displays a black screen with large red-outlined white text that reads "No Arcana Inserted".

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So it goes with the cards. 

She opens the box and picks a glowing card off the top — the Fool. 

Now how does she get this in there? Does it use this second button?

She tries pressing the second button.

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A hidden panel on the back of the device pops open, revealing a miniature scanner bed, just big enough to snugly fit a tarot card.

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She lays the Fool card face down on the scanner bed, and closes the panel. 

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It closes with a satisfying snap, and when she turns the device back over, the display has updated. At the very top are a small image of the card, along with a small stylized graphic of Joker's head. Just below that, it provides some information:

Fool Confidant

Name: Joker

Persona: Julie (Shared with Akira)

Rank: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

Bio: One third of the Trickster System. The alternate version of myself that suddenly woke up in my head after I visited the Metaverse a few times. Seems to enjoy criminal activity, recreational surgery, lying, and sleeping with everything in sight. She's surprisingly good at diagnosing my issues, though. Is this really who I am deep down?

Recently: I've introduced her to the Thieves. The reception was generally positive, if awkward. I'm not sure where we're going to go from here.

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Akira's eyebrows rise. "The Trickster System? Okay. I'm glad it includes Julie in that..."

She looks over at Joker. "Uh, I — yeah. Maybe don't read over my shoulder for this part."

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"It's nothing I don't already know. It's cute that it rates the relationship out of ten, though. You always did like your ranking systems." 

She raises an eyebrow. "What does the persona manager do?"

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Akira backs out and tries it.

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A similar failure message as when she first started the Confidant Tracker appears, reading, "No Fusion Suite Paired."

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"Well, it is a good thing we have one of those, then."

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"Yeeeeeeees but for right this moment let's not go there. I want to try some of these other arcanas."

She presses the button that opens the back again.

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There's the Fool Arcana, still face-down in the scanner tray.

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She takes it out and puts in... Resurrection. 

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"What, not going to try Lust?"

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"Oh, shut up."

Akira seals the device again and opens the Confidant Tracker.

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Now it displays a Shiho graphic in place of the Joker graphic, with an updated card image.

Resurrection Confidant

Name: Shiho Suzui

Persona: Bradamante

Rating: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

Bio: Ann's middle school crush and primary girlfriend, who had to be saved from a cruel fate at Kamoshida's hands. A Phantom Thief and technically also my girlfriend. Clearly lives for Ann's sake. Thoughtful. Good at research.

Recently: We talked about the goth and vkei scenes and decided to go to a concert together in july. I'm excited! I wonder what our relationship will be like by then...?

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Huh. Alright. 

She's not sure what the point of this device is if it just displays information she already knows... 

"Okay... probably we should try 'pairing' this like it says is necessary for the persona manager."

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"Probably a smart move." Joker drums her fingers on the couch's armrest. "Care to pass that?"

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Akira hands the device over.

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Joker inspects it. 

"I think we need... some form of cradle for this... And for that I think we'll need an office. It'll take up space."

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Akira sighs and nods. "Alright."

She offers one hand to Julie and one to Joker.

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Joker takes Akira's hand in hers. 

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Julie takes Akira and Joker's hands in her own, completing the loop. She closes her eyes.

"Picture a place where we can work, and organize things, my loves. Tell a story of someplace safe to take notes in, someplace safe to store tools, someplace functional. What is our office like, moitiés?"

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Akira closes her eyes and concentrates. 

A desk. A glass-topped one like her father had... 

It's hard to get further than that. School's never been a good place for her. Textbooks in a bookshelf, obviously. Somewhere to put her pack...

It's hard to imagine an office where she'd actually be comfortable.

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Joker closes her eyes and concentrates as well.

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And as she feels her loves' envisioned designs take shape, she pushes energy through them and into their world. It settles into place with a click they can all feel in the fabric of the place. The fusion suite's door vanishes, and a new door to the presumable office appears.

"That should do it, chéries. Shall we take a look?"

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Akira gets up. 

"This is going to suck," she says. But she goes and gets the door. 

The room behind it is choked with dust, layers upon layers of it on every surface. The carpet is dirty grey; when she flicks the light switch, only a single bulb in the overhead fixture sputters to life, lighting the room in dim off-orange.   

A huge glass-topped desk dominates the room: it faces the door. A nameplate sits on it, as well as several heavy stacks of textbooks. A chunky black desktop computer takes up the left hand side, while the right-hand side is buried in sheaves of paper. A rickety wooden chair sits behind it, its black wood split and splintered to such a degree that it's clearly unsafe to sit on. 

Bookcases flank the desk on either side, crammed with textbook after textbook. A snap-together molecular model sits in the one patch of free space, suspiciously free of dust. 

Along the back wall, there's a calendar set to this January, with every day marked with the word DEADLINE in thick black marker and the date of Akira's arrest circled thrice. Next to it is a timesheet full of entries in crabbed handwriting, and a thick teak door that leads... somewhere. 

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Joker comes in, and nods. 

"Yeah," she says. "That was about what I was expecting."


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Julie smiles sadly and steps in as well, squeezing her loves. "We'll work through it, moitiés. One piece at a time."

She picks up the nameplate and examines it, then frowns and shakes her head, setting it back down. It reads "Principal Kobayakawa".

"I would like to destroy this, but like any of the hurt that leaks into these newly-created rooms, it will just come back in some other fashion, I'm sure, until you process it."

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Akira comes over to the desk in the dim orange light, and looks up at the ceiling fixture. 

"Let's start by replacing the lights so we can actually see what we're doing. Then the desk, I think."

She looks over at Joker. "Pass me one of those crystals?"

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Joker pulls a thumb-sized chunk of crystal out of her pocket, and hands it to Akira.

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Akira settles the crystal in her hands, and stares up at the light fixture above her. She could do this the long way, but she has a feeling any repair wouldn't last long with the room in this state. She needs to use a little of her strength on this. 

She presses the crystal between her palms, and the light above slowly reddens and intensifies, until the whole room is picked out in scarlet light. It's eerie at best, but at least now she can see what the hell she's doing. 

The small crystal fractures, and its inner light goes out. It dissolves into black flakes, which then disintegrate into dust.

"There," she says. "I don't think this will last, but it'll buy us time to clean this place up a bit and install a proper repair."

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Joker nods. "Let's use it well." 

She goes over to the desk and starts brushing dust off the surfaces.

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Akira comes over and starts cleaning off the papers on the right side of the desk. 

Most of the pieces are old report cards, tracking her spotty academic record. She's never been great at school, for all that she tries hard. The concepts just don't quite stick the way they should. 

Mind you, that might have had something to do with her being depressed, friendless and alone in the wrong body... 

Keeping that in mind, most of the old grade records dissolve away as she goes through them. Water off a duck's back. They didn't see the real her. She's doing better now. 

The expulsion papers halfway down the stack stop her cold, though. Her old school had wanted nothing to do with a student that had assaulted a reputable gentleman. And the school before that, she'd been transferred out of because her studies were suffering so badly...

She takes a deep breath and sets the two expulsion documents to the side. They can get filed. That's what she has a desk with desk drawers for. 

Beneath them is more arrest paperwork. It's in the past. She's making the best of her new chance, with better and more people than before. Most of it dissolves as well.

At the bottom of the stack is her wallet, in amid a tangle with a doctor's stethoscope and an elementary-school pencil case. It's empty except for a single glass card that shines with brilliant inner fire. The card is engraved and inlaid with gold; her own face stares back at her, and next to it a single huge legend: 


It's her Shujin Academy student ID. 

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... She can't help it, that brings a small smile to her face.

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Joker claps her on the shoulder. "See? There is some good in all this after all. We've just got to look for it."

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Akira nods, and hugs the card close to her heart.

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Julie smiles tenderly and hugs them both tightly. "Just so, chérie. And we will find it all."

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Akira nods, and tucks the card back in her wallet and her wallet back into her dress' right-hand pocket.

She goes back to the desk and unzips the pencil case.

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... It's full of blood-draw needles. 

She zips it shut again and passes it to Joker. "I think this is yours," she says.

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"Yeah," Joker says. "Probably misplaced from the fusion room." She takes the pencil-case, and also picks up the stethoscope and loops it around her neck. "I'll put it there when we're done."

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Julie arches an eyebrow and grins. "Indeed, mon cœur."

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Akira goes on to the stack of textbooks. Most of them are quite heavy computer science texts, the same kind of detritus that was present in the kitchen. They're easy enough to dismiss; she's done her processing on that already. 

With another ten minutes of cleaning, Akira's down to the bare glass top of the desk. Not such a large task after all.

Should she try and boot the computer...? No, she needs to focus on getting the room squared away. 

She steps back to the calendar on the wall behind the desk and flips it forward to March, today's date. It has pages that far; and here is the date of her release, circled in green. A much better thing to remember. 

The timesheet next to the calendar comes off the wall when she pulls. Her parents never forced her to record what she was doing in fifteen-minute blocks, but they did get down as close as an hour before. Having them read her diary like that — 

It'll never happen again. 

She crumples the timesheet up and balls it in her hands, and it dissolves away. 

She'd sit and look through the desk drawers, but the chair...

She picks up the chair, and sure enough it falls apart into dust. She's never been comfortable sitting at her parents' desk. 

Still, she's making progress.

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Joker gives her a thumbs-up. "We're getting there," she says. She pulls another hunk of crystal from her pocket. "Want a new chair?"

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"Not just yet. Let me go through the bookshelves first."

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Julie nods firmly and strokes Akira's hair. "Proud of you, moitié. We'll make a much more comfortable one when we're done."

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Akira lets out a small sigh at the hair petting, then turns and looks at the bookshelf with the molecular model on it. 

There's something familiar about this molecule, but she can't quite put a finger on it. She was never very good at chemistry...

The rest of the model kit is under it, in a flat grey case. She opens it. 

Inside is her bottle of DIY estrogen. 

... She can't help it, she smirks a little. Of course. The model's an estrogen molecule. It's practically a taunt.

She takes the bottle out of the model kit. "This belongs in my bedroom, once we make it. For now... Julie, could you hold on to this?" She hands over the small bottle of pills.

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"With pleasure, beloved."

She pockets the bottle for now, then kisses the top of Akira's head.

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Akira flushes slightly and ducks her head. 

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Then she returns to the shelves. Most of these are old textbooks; as she touches each book, it crumbles away, leaving behind empty space on the shelves. Her Shujin Academy texts are solid to the touch, though, and heavy like lead. If she fails school...

She leaves them be. 

On the bottom shelf of the bookcase, hiding behind the textbooks, there's an old volleyball. She presses it between her hands and it pops like a soap bubble and dissappears: Kamoshida's dealt with.

"Alright," she says. "Let's get a proper chair in here and go through the desk drawers."

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"I have just the thing." Joker hefts a larger piece of crystal in her hands, and crushes it between her palms. In a moment, a sleek black office chair with built-in armrests appears at the table; its back and arms are covered in black and red graffiti, silhouettes of roses and thorns. 

"Not bad, eh?"

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Akira's lips turn up. "I will admit it's not the kind of thing you'd expect to see in a normal office. And I think that's good, here." 

She sits. The chair's solid underneath her. 

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She opens the top right desk drawer. 

Inside is her Peacemaker, sealed inside a police evidence bag.

"Great," she says. Yeah, she's still worried. She's taken precautions, of course she has, but she still can't shake the feeling that she's going to be caught with a fake gun at any moment. 

She closes the drawer. She doesn't need to mess with a firearm right now. 

The second drawer down is deeper. Inside it there's a sack of potatoes. Yes, Principal Kobayakawa does keep getting in her space, in one way or another. She hauls it out. 

"These can go to the kitchen," she says. "I bet they're still edible." And it'll help her to feel better if she gets to eat Kobayakawa's involvement in her life as delicious french fries or hashbrowns. 

She hands off the sack to Joker.

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Joker takes it with a smirk, and ducks out to the kitchen.

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Julie giggles warmly and nods. "A fitting fate." She kisses Joker's cheek as she departs, then Akira's as well, before kneeling down to peer through a drawer herself.

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The left-hand desk drawer is full of old electronic cords, along with a dead smartphone, the screen broken in radiating cracks around the center. Next to them, buried in the mess, is Akira's old flat fox plushie that her parents threw away.

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She picks up the old phone and shakes her head. "You deserved so much better than their treatment of you, mon trésor. Breaking your phone, keeping you trapped... despicable."

With a soft sigh, she sets it on the desk for Akira to see. 

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Akira picks up the phone and nods seriously. 

"Yeah," she says. "I really did."

She presses it to her heart. She wishes that she could have kept it. There were so many precious things on it.

But it's in the past, now. 

It dissolves away in her hands, and leaves behind a small gleaming jewel, just the size of her pinky. A memory, perhaps.

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"We may be able to recover something with that, peut-être. Best save it. And on a brighter note," she pulls out the fox plushie with a smile.

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Akira grins when she sees the plushie, and outright grabs it from Julie and hugs it close. 

"I missed you, Mimi." She squeezes the plushie and skritches it behind the ears.

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"A well-deserved reunion. chérie. I'm sure Mimi missed you as well."

She smiles at Akira's adorable behavior, then looks back down into the drawer and starts pulling out cables and coiling them neatly.

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Most of the cables just disintegrate once disturbed, but there does seem to be a single device in here that's intact and solid: an onyx charging cradle with a cord to plug into the desktop computer's USB slot. It has the same deep red swirl patterns as the Arcana device.

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"Aha. This appears to be what we were looking for, mon cœur."

She sets it on the desk.

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Akira picks up the cradle and plugs the USB cable into the computer's front USB slot. 

"Alright," she says. She pulls the Arcana reader out of her pocket and slots the device into the cradle.

The computer's black case cracks and becomes glossy, shot through with the same deep red swirls as the cradle itself. It boots up; a moment later the display cracks through and becomes made of the same glossy crystal. Large red letters flash onto the screen.


Akira startles, then nods. "It seems to be working, whatever it's doing..."


The computer screen flashes up the same two-button menu as the phone has. 

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"Parfait, chérie. That should be useful."

She kisses Akira's hand softly and smiles.

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Joker comes back into the room a moment later, and looks over the resulting setup. "Ah," she says. "You got it set up. Cool."

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Akira taps Persona Manager on the new, glossy touchscreen.

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A graffiti-styled two-panel interface appears, with a list of Personas in the smaller left-hand panel, and information on the selected Persona in the right-hand one. Each Persona has elemental affinities and weaknesses listed, along with capabilities, stats, and the Arcana they belong to.

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The Arcana they belong to... 

Does that mean there's some connection between her friends and her Personas...?

"Julie, Joker, what do you make of this?"

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"That... is likely to be related. That awful man spoke a great of strong relationships, strength of heart, and Personas, yes? In a manner suggestive of a belief that they were all connected?"

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"That does make sense..."

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"I think it's pretty obvious. You're a different person around different people, yeah? When you connect with someone they strengthen you in some ways and weaken you in others. It's natural that Personas would react to that shift in who you are."

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"That does make sense. I wonder if any of these Personas are connected to Arcana I have relationships for..."

She browses the list. Julie is Fool, Pixie is Lovers, and Jack'O'Lantern is Magician. All three of them are cards that are glowing...

"Magician or Lovers next?"

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"Oh, gotta be Lovers."

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"Oui, chérie, let's see Lovers."

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"Oh, alright."

Akira pops out the Ressurection card and inserts the Lovers card.

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And the picture updates to Ann.

Lovers Confidant

Name: Ann Takamaki

Persona: Carmen

Rating: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆

Bio: Though she may seem vulnerable at first, Ann has a core of steel. Dedicated and deeply devoted to those she cares about, she's as fierce on the battlefield as she is beautiful. She seems smart enough too, even if she hasn't looked too engaged in class. Though her primary is Shiho, she's still interested in dating me for reasons I do not fathom.

Recently: Proposed that everyone in the Thieves date each other, thus realizing a dream of mine I had not really expected to come true. I feel so grateful to her for keeping my secrets and being so kind.

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"Interesting. So there's some connection between Ann and the Pixie persona..."

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Julie squeezes Akira and Joker gently, humming thoughtfully. "The only thing that comes to mind is fusion. If every Persona has an Arcana — and now that I consider it my instincts say they do — then perhaps the result of a fusion is stronger based on the strength of the relationships matching either the source or result Personas. Not sure which."

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"I guess that would make sense, but I'm not at all excited to try it."

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"Not even a little?"

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"No, not even a little."

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Julie smirks and shakes her head, giggling softly. "Oh, you'll get me on the table soon enough, moitié. We can let our chérie rest and recover a little longer before pulling her along to discover new kinks, non?"

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"Oh, alright." Joker rolls her eyes. "Let's at least make her put the Lust card in the machine though." 

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She kisses Joker softly and nods, then turns to Akira. "You should indeed check every active Arcana, mon cœur."

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Akira sighs. "Oh, alright." 

She takes out the Lovers card and puts in the Lust card.

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And the picture updates to a portrait of Julie's mindspace self.

Lust Confidant

Name: Julie D'Aubigny

Persona: N/A (is a Persona)

Ranking: ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

Bio: The third member of the Trickster system. A bisexual disaster who once stole a corpse and lit fire to a convent so she could have a few evenings with her girlfriend — or the part of me that resonates with her, at least. Incredibly forward, seems to think kissing is a usual greeting. Often slips into french when she feels enthusiastic. Has unusual uses for cursed fire. Hard to tell what she's really thinking beneath all the flowery language and professions of love. 

Recently: She took my virginity, in mindspace at least. It was... really great. But I don't know how to relate to her as a person. How can she be so effusively in love with me? Does she really mean it?

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Akira winces at the two-star rating. 

"... Yeah, that's pretty much accurate..."

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"Oh Akira, chérie." She squeezes Akira's hand softly and smiles bittersweetly. "I mean every word, Akira. I do not blame you for disbelieving, though. I am well aware that I can be a lot to take in, at times, especially for one who has been so deprived of the love you deserve for so long."

Her eyes fall to their joined hands. 

"Would that I knew a way to share with you everything that I feel, so you could judge my sincerity for yourself."

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Akira nods. 

"If only."

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"We will learn it in time, moitié. I have faith in us. I have faith in you," she replies, a soft, confident smile on her face.

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Akira can't help but smile back. "Alright," she says. "Till then..."

She looks back at the deck of cards. "We should look through the—"

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The resonant chime of the clock in the living room interrupts her.

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"Oh, damn." She doesn't say it with much force. Her heart's been pried into enough for one night. 

"See you, Julie, Joker. I'll be back."

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Julie kisses Akira's hand softly. 

"You will, and I'll be with you through the intervening daylight until then. You need only ask."

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"That goes for me as well."

Joker gives Akira a casual salute. "Say hi to Ryuji for me."

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And then Akira's view fades to black, and she wakes up in her bed in Leblanc's attic, on a sunny Sunday morning, 4/17.

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She sits up in bed and just breathes for a long moment. 

... did she really join a new school, start dating three people, lose her virginity to her alternate self, and discover magic, develop it into a weapon, and take down a serial abuser with it all in one week? 

What a fucking week. 

She opens her phone. 

Hey all

good morning 

hard to believe it's only been a week since I joined Shujin 

whatcha all doing?

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Making breakfast for Ann before her modeling gig. <3


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Just woke up. Working on relaxing. It's been such a week. 

She probably shouldn't mention Futaba, whoever she is. 

Ann there with you?

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Hi yeah here I am ♡ 

It's wonderful to have Shiho around, she's so tender 

a real morning pick-me-up, better than coffee

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Awwww hi

glad you two are having fun <3

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just woke up

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hey ryuji <3

it's that day already 

when do you wanna get together? I haven't looked at the showing times for Kung Fu Panda yet

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hey Akira

anytime after an hour or two? gonna have breakfast with ma

good to hear from you

you deserve to relax <3

glad to see happy Shiho/Ann hours too

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Yeah, I wanna take some time and just be normal for a bit 

I'll probably take a slow breakfast too

do you wanna make this a lunch date or a dinner date? I like the first a bit more.

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lunch date means more time to hang after without keepin you up

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yeah I was thinking the same thing 

alright let me have a look at the showing schedule

When around lunch is Kung Fu Panda playing?

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There's a 10:00, an 11:00, and a 12:45.

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How do you feel about the 11:00 showing?

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sounds great

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I'm happy for you two. <3

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seconding shiho here ♡

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Alright, so probably I leave Yongen-Jaya around 10 then so we've got time to grab snacks and tickets and hang a bit before the movie?

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sounds great!

i'll leave just a bit before that

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Meet you in the lobby around 10:30 then <3

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see you then!

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... she has a date... 

It's feeling really really real all of a sudden.

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You got this, Akira. 

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I believe in you, chérie. I am certain you and Ryuji will have fun together.

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Thanks, you two.

Akira gets up out of bed and considers what to wear. 

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Obviously not the school uniform. Floor length skirt? ... Honestly she's feeling less like that was a good purchase now. The one piece dress Ann got her...? 

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Oh, definitely the cute one-piece. Has Ryuji even seen that yet? 

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I honestly couldn't tell you, it's been such a week. You're sure? It's kind of short...

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What's the point of knowing how to tuck if you don't ever do it?

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Show off those lovely legs for that boy of yours, mon cœur. I promise he'll be quite taken with you. Besides, it's very silly to buy a short dress and then never wear it out of fear of being too short, non?

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I guess I should really shave my legs, but I can hardly do that in Leblanc's bathroom...

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Did Ann say anything about your legs earlier? They're fine. I get fussing, but...

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I don't know...

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You have a Frenchwoman in your head. You can get away with not shaving your legs, especially given that your hair has always been a bit fine, even before hormones. Either go without or find a waxing salon, chérie.

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I'll be good! 

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I don't think that was meant as a threat. But it could be if you want it to be. 

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A warm mental chuckle echoes for a moment, followed by an impression of a hug.

Indeed it was not. You do not deserve to fret about this, however. Either solve it quickly and comparatively lastingly, or ignore it, whichever is more comfortable for you.

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You do know you could let me run the body for something like that, right? I'd probably enjoy it, honestly. 

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It's probably not going to happen in the next three hours, whatever we do. 

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It definitely won't happen if you don't try.

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Are there waxing salons open at this hour on a Sunday? Check please, moitiés.

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I don't —

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Joker rolls her eyes internally, and just grabs the body directly from Akira. 

She starts to google waxing salons.

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Wait — what — 

That's not supposed to happen — 

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Akira quickly finds herself pulled into a mindspace hug, Julie stroking her hair gently. Breathe, chérie. This is just what it's like for Joker and I during your days, but a bit more jarring from the surprise. It is normal for plural systems, as I understand it. I just wanted a quick and simple answer about whether waxing was even possible today before you and Joker quibbled any longer about it.

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Akira relaxes into Julie a little. The hug is... it helps. 

It is so weird to not have the body.

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Joker finishes googling. 

There is indeed a waxing salon in the area that opens at nine.

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How are we supposed to know if they're trans-friendly though?

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Mmmm. Good point.

You could try calling them to ask?

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That was a rhetorical question, Joker. 

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I can make the call for you, if you want.

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It's not going to happen, Joker. Sorry. 

I'll just have to ask Boss, I guess...

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It's Sunday. Do you really think he'll close up shop to let you shave your legs? 

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Asking him also sounds like a total nightmare. There is no non-awkward way to ask him this.

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Who else could you even ask, though? It's Boss or a professional.

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— Ann. I can ask Ann. She's got a bathroom, right? And Shiho's got a key to her place even if she has to leave for her modeling shoot, there's even enough time to get there and back —

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... I think that plan is actually just crazy enough to work.

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Then start a second group-chat with just Ann and Shiho on your way down for breakfast, loves. Bonne idée.

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Akira invited Ann and Shiho to chat

Uh, hi girls

I have a awkward request to make

there's nowhere to shave my legs at leblanc and talking to Boss about using his bathroom sounds like a nightmare

Ann, can I come over and use your bathroom to prep for my date? 

Akira throws on her long skirt with the leaves and a basic blouse and heads downstairs while she waits for a response.

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Good girl. 

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Very good girl, chérie.

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Sojiro slides Akira some curry and coffee as usual. "Morning, kid."

He looks just a bit tired, actually, like he was up late talking.

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Makes sense, if he's been talking with whoever this Futaba is.

Akira sits and helps herself to curry. "Morning, Boss." She gives him an uncertain smile. "Nerves a little this morning. It's silly, this whole past week I wasn't really jittery and then I try and do something nice and now I'm a mess." 

She runs a hand through her hair and puffs out a breath.

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He shrugs. "Sometimes it's easier to fight than relax, I guess. What d'you have planned?"

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"Trying a date with a boy I met at school, actually. It's... my first time trying anything like that, so." She ducks her head and smiles.

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He smiles. "Congrats, kid. Hope you have fun."

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"Thanks, Boss."

Her phone vibrates. She picks it up and look at the messages. 

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Yeah, I totally get it

Feel free to come over, I'll still be here (gig's in the afternoon)

I could even do makeup for you if you wanted me to

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thanks so much Ann

you're a lifesaver

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Definitely. I'll help too. Your complexion is closer to mine than Ann's.

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Aww thanks Shiho

Ok, be over in an hour and a half or so, maybe a little later. I'll keep you posted.

She puts down the phone and smiles at Boss. "Thanks. I'm going to head over to Ann's place after breakfast for her to do makeup for me. She's done modeling jobs so she's got skills."

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"Girl stuff," he acknowledges with a nod. 

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See you soon <3

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Akira nods. "Yeah, girl stuff."

She goes back to her curry.

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Sojiro falls into a comfortable silence, tending the shop. Soon enough a couple customers arrive and he gets to work on their orders.

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Akira takes her time finishing up — it's good to relax a bit — but soon enough it's time for her to depart for the train to Shibuya, and from thence to Ann's house. She makes sure to pack her short one-piece dress, and stops by the Body Chop in Shibuya to pick up some replacement heads for the razor she got at the thrift store. 

Soon enough, though, she's knocking on Ann's door.

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Ann opens the door a moment later. 

"Hey!" She smiles and steps back from the door. "Come in, come in."

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"Hey, Ann." Akira steps inside and takes off her shoes. "Nice to see you again."

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Shiho smiles warmly at her. "Good to see you! Got my makeup out for you and Ann. What are you planning to wear?"

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"I honestly have no idea, I don't know what all does what. I was thinking something more natural though?"

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Shiho nods. "Natural's great, that's what I usually do when I wear makeup, but I meant your outfit."

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"Oh! Um —"

Akira takes her pack off and pulls out her ruffled dress from it. "This," she says with a small smile.

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"Oh that's so pretty! You'll look great! He'll love it."

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"Aww. It's wonderful you're putting my gift to use like that." Ann smiles.

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"It's shorter than I usually wear, though, so..." 

Akira ducks her head. "Joker's been teasing me about it."

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"That's kind of cute in a weird way."

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"Well, sometimes a little fond teasing helps you be brave. I know Bradamante nudges me sometimes."

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"Yeah, it's all been very thoughtful. Though that doesn't make me not blush about it."

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Shiho blushes for a moment, then tilts her head and replies, "W-well, good thing your blushes are so cute."

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That gets one from Akira. "I, um." She ducks her head and looks away. 

"Thank you?"

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Shiho blushes a bit more and leans against Ann. 

"I... um... I had the thought, and Bradamante wouldn't let me keep it to myself."

She giggles softly and shakes her head.

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Ann kisses Shiho's forehead. "Yeah, I know how that is. Carmen does the same for me." 

She looks over at Akira. "So, I bet you want to change? The bathroom's just over to the left here, but please don't feel rushed — I just don't want to hold you up unnecessarily."

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Akira's blush stays — she's not used to girls kissing in front of her to any degree — but she nods. "Thank you, Ann. Yeah, I'll duck in and change quickly."

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Shiho nods, still blushing a bit herself. "Take your time if you need to. You mentioned shaving your legs, too, right? Don't want you to forget anything. We've got plenty of time, don't we?"

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Akira nods. "Yeah, thanks Shiho." 

She ducks into the bathroom and gets out her razor. It's not a very long or complicated process: honestly, it's a bit meditative, and leaves her feeling a little more herself. 

She changes into the ruffled dress and does her tuck with a few of her more specialized supplies (thank goodness her family didn't figure out this pair of briefs was special), then puts her old clothes in her pack and steps out of the bathroom. She feels... Better. A little vulnerable  — her shoulders are cold  — but a little more centered too. More herself.

"Hey, you two," she says as she emerges.

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Ann looks over and lightly applauds. "You look wonderful. Care to join us for your makeup?"

There's a slight flush on her cheeks.

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Shiho's cheeks also color a bit again as she sees Akira emerge from the bathroom. "That's a really cute dress on you."

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"Aw, thanks Shiho." She's also a little flushed. It's nice to get that reaction...

Akira comes and sits by the table. "So, um, how does all this work? Since we're doing a natural look, I'm guessing you just apply, like, foundation and concealer...?"

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"And that's where you'd be wrong." Ann smirks. "We'll be doing a full face of makeup today, but it should be undetectable. Certainly undetectable to someone like Ryuji. We're going to be doing a 'your face but better' look. Foundation, concealer, mascara, blush, a nude lipstick, plus a number of secret weapons ranging from false lashes to subtle contouring to brow wax."

She drums her fingers against a makeup case on the table. It's as large as both her hands put together. "This will involve brushes close to your eyes for a lot of it, but we can take it slow and give you plenty of time." 

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"If you're applying that much, wouldn't it be obvious...?"

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"Not if you're good at it, and my Ann is great at it," Shiho brags with a grin.

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"Yeah, you'd think so, but no. We're going to do a whole bunch of little subtle improvements that add up when put together." She pops her case open, revealing several rows of small bottles, brushes, a sponge, and a few odd implements that Akira has no clue to the identities of.

"We'll start with sun balm, then move to foundation and concealer, then do work on the lips, eyes and brows in that order." 

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"What have I gotten myself into...?" 

Akira smiles despite herself. "Alright, teach me."

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Shiho smiles and steps away for a moment, calling over her shoulder. "I'll grab a mirror so you can follow along with what we're doing. The angle will just be tricky, that's all."

She's back a moment later, positioning a free-standing mirror on the table behind her and Ann, just between them so Akira can get a glimpse of how things are progressing. Then she reaches up and gently removes Akira's glasses, setting them on the table. "Need these out of the way," she says as she does so, then flushes a bit as she looks back up. "You have really pretty eyes. Kind of stormy grey."

She shakes her head for a moment to clear her thoughts, then continues.

"First up is skin prep." She holds up a flattish tube of product. "This sun gel is both hydrating and sun-protecting, to keep your skin healthy. You want two fingers worth. I'll start on this and a lip balm while Ann picks out the right colors for your skin."

She squeezes out a strip of product down the length of the first two fingers on her left hand, then starts scooping little dabs of it up with a fingertip from her right and starts applying it spaced across Akira's face and neck. It's cool to the touch. Then she rubs her hands gently across Akira's face, smoothing the product across her skin in an even layer.

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The world blurs out a little, and Akira takes a slow breath. She feels vulnerable with her glasses off in front of another person...

The touches so quickly on the glasses-removal's heels result in a very blushy Akira. She says nothing, though, so as not to disturb the application.


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Ann's hands dance over her makeup kit, considering different shades of foundation, concealer, lip liner, lip tint and mascara. "It's important to match the undertones well or the results won't look natural," she says. "Fortunately I'm used to helping other models with their own makeup, so I have a pretty good eye..." 

She selects a set of tints. "I think we'll go with the number seventeen for the lips and cheeks. There's less range for the lip liner than for most of the rest of it." 

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Shiho looks over at the selection and nods. "Yeah, I agree. Which tones of foundation and concealer do you think?"

She finishes applying the sun gel and wipes off her hands before grabbing the lip balm and very gently applying it to Akira's lips, blushing again.

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"These two, I think." Ann passes the tubes for Shiho to look at.

"So one of the techniques we're going to be using today is mixing foundation with concealer. That gives a lot of the same benefit as pure concealer, but looks more natural."

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Akira holds very still as Shiho's fingers run across her lips, tense and flushed. 

When Shiho finally pulls her fingers away, she manages to speak. 

"Huh. That's really interesting."

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"Trust me, you haven't seen anything yet."

Ann looks at Shiho. "Those tints look good to you?"

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She glances at the tubes and nods. "Good eye as always." Then she gets out of Ann's way, grabbing the almost teardrop-shaped blending sponges while her girlfriend mixes and applies the concealer blend.

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Ann selects a few areas to dab with concealer blend, then accepts one of the blending sponges from Shiho to smooth out the application. A layer of foundation then goes overtop of everything to smooth out Akira's skintone and make her skin look perfect. Ann's practiced hands are able to blend the foundation well, and soon Akira gets the basic effect in the mirror. 

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Akira stays very still, and tenses when Ann tilts her cheek to dab the foundation on her neck as well. Her blush isn't dissipating at all. She can feel Ann's attention directed at her; her gaze is intense, meticulous. Ann looks at her like she's an art project...

She glances in the mirror when Ann's done. It's a little hard to tell with her glasses off, but even with this first step, she looks just a little better somehow. It's subtle, but definitely present. 


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Apparently no one is escaping the blush here, because Shiho's definitely still blushing about this whole thing.

"One thing I learned from Ann is that some foundations take a while to set, so it's better to let it dry naturally a bit first to keep it from getting patchy," she adds while she grabs a brush and a tube of bronzer for Ann's next steps.

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"That's why we'll be using cream products instead of dry ones for the whole rest of the look, until we finally set everything at the very end."

She takes the bronzer and the brush from Shiho, and does four very gentle lines with it; one to each side of the nose, one just above the center of Akira's lips, and one just below. If you didn't know what they were, they'd just look like natural shadows.

"Some styles do a lot more contouring than this, but for something that looks natural we want to keep it minimal."

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While Ann's applying that, Shiho dabs some lip tint onto the back of her hand and then blends it out a bit with a fingertip, then she starts applying it very lightly to Akira's cheeks, under her eyes, and just over her lips. "And apparently using the lip tint as a cream blush makes the whole look more integrated and natural, since we're using the same tone on the rest of your face as on your lips, just thinned out a bit first."

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Akira sits still and lets the girls make her over, not daring to speak for fear of smearing the lip tint. 

She's so doomed.

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Is my sweet chérie un petit peu overwhelmed at such affectionate attention? From two very pretty girls, no less, both of whom are attracted to you?

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Julie can read her like a book. 

Just a liiiiiiittle.

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Ann takes a lip liner pencil from her kit, and looks at Akira. "I'm going to start on your eyeshadow now. I'm going to be working close up to your eyes for this; do your best not to blink and please hold still. Okay?"

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Akira holds still.

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Ann leans in and starts to very gently apply the lip liner beneath Akira's eyes. 

"Brown eyeshadow looks natural, but for a real no-makeup look a lip pencil in a nude color can sometimes be even more subtle. I might start wearing faces like this to school again now that Kamoshida's out of the way..."

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Akira holds still. "Yeah, I can see you have a real passion for this..."

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"No talking, I've got to get your lips next." 

Ann continues on with the lip liner to Akira's lips, subtly pinkening them and making them look more full and soft. After going over them with the pencil lightly, she blends them in with her thumb, her palm nestled against Akira's chin.

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She's so close...

Akira's tempted to nuzzle into Ann's hand, but resists the urge.

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And then while Ann's getting out the lash curler and mascara, Shiho applies the lip tint over Akira's lips with the included brush. Once she's done, she nods at Akira. "Okay, press your lips together for a sec, then wait thirty seconds. I'll let you know when."

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Akira presses her lips together, and waits obediently for the time to pass.

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Ann waits the thirty seconds, then wipes off the excess lip tint and applies a second clear coat of lip gloss over the set makeup.

"Alright, so this is going to be the hardest part for you, likely. We're going to need to apply an additional shadow for the top lash line, and then mascara for your eyelashes. If you've ever put in contact lenses this is going to be similarly difficult: the body's natural response is to blink when you bring something so close to your eye, and in this case that'll be a little problematic." 

Ann picks up a thin lash pencil in a slightly darker color and slowly brings it in. "Ready?" 

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Akira takes a breath. "Okay."

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Ann gently applies the lash pencil along Akira's brow line, careful of any blinks. Next is the lash curler; the odd device clamps on each edge of Akira's eye one at a time, pressing two curved metal plates to give her lashes a more stylish appearance. Finally she does the mascara, in short flicking motions of her brush above and below Akira's eye. 

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It takes a little time because Akira blinks a bit, but they manage to get through it okay.

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Then Shiho leans in with an eyebrow shaping brush and a little tray of wax. "Filled-in brows are a serious giveaway about makeup, so we're just using brow wax instead. This makes your brows lie a bit flatter against the skin, which makes them look fuller." She coats the brush in a dab of wax and applies it gently to both brows.

"And finally, we use some loose powder to set."

She very lightly brushes some translucent setting powder all over Akira's face.

"That'll make sure nothing transfers to anything else. No leaving foundation spots on stuff."

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"And that's it, you're done!" Ann smiles. 

She passes Akira's glasses back to her. "Here you go."

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Akira puts them back on, and looks in the mirror. 

"... Huh," she says. "You're right, I can barely tell, even knowing what I'm looking for. It just looks like I'm pretty..."

Seeing herself like this, her heart skips a beat. It's just so much.

She touches her lips lightly, wondering at her own reflection. "I can see a little of the gloss on my lips, but I'd never guess that I was wearing a full face of makeup if you two hadn't just done it to me."

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"And that's the magic," Ann says. "Most people who aren't into makeup have no idea of its real depth and detail."

She looks at Akira and rubs the back of her head. "I used to wear looks like this all the time. Shujin Academy's strict about makeup, but even the female teachers have never caught me wearing a face like this."

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"Have a good time with Ryuji," Shiho says with a blushy smile. "And tell us all about it afterward."

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Ann rests her chin on her hand. "You know we want all the details." 

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Akira nods. "... here's hoping it goes well," she says. "I mean, I trust Ryuji but I've never done this before, so..." 

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"Break a leg," Ann says. "You take things so seriously, you know? So if you just apply that to having fun, you'll get somewhere."

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That gets a smile out of Akira. "Yeah, maybe."

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Shiho grins at her. "Ryuji's easy to have fun with, and seeing you like this is gonna empty out his cute blond head."

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Akira looks away and runs two fingers through a strand of her black hair.

"I... yeah, I hope so. I should probably get going, then..."

She takes out her phone and checks the time.

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It's 09:29 now. Allowing for a half hour of travel to Shibuya, she's still got half an hour to spare.

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"Well, I've got fifteen minutes or so. We could hang a little, but I really want to be early for my date. Maybe grab something small from the shops for a gift..." 

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Ann looks Akira in the eye. "Akira, you're totally overthinking this."

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"Ryuji's going to be blown away as it is." Shiho looks away for a moment, blushing, then adds. "I would be blown away if you showed up looking like this, and I helped you do it. You don't need to be a whole fifteen minutes early, and you don't need a gift. You just need to enjoy his company."

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Listen to your girlfriends, moitié, Julie adds mentally. Your nerves are getting the better of your sense.

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Do I really even need to pile on at this point?

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Akira exhales. "I guess so, yeah. It's just... hard to feel like I'm worth anyone's time, even now."

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Yeah, dysphoria's a bitch, but are you going to let it win?

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Akira takes a breath and deliberately unslings her pack and sits again. "Just — yeah. Nerves. It's silly; I can fight for my life just fine but I can't keep my cool when someone says I matter to them..."

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"Akira. You made that bastard confess to everything in front of the whole school. It was your strength and your leadership that got us through all that. I know your family never treated you well, but..." Ann brushes a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I'd kiss you right now if it wouldn't ruin your makeup."

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Shiho blushes and nods. "I would too, honestly."

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Akira ducks her head and looks away. "I... thank you. I don't know how to really react to that but — it's good to be cared about."

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"You don't need to react to it in any particular way. I just hope that eventually it'll actually get through to you."

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Shiho looks down for a moment. "It takes time. Self-worth issues are hard." Then she looks Akira in the eye. "But I know what it's like, and I try to listen when you and Ann and Ryuji tell me I matter, so you need to try to listen when we do the same, okay?"

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"Yeah." Akira nods. 

"... thank you two for putting so much effort in. I can't describe how much it means to me to see myself in the mirror like this."

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"Glad to help," Shiho replies with a soft smile. "Seriously."

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"Seconded," Ann adds. "You deserve to feel beautiful."

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Akira settles her hands in her lap. "Um... anything else you two would like to talk about? It would help with my nerves to be distracted a bit."

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Ann gives Shiho a sidelong glance. 


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Shiho flushes, looks down, then looks up at Akira with a shy grin. "I've got a headphone splitter. Wanna get together sometime soon and share music recs over dinner or something?"

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Akira runs a hand through her hair, then nods. "Yeah, I'd really like that."

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"And if you could fit me in somewhere, that'd be nice too, but I want you to have a chance to get to know Shiho better first."

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Akira looks back at Shiho. "Anywhere in mind you'd like to go?"

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Shiho smiles softly. "If we go somewhere informal, they won't mind if we listen to the music we're recommending while we eat. I know a good dumpling place off Station Square, we could sit outside and people-watch while we listen and eat?"

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"Sounds lovely! Count me in." Akira smiles wide.

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Shiho grins wider, still blushing, and squeezes Akira's hand. "Thanks! When do you wanna go? Something tells me volleyball practice will be cancelled for a few weeks at least, so my afternoons are free. Or we could wait for next weekend? Up to you."

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"Let's try for tomorrow afternoon. I don't want to waste time when it comes to spending time with you." 

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Shiho blushes brighter and looks down, smiling and wiggling in place. "Same."

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Ann just watches and smiles, her eyes faraway. 

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"You look thoughtful. What are you thinking?"

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"It's just really nice to see two people I care about enjoying their time together, that's all. I guess I was just... turning that over in my head a bit."

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Shiho nods. "Yeah, I felt the same seeing Akira and Ryuji's messages earlier this morning. I think it's called compersion?"

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"Whatever it is, it's wonderful. It's just..." She looks over at Ann and Shiho. "If you two weren't holding hands in front of me and kissing and — enjoying each other's company — then I wouldn't feel right dating either of you. You deserve each other."

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"Yeah, and that's kind of how I feel about you and Ryuji too."

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Shiho just squeezes Ann and Akira's hands with a happy sigh. 

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After a moment, she grins playfully at Ann. "So, are you going to claim some of this cutie's time too?"

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"Yeah, definitely. We've talked enough about Dissidia: I think it's time we actually played some." Ann smiles and looks over at Akira. "What do you say?"

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"Sure," Akira says. "But I'm not sure that's super datelike?"

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"Hmmm. We could go drop by one of the good candy shops I know for treats beforehand?"

She blinks. "By the way, did you actually get that convenience-store stuff? I totally forgot to ask about it when I saw you last."

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"Oh yeah!" Akira laughs. "I totally forgot because of everything. It's all still in my pack, hopefully not too crushed..." 

She slings off her pack and starts digging through it. "You had the gummies, Ann, and Ryuji had the Baby Star, and I got gummies for myself, so that meannnnns..." 

Akira pulls out a slightly squashed package of popcorn. "This must be yours, Shiho." 

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Shiho happily takes the bag. "Thanks! Love these."

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Akira passes Ann her package of gummies as well. "I think I'll save mine for now."

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"Thanks, Akira." Ann takes her package of gummies and sets it on the table in front of her. "There's your gift for Ryuji, huh?" She smirks. 

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"I guess so, yeah." Akira rubs the back of her head and giggles.

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"See? I know it's easy to worry, but you'll be fine."

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Shiho hums thoughtfully for a moment, then grins conspiratorially and leans close to whisper in Akira's ear.

"We can do better than candy and gaming. Watch an anime with her here, something with a confident, sexy villainess, one who's right, maybe enemies to lovers too. And pick up takeout from a good pastry shop on the way over. Which anime, though..."

She pulls out her phone and opens a note file, then puts it away with a nod and whispers once more. "Taming Grace just got an anime release a few months ago. Watch that."

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Akira nods thoughtfully. 

"Shiho's just given me a suprise for you. I don't know if it'll work entirely, but I'm going to try it. I'll come over... How about Wednesday?"

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Ann smiles. "Ooh, a surprise? Sure, we can try it. And since you're coming over we can always do Dissidia if it doesn't work out."

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"Trust me, I think you'll like this."

Akira shares a small smile with Shiho.

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Shiho smiles back and nods. "Yeah, I'm pretty confident of the idea."

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Akira checks the time again. It's only been a few minutes' conversation, but she really really doesn't want to be late.

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It's now 09:38. It really has only been a few minutes.

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Nervous girl. You are nowhere near late, moitié. T’en fais pas.

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"... the longer I stay here, the more I'm going to turn into a nervous wreck worrying about train delays," Akira says after a moment. "I've still got like twenty minutes to spare, but it's hard to relax. I'd just feel better being closer to Shibuya."

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"Poor thing," says Ann. "You've really worked yourself up tight about this, haven't you?"

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"I don't like not working on problems that are solvable. It makes me wonder if they'll actually be solved."

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"Is a thirty minute transit ride really a problem, though?"

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Shiho smiles bittersweetly and squeezes Akira's hand. "No, but the stress about uncontrollable things happening to interfere with it is. Maybe pick a specific time you'll leave by, and check the transit app to see if there have been reports of delays?"

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"Already did the first thing, but yeah, checking the transit app would be a good idea."

She opens it and checks. 

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There are delays on the orange line from Nakano to Suidobashi, but nothing affecting the route from Yoyogi to Shibuya at all. The train she needs is running on-time and has been all day.

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That's a little reassuring. 

She checks the time again. It's still 09:38. 

"... Got anything to kill seven minutes doing?" she asks Ann and Shiho. 

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Ann laughs. "I dunno, if you're leaving that soon. Shiho, do you have anything more you wanted to say?"

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"You look great, and I'm looking forward to hearing all about it, and to our date tomorrow night," Shiho says, smiling shyly.

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"Yeah. I won't force you to hang around if you'd be more comfortable going now, it's not like we're going to discover the meaning of life in seven minutes." Her lips quirk up. "Just... have a good time, try and relax. You've got this."

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Akira smiles. "Alright. Thanks for the chat, you two, and for reminding me of the snacks. I guess I'm off, then."

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And it's off to Shibuya with her, with a spring in her step. It's good to be doing something.

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It's late enough in the morning that the trains aren't too crowded. She gets a couple appreciative glances as she walks through the station, too. Soon enough, she's in Shibuya station.

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People are looking at her —

She hastens her step a little. She passes J of the M and Lapin Angellique and the side alley that Untouchable is down. 

She should get her bearings. Big Bang Burger is over there, and the movie theater is at the very end of central street. Cool, cool. 

She'll head into the movie theater and wait in the lobby someplace visible, that's the normal thing to do.

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There are some shoppers on Central Street, and a few people in the lobby of the theater for matinées that start even earlier than the one she's seeing. The time is 10:09, according to the big digital clock in the lobby. There's a concession stand with drinks, snacks, and candy — including specialty popcorn flavors like caramel and chocolate, and some novelty items inspired by the movies currently showing — and a line of electronic kiosks selling movie tickets and letting people pick their seats. A rack on one wall offers free blankets for people who get cold in theaters, and cushions to sit on if the person in front of them is too tall.

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She picks a spot against one wall to lean, and gets out her phone. She's got a little pack of puzzle games she can play to kill time.

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A little over ten minutes later, in comes Ryuji wearing jeans and one of his usual graphic tees. He doesn't spot her immediately — maybe he thought nine minutes early was enough to be the first one here? His lips are stretched wide in an excited but nervous grin, and he drums his fingers on his thigh as he looks around.

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Akira slips her phone into her skirt pocket and comes over with a smile. 

"Hey," she says with a little wave. "Great to see you."

She's not overdressed, is she...?

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Congrats, you've successfully out-styled your boyfriend. I think that means you're winning.

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He looks over at the sound of her voice. "Hey, Akira—"

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And then he trails off, blushing, mouth agape.

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After a long moment, he seems to startle a bit and grins sheepishly, still blushing.

"Wow, you look great, Akira!"

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She smiles a smug grin. "Thanks a lot. Shall we grab tickets and snacks?"

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"Yeah!" He walks over to the ticket kiosk with her. Looks like there are still plenty of seats available. "Nice! We can get middle seats."

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"Works for me!" Akira orders tickets for her and Ryuji for the 11:00 showing, and the machine prints them on the spot. 

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"I'll get the snacks, then, if you got the tickets."

He orders a soda and a pack of chocolate-covered pretzels, then looks over at her. "What kind d'you want?"

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"Caramel popcorn, please."

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He orders that. "Mind if I share it with you? You can have some of my pretzels. Also, want a drink?"

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"Yeah, I'd like a pop to go with. And sure, we can share."

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He orders Akira a soda of her choice, and then pays for it all.

"Okay! All that's left is finding our seats and waiting for the show to start."

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Akira looks over at Ryuji and favours him with a smile. She's really looking forward to this.

"Okay, let's go."

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Ryuji grins and leads the way to the seats. "Here we are! Plenty of time for the previews, too."

It's only 10:32, so they have several minutes to chat before the previews start.

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Akira settles in, setting her pop in the chair's drink holder and gathering her caramel corn in her lap. 

"I'm really looking forward to this," she says. "These movies are really fun. I hope this third one's as good as the first was."

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"Yeah! It's been a while since I've seen one."

He sips his drink and opens his pretzels, tossing one into his mouth.

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Akira tries some of her caramel popcorn. It crunches satisfyingly between her teeth. 

She looks over at Ryuji, then away. She's on a date...

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She's not the only one taking shy glances. 

"What was your favorite of the two so far?"

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"I think the first was a little better than the second. I liked the redirecting cannonballs thing in the second, but it's a little predictable to do kung fu versus guns, yeah?"

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Ryuji nods. "Yeah, totally. It's the obvious thing to do. Fun to watch, though."

He crunches a pretzel for a moment.

"I hope this villain is better. Last one just wasn't as cool as Tai Lung."

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"Yeah, the peacock guy just wasn't as good."

She offers her caramel popcorn. "Want some?"

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"Sure, thanks!" He grabs a few pieces, blushing at an incidental brush of his hand against hers.

"Mm, these are good."

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She looks away again and ducks her head. Ryuji...

"... Can I try some of your chocolate pretzels too?"

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He holds them out to her.

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Akira takes a couple with her free hand, and settles them into her caramel corn bag.

She brushes back a strand of hair from her face and meets Ryuji's gaze for a second. "Thank you," she says. 

She tries one of the chocolate coated pretzels. They're nice.

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"A-Anytime," he replies with a blushy smile. He can't help but look for a long moment, then tears his gaze away back to his pretzels.






"Um... What's your favorite heist movie?"

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"Ocean's Eleven is a classic. There's also... what was it... Foolproof! Which is about a group that do fake crimes as a hobby until they're blackmailed by a real criminal to pull off a job for him. I really like how in heist movies part of the plot is fooling the audience."

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"Oh. That makes sense. I didn't know that the audience was meant to be fooled, I just thought I was missing it 'cause I'm a dumbass."

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He looks back over at her again. "I've never seen Foolproof before. Maybe you could show it to me sometime?"

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"Yeah, there's that video rental store in Shibuya, maybe they'd have it. I'd still need something to play it on, but..."

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"Bet we can get a used DVD player at a secondhand store easily enough."

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"Ooh, yeah! There's a local one in Yongen-Jaya, I should check their stock."

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"Awesome! Lemme know what you find!"

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Akira has another chocolate pretzel. They've got a second date planned already, huh? 

Her fingers drum on her armrest as she thinks, tapping out a wordless tune. 

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And then the previews start. The first is a family drama called After the Storm, about a private detective whose gambling addiction eats most of his income and makes it hard to afford child support.

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Huh, a detective story. Just not the kind she likes, alas. 

"Kind of a counterpoint to the usual stories you get about private eyes," she says. "Making it a family drama and all..."

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He nods. "Looks like there might be some drama about how he's making ends meet, and some bonding with his son? Not really my thing, though."

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The next one is for the Angry Birds movie. It really is just the plot of the mobile game, somehow turned into a movie.

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"I really don't understand who would even go to a movie based on Angry Birds. It sounds like the kind of thing you'd get dragged to by someone older who thought it was 'hip.'" 

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Ryuji shakes his head. "I definitely wouldn't go see it. Why even make that?"

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And then the next preview starts. It's a live-action film adaptation of the shōjo manga Wolf Girl and Black Prince

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"Huh, I haven't heard of this one. Fake dating, though, really?"

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He shakes his head. "Me neither. Either date or don't. Fake dating is bullshit."

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After another preview, the movie starts. An hour and a half of laughing together later, the credits are rolling.

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Akira's long since run out of caramel popcorn: her head rests on Ryuji's shoulder, one arm close around her shoulders. 

"... That was really nice," she murmurs. "I almost teared up at that part where they all had to lend Po their energy."

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Ryuji squeezes Akira a little tighter. "Yeah, that was a really good scene. Sad, but then it turned out okay." Then he snickers. "And training all other pandas was ridiculous."


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Akira grins. "Yeah."

... She's leaning against his shoulder. His cheek is right there.

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... no need to rush things. 

"So," she says with a little smile. "That was lovely. Now what?"

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"Yeah! It was great," he says with a grin. "Now, we take our time heading for the burger place. Wait and listen to the credits music, or get up now, whatever you want."

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... should she stay or should she go...

Ryuji's tender embrace comforts her, but she did have a plan. And she'll have to leave anyway. 

She doesn't want this moment to stop, though. 

"... I'd like to stay a little bit longer."

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He smiles. "Sounds good to me. Really glad you asked me out," he adds with a blush.

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"Really glad you accepted." 

Akira sighs softly. The armrest of her chair digs into her side, but she closes her eyes for a moment and just stays. Here in Ryuji's gentle embrace. 

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"How could I not?", he asks with a laugh and a grin.

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She giggles, then winces as the blunt sharpness of the armrest shifts.

"... Alright, this armrest's going to take a chunk out of my side. Let's get going to the burger place."

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"Mmkay." He gets up with a smile and offers her a hand. 

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She takes it, and stands. 

What a wonderful boy...

Part of her wants to bring that hand to her lips and kiss it, but again, she resists. It's not time yet. 

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And out they head toward the lobby. He keeps his grip loose for the first few steps, in case Akira doesn't want to hold hands on the walk, but—

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— Akira's having none of this "not holding hands" business. She's holding on firmly, even if she can't quite meet his gaze the whole time. 

She drops her caramel corn bag with the soda bottle in it in the trash as they enter the lobby, and looks over at Ryuji. 

"Lead on," she says.

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He's looking away blushily too, a decent bit, but after he's disposed of his trash they're off down the street. "Yeah! It's not far."

It is, it turns out, just a few doors down the street from the theater.

He gives her hand a squeeze.

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She squeezes back. 

The burger place is kind of kooky — all space-themed and over the top — but right now it just makes her want to laugh a little more. She's on a date.

She looks up at the menu board with its neon trim. 

"I'd like an Earth burger and an orange Crush," she says. "And some onion rings."

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"An earth burger and fries, and a coca-cola, please." He gets out his wallet and pays the bill.

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"Let's grab a booth." Akira gives Ryuji a sappy little grin and leads him off by the hand.

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Ryuji grins blushily back at her and sits down across from her. He squeezes her hand again. 

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Akira squeezes one last time beneath the table and then lets go. It's awkward to reach like this. 

"... It's really nice to spend time with you," she says. "And it's just... yeah. Um, we should probably find an actual conversation topic that's not just how much we care about each other." She ducks her head.

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"Yeah, we probably should. Um... What's your favorite color?"

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"Purple, for sure. Though red and black are also strong contenders."

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"Yellow, but sometimes also orange or red."

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"You like firey colors, huh? Or maybe I should say autumn colors. What's your favorite season?"

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"Definitely fall. Summer's nice but it's too hot. You?"

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"I always liked spring best. I like rainy days, so..."

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"Makes sense. I like clear days, though. Enjoy bein' outside too much to like the rain."

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A server comes out with a tray of food for each of them.

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"Yeah, thanks!"

Akira digs into her Earth Burger, and just looks at Ryuji sappily for a bit longer.

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He digs into his as well for a bit, gazing back just as sappily. After a moment, he swallows and asks, "What class do you hate the least so far?"

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"Probably English. It's just cool to learn."

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"Always gives me trouble. Guess the least awful for me is history."

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"I've always had trouble with that, it's all just a mess of dates and people and I can never keep them straight. Maybe we could help each other study sometime?"

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"Well, I hate studying, but it'll probably be better if you're there with me."

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Something about that makes her want to reach over and ruffle his hair. He's trying his best... 

"Yeah, maybe." She has a couple onion rings. "This place is actually pretty good, I like it. Did you see what they said on the menu? Some kind of burger-eating challenge?"

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"Yeah, I think it starts next week? And I think they give you some kinda prize if you win."

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"Maybe we should come back sometime and try it."

She goes back to her burger.

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"Hell yeah! Bet I can finish the challenge burger faster than you!"

He takes another bite of his burger as well.

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No bet — wait this is an opening. 

"What do you wanna bet?"

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Ryuji briefly looks surprised, then blushes as a thought crosses his mind. "Um... if I win, you gotta make out with me." He grins nervously.

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She flushes, but nods. 

"Deal." She offers her hand. "Shake on it?"

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He starts to offer his hand, then pauses. "But wait, what d'you get if you win?"

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"Good question..." Akira tilts her head. "Are you prepared to just say 'a favour', or? I don't have anything instantly to mind at the moment."

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He blushes a bit brighter at the thought, but nods, and offers his hand. "Deal."

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She shakes, then grins. "Cool."

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Smooth. Now you get to make out with him whether you win or lose. Joker chuckles in mindspace. Well played.

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I mean, nothing says I have to use the favour on making out with him. I already know he's interested, given he was willing to make the bet. I can just... give a little.

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Oooooohhhh, you've got your sights set higher already! Wow, I didn't think you'd have the courage.

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Joker? Please shut up. 

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Can do, chief. 

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"Thinkin' about what you'll make me do with the favor already?"

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Akira flushes. 

"It's that obvious, huh. Yeah, Joker was teasing me about it. We'll see how it ends up. I mean, I could lose." She looks away. 

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"You could. I'm gonna make sure you do," he teases with a blushy grin.

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She grins back. "We'll see about that."

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"We will."

He sips his drink and takes another bite of his burger.

"What's your favorite anime?"

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"Oooh, good question... Probably Black Butler. Sebastian is just so alluringly evil. And excellent at his job. And, uh, Ciel in a dress kind of helped me realize I was trans."

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"Oh, yeah! Been a while since I've seen that. You're totally right, though, Sebastian is such a fun kind of evil."

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"And Ciel did look surprisingly good in that dress."

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"He really did."

Akira smiles. "So what's your favorite?"

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"Gurren Lagann! Kamina is just awesome, and the way Simon eventually learns to think like him and it makes his spiral power stronger is so cool."

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"Oh yeah! It's a shame they messed up the ending, but the whole idea of spiral power is so cool."

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"Yeah! Why the hell can't spiral power make Nia a new body, or fix her old one, or something like that? And fixing death is the one impossible thing spiral power — the power of shouting that impossibility is dumb and making it stick — can't beat? That's fucking stupid."

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"Yeah, agreed. It's always the love interest who gets screwed by the plot as well, yeah? Gurren Lagann does so many things well with Spiral Power, but fails at that one simple hurdle..." She shakes her head. "Biggest robots ever, though."

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"Big enough to punch out a galaxy. So fucking cool."

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"Yep. That's spiral power for you."

She picks up one of her onion rings and hums to herself, looking at it thoughtfully for a moment. 

"Spirals are really everywhere. Not in my onion rings, I guess, but they're all over the place... There's a horror manga about that I think..."

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"Yeah? I haven't read a lot of horror. Usually stick to adventures and pirates."

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"Me neither. I bet you like One Piece, huh?"

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"Hah, yep! Sailing the Grand Line in search of adventure!"

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"If you had a Devil Fruit power, what do you think it'd be?"

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"Rumble-Rumble fruit, hands down. You?"

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"I'm not sure. Maybe string-string fruit? Something versatile like that."

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"Yeah, flexibility like that suits you. You're adaptable, miss Wild Card."

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"Heh. Thanks." Akira takes another bite of her burger. "Competence is a virtue, you know?"

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"One that looks good on you, too," he replies with a blushy grin.

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She flushes. "I, um. Thanks."

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"Gonna have to get used to gettin' complimented all the time, Fearless Leader, if you're gonna keep bein' so awesome, on top of datin' all of us," he teases.

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She giggles. "Yeah, I guess so. Thanks, Ryuji. You really know how to cheer me up."

She looks down at what's left of her meal and offers Ryuji the onion rings. "Want a couple of these?"

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"Sure!" He grabs a couple and tosses one into his mouth. "Want some of my fries?"

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"Yeah, sure." She takes a couple and puts them in her onion ring holder. "I have to say, it's really good to kick back and relax." She slurps her Crush.

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"Damn right. We fought hard, we deserve a break."

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That's not all that we deserve, is it, Julie? 

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Non, moitié. We deserve to revel in the company of those we love. You have these girls and this boy who are utterly taken with you, and I'm sure you can have them as well.

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Hee. Indeed.

Akira has her fries, and looks over the table at Ryuji.

She should kiss him. She really, really should kiss him. But the table's in the way... 

"Hey," she says to Ryuji. "Lean in for a moment, I want to tell you something."

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He leans across the table toward her. "Yeah?"

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Akira leans in as well... but rather than whisper in his ear, she plants a firm kiss on his cheek.

She pulls back with a teasing smirk on her face. 

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Ryuji blushes brightly and grins sappily at her.

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Akira looks away and then back. 

"W-would you like another?" she manages. She's trying to be smooth but her voice seems to have other ideas.

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"Yes please."

He leans close again, and cups her cheek when she draws near.

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She leans in, and cautiously kisses his lips.

It's a soft kiss. Chaste. A little clumsy. She's never done this before, and this is physical reality: she can't just imagine the motion and have her body follow gracefully like in the Metaverse. 

... It's still good.

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Ryuji returns the kiss gently, and a bit clumsily as well. He's looking at her like Christmas came early, when they pull away.

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Oh. Oh wow. That is Such An Expression. 

She flushes and returns to her burger so she doesn't have to say anything.

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He returns to his burger as well, but keeps glancing up at her with That Expression periodically.

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... She can't help it, she grins. 

She kissed a boy. 

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Her stomach does a small flip. She... kissed a boy... 

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Come back, moitié. You are a beautiful young girl with every right to kiss any boy or girl who wishes it. I am proud of you right now. There is nothing to be ashamed of here, chérie. Come back to us.

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She takes a slow breath. It doesn't matter what her family called her or didn't call her. She's her own person, and they're wrong anyway. 

She reaches out across the table. 

"... could you hold my hand?" she asks.

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Ryuji nods and reaches across, squeezing Akira's hand gently. "Yeah."



After a beat, he asks, "Bad memories?"

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She nods. "But let's not linger on them. I..." She ducks her head and smiles. "I have you, now. And all the rest of us. And that — puts the lie to everything my family said."

She squeezes his hand. "So let's stay here, in this moment. Where we've got each other."

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He squeezes her hand back. "Yeah. We've got each other, and we've got Ann and Shiho, and everyone else can fuck off, 'cause having you in my life is pretty damned great."

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She nods. "Yeah." She intertwines her fingers with Ryuji's, as if to lock their hands together forever. "Having you all makes me feel whole. And you..." She looks away. "My family always would say one thing and do another. They were two-faced. But you... The more I get to know you the more obvious it is that you say what you mean and mean what you say. You're so earnest. That soothes me. It makes it easy to like you, easy to care about you. Easy to kiss you."

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He squeezes her hand, and scratches the back of his head sheepishly, blushing and grinning. "I dunno, Akira. I just do what feels right."

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— should she say it, it's technically their first date —

To hell with caution, she's literally almost died if not for this boy. And she could again, if they end up pulled into a situation with Futaba...

"... And I love you for it," she says very quietly. Her fingers squeeze gently against Ryuji's. "... I hope that's okay."

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Ryuji's mouth drops open in a wide, blushy grin. 

He apparently forgets to say anything for a long moment.




"Yeah. That's definitely alright. I love you too."

And then he leans across to kiss her.

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She leans in, and kisses him back. 

What a good boy. What a good Ryuji.

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"Wow," he breathes when he leans back down. 

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"Yeah," Akira says softly as she takes her own seat. "... what a day."

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"Pretty damned great day."

He squeezes her hand again.

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She squeezes back. "Yeah." She runs her free hand through her hair and fidgets with it a little.

"... Do you know, like, a park or somewhere we could go to just... spend some time together? I'm almost done my burger but I don't want the date to be over."

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"We could head out to Inokashira park?"

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"I've never heard of it before, but I'd love to see it. Let's finish up here and go."

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He pops the last of his burger into his mouth, stacks the trays, and starts collecting the trash.

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Akira takes her last few bites and passes Ryuji her wrappers. "Thanks a lot," she says.

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"Mhm!" He nods, gathers everything up, and carries it off to the trash can.

A moment later he's back, grinning and offering Akira a hand up.

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She takes it, and off they go.

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Forty minutes later, they're getting off the train and walking into the park. It's a sunny day, flowers are blooming, and birds are chirping.

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And Akira is hand in hand with her boyfriend who she loves

She's so lucky. 

"Let's find a bench to sit together," she says. "You can show me around, too." 

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"Sure!" He grins and leads the way. There are ponds, tree-lined paths, and plenty of benches. He picks out one that's out of the way, with a nice view of the water. Out on the water, there's a fountain spraying water and catching the light.


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"It's beautiful."

She sits, and pats the seat next to her.

"I don't know if there's much more to say. But I want to sit with you, and just... share the moment, a little." 

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Ryuji sits down next to Akira, wraps an arm around her shoulder, and kisses her cheek.

"Yeah, I get that."

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Akira flushes at the unexpected kiss. "I - yeah." 

She lays her head on Ryuji's shoulder again, and looks out over the pond. The water ripples gently, in so many small shimmering waves. She can see the droplets as they fall from the fountain in smooth arcs. Out on the water, a few ducks are bobbing on the lake. 

Ryuji is so solid against her. So real. 

She stays.


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Ryuji stays right there with her, holding her close and watching the water. It's peaceful. Soothing. Restorative in a way neither of them has had in a long time.

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Akira closes her eyes and drifts.

She can still hear the water fall into the pond, feel the steady warmth of Ryuji beneath her. The breeze stirs her hair. Her body feels light. 

She presses her face into Ryuji's shoulder and fills her senses with him. He smells... a little like a tree, actually. It's nice.

"Love you," she murmurs.

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He sighs fondly and holds her close, stroking her shoulder gently. "Love you too," he replies.

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Akira settles in against him and daydreams, head against his shoulder, her breath slow and even. 

The clouds scud across the sky. Ducks take off and land on the pond, and people pass in ones and twos, paying them no mind. Warmth settles in her chest, a feeling of deep satisfaction. 

She has Ryuji. She has him and she won't let go. 

Something unclenches, just a little. Some piece of tension she'd been holding for years. 

Someone loves her. 

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Ryuji won't let go of her either.

He holds her and smiles and strokes her back.

They can just rest here, basking in each other's presence, slowly relaxing.

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The sun slowly starts to descend in the sky. 

The breeze is colder now. Less comfortable. 

The moment can't last forever. 

Akira sits up.

She takes Ryuji's hand, and squeezes it one laat time. 

"... thank you," she says. "For everything. I — I'm going to head back home, now. It's been so good to be with you. I don't want to go. But..." 

She looks out at the park. "There'll be time," she says. "We'll find a way."

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"Damn right we will. We're gonna be okay. We're gonna have time together. We'll steal the time if we have to."

He sits up and hugs her close.

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Akira hugs him back, and sighs. "Yeah."

She pulls back and stands. "It's really been wonderful. Um..." She ducks her head. "I'd better get going home, though. I love you."

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"Love you too. I should get home too. Walk you to the station?"

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And off they go again, hand in hand. 

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Ryuji squeezes Akira's hand as they walk. Soon enough they're at the station.

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Akira reluctantly lets go of Ryuji's hand. 

"See you," she says. "I'll text you later, once I've kind of cooled down."

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"See you soon," he replies with a nod and a smile.

And then they get on their separate trains and go home.

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She feels so light.

There's an undercurrent of awe, beneath it all. Ryuji loves her. Ryuji loves her. Ryuji loves her

She barely minds the train ride home, and soon she's back at Leblanc. 

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Sojiro nods to her as she steps in. He definitely still looks a little like he needed more sleep last night, but coffee is helping. He has a few customers.

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She nods back with a smile, and heads up to her room and sits on her bed. 

She gets out her phone, and texts Ann and Shiho. 

Hey you two 

home from the date

you wanted details right?

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Of course we do!

You sound so serious. Did everything go well?

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Better than well. I'm a little blown away, actually.

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Ooooooh, dish.

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I'm so glad! Tell us everything. <3

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Well, we met up early and talked for a bit, then watched the movie. It was decent but pretty popcorny. After that we headed over to big bang burger and talked for a bit. For a few minutes I was worried that we weren't clicking but we did find things we both liked eventually. And then... Ryuji was so earnest and so good. He was just... he made me feel safe. So I decided to play a little trick on him. I had him lean in, as if I was going to tell him a secret... but I kissed his cheek instead. 

The look on his face — fuck, I got to see that twice today, once when we met and he got to see me in my full, uh, outfit? I'm not sure what it's called when you have makeup and clothes together. My full style, I guess. He was just so blown away. 

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Awwwwwwwww! Good for you! What a bold move, honestly, it's rare to see a girl take the lead like that. But it worked out well for you so congratulations!!!

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Oooh YES! Seize the day and the boy, girl!

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There's more, though. You wouldn't be this excited if that was all, and it's been too long for the date to be just that.

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Yeah, I, um.

We kissed a little more and it was just... so perfect... that someyhing went click, yeah? And I realized that the only reason I was waiting to... say something... was because I was scared. 

So I did it. I told him I loved him. 

And he said it back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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low whistle

Wow, and on the first date too. That must have taken real guts.

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Brave! I can't blame you, though, I've been saying it several times a day to Ann since she woke up the other day.

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Yeah, after everything I think we're all taking the chance to — live our best lives, you know. 

I love you Shiho ♡

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Love you too, Ann <3

And yeah, live our best lives is right. No more holding back.

So you told him you love him, he said it back, and then what happened next?

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... It was a huge relief to say it, but also exhausting, so... I asked if we could go to a park or something, relax... and Ryuji said that there was Inokashira Park not far away down the rail line. So we went there, and we sat on a bench, and I just... leant against him... and stayed there. For... i don't know how long. it's past four now so it must have been a couple hours. 

I don't think I've ever felt peace like that before.

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Not even a little bit of makeouts?

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We were in public, Ann. But we, um, made plans. We're going to try the big bang burger challenge when it starts up and if I lose Ryuji gets to make out with me. And if I win I get a favour... 

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A favour, huh? Could be anything. Could even be makeouts. 

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Could even be more than makeouts.

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no comment

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Direct hit! Akira, you bold girl!

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Leave it to our fearless leader to have a plan of action, huh? 

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okay you can stop I'm toast already ^^; 

Yeah um. It — I don't know what I actually want. But I wanted to... keep that option open, just in case. 

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Makes sense! Options are good.

Sounds like you had a really good date, Akira. Happy for you. <3

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Thanks, Shiho.

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Seconded. Congratulations.

Oh, and if you want tips on how to take off the makeup before bed tonight go ahead and ask. It's not good to sleep in it.

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Thanks, Ann. I'll let you know later.

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What to do now... She's got an hour before supper, and she doesn't really want to just sit around texting...

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Have you told Takemi about Kamoshida being caught yet? I think she'd really like to know about that.

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No. That's a good idea, it won't take long to drop by her clinic. 

She gets up, still in her date dress and makeup, and heads downstairs.

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Sojiro nods at her again. Leblanc is still busy.

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And out the door she goes for the short walk to Takemi's clinic.

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When Akira gets to the clinic, Takemi's inside the exam room, arguing with someone. She can see the other person's back — looks like a police uniform.

"I told you last time, officer, come back with a warrant."

        "Hmph." The sound of rustling paper can be heard. "I need to see your expenses and full medical records. We've received a report of improper billing."

More rustling paper sounds.

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Cops being cops, huh. Takemi doesn't deserve this hassle... 

She sits in the waiting room and listens.

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"Hmm. This entitles you to billing records and nothing more. Hoping I'd get sloppy, officer?"

        "Just give me the damn records already."

"Records, billing, export all," Takemi mumbles over sounds of clicking and typing. "Okay. I'm exporting the records. You've been sent on a wild goose chase, though."

        "As if the Plague has any room to talk."

Takemi makes a pained noise. There's a quick sound of something being pulled roughly from a port on a computer, and then being slapped into someone's hand.

        "We'll be seeing you, Doctor."

The officer turns and leaves. Takemi follows him out, scowling at his back. "Good riddance," she mutters once the door closes.

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And then she turns to see Akira and freezes. Her eyes widen, her cheeks flush minutely, and her lips part just a bit. A truly perceptive listener might hear a small stunned exhalation.

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And then she gathers herself, barely a moment later, and smiles at Akira.

"Well don't you look good. Had a date today?"

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Oh gosh, hitting Takemi like that puts butterflies in her stomach. 

She gets up and comes in to the exam room. "Yeah." She tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I, ah... A lot has happened. Have you been watching the news?"

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Takemi comes in behind her and shuts the door, sitting down at her desk. She shakes her head. "I haven't. What happened?"

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"The gym teacher confessed. Spilled his guts in front of a whole auditorium of students, admitted everything, called the police on himself. No-one's quite sure why he did it. It's like he just... changed overnight. It made the news, since he was a former olympian and all."

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She looks to the side, taps her lips. "That's... unprecedented. A sudden attack of guilt? But if he was the type to feel that he wouldn't have done these things in the first place. That leaves fear."

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Her eyes lock on Akira's.

"That is far more convenient than girls like us ever live to see, at least without getting involved. If he was afraid of an existing police investigation he wouldn't have called them at the assembly. It must have been something else."

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Akira shakes her head.

"I was there at the assembly. He seemed very genuine in his contrition. I agree that the man I had encountered didn't seem the type, but if it was a performance it was a stellar one."

She tilts her head. "There was an odd incident, however. Someone posted leaflets around the school with an accusation on them, saying that they would 'steal his heart and make him confess.' People dismissed it as a prank, but then it really came true... Isn't that strange?"

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Takemi's gaze sharpens. "Something doesn't add up. He's not the type, but you're not lying when you say his confession was genuine. Stealing hearts shouldn't be possible, but people have talked about impossible phenomena for a long time."

She leans forward.

"What did you do?", she demands.

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Akira's face goes serious. "Nothing, of course. I'm on probation, remember? I take my guardian's opinions very seriously: he's the first person who's ever cared about me in a real way. The thought of disappointing him after all this time puts serious fear in my heart."

She runs a hand through her hair. "Nonetheless, the conclusion I've come to about the whole thing is that whoever wrote the message — the "phantom thieves of heart", whoever they may be — have a way to actually change people. What it is, I can't say. Somehow I doubt it's something as easily explainable as threats or blackmail."

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"Nothing, hmm?"

She looks skeptical, but shakes her head. 

"Tell me in your own time, then. Meanwhile, what did you overhear? You obviously arrived before the cop left."

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"It sounded like he was hassling you for no good reason. He even called you "the plague." What's that about?"

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Takemi looks down and sighs. "That's a long story, and not one I enjoy telling."

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"Certainly not to someone who's keeping secrets of her own," she adds with a cocked eyebrow. "Trade?"

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... Oh, damn it. 

Akira sighs.

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You are so hilariously bad at lying, you know that?

Go on then, tell her, you know you don't want her to not know. Not when you're thinking about dating her.

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"Fine," she says with a huffed exhale. "You got me. Think mine's a bit bigger than yours, though, so you go first."

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A faint, rueful smile crosses her lips. "I used to work at a university hospital. I was developing a new drug to treat a rare and under-researched autoimmune condition called Crawford-Ende's disease. One day, I was abruptly removed from my position, with the Medical Chief of Staff taking over. He rushed the drug to completion to treat a patient named Miwa. Chief Oyamada had the new drug administered to her, but Miwa-chan had a poor reaction and lapsed into critical condition. The chief panicked and blamed me, called it a grave medical error. Now I'm blacklisted and called the Plague."

She shakes her head. "I'm still working on it, trying to refine the formula, fix what caused Miwa-chan's reaction so she can be cured. It's hard without access to the hospital's pool of test subjects, though."

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Akira nods seriously. "To abbreviate a very long story... I woke up one day with an app on my phone that lets me enter people's... personal realities. It only works on people who have seriously distorted views of the world, to the extent that they're divorced from everyday reality... but if you do the right thing in one of those personal worlds, you can make it go 'pop' like a soap bubble and cause the truth to come crashing back in. That's what happened to the gym teacher: I, along with a couple people I trust, infiltrated his mind and took away the justifications he used to explain his shitty behavior to himself."

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"Quite the story, Akira-chan. I don't feel like you're lying to me, but it's a little hard to believe."

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"I wouldn't believe it either if it hadn't happened to me." 

She takes out her phone and shows Takemi the Metaverse Navigator. "This is the app. It takes three pieces of information — the name of the target, the place that they've distorted in their mind, and the thing they think it is. It needs physical proximity too. So for the gym teacher, I put in his name, the school's name, and that he thought it was his castle. Actually a friend of mine got all three by accident — the app takes voice input all the time, as far as I can tell — and I ended up blundering into a completely different reality without a clue what was going on. We got arrested by the castle's guards and almost died. Like I said, I'm leaving a lot out."

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She examines the app carefully. "And this is how you changed his heart? This and I presume a fight on the other side, since you mentioned guards?"

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"Yeah. More of a heist, though — there's a linchpin in the alternate world that, if you take it out, makes the whole thing collapse. When I said I took away his justification I was being literal: in the other world it can be made to manifest as a physical object."

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"Huh." She hands Akira's phone back and drums her fingers on her desk. "How can you tell if someone's distorted enough?"

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"If you have their full name, that's enough for the app to check if they have a personal reality or not. And if they're only a little distorted, it's theoretically possible to find them in a place called Mementos and change their heart there, but I haven't been there so i don't know how it works."

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"Shoichi Oyamada."

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A soft thrum of purple energy washes over the scene.

"Candidate found."

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Akira looks at Takemi seriously. "They have one."

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Takemi's mouth drops open for a moment. She takes a breath to steady herself. "What was that? That pulse?"

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"I think it's the barrier between this world and the other one wavering a little as the app does its search."

Akira looks over at Takemi. "If you want more proof, there's a friend of mine I could introduce you to — they're waiting outside. They know more about these things than I do." 

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"Yes. I want to see more."

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"I'll be back in just a moment, then."

Akira ducks outside. 

"Morgana, are you there? There's someone I'd like you to meet."

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They bound down from a nearby roof and pad up. "Oh? We doing the math routine again?"

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Akira nods. "Mhm."

She lets Morgana hop up onto her bag, and goes back into the clinic. 

"Hello again," she says. She gestures to Morgana. "This is Morgana. They are a person in the body of a cat. Only people who've been to the other world can understand their speech, but they're as intelligent as any human: feel free to devise your own test of their intelligence and communication abilities."

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"Good to meet you, Morgana."

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"Nice to meet you, Doctor Takemi!"

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She gazes contemplatively at Morgana for a moment. "That just sounded like meowing to me, but I presume you heard a greeting in response, so...

"Eighty-five divided by five?"

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They tilt their head for a moment, hop up onto Takemi's desk to find a paper that will make the noise nice and clear, then thump the paper seventeen times.

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She hums and looks up. "That was correct. I have more tests I can do, but I can put those aside if you can take me into the other world so I can understand your non-binary non-cat friend."

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"Morgana, you said there was a place called Mementos we could go to do things in the metaverse — can we get there from anywhere close to here, and if we did, would it be safe for Takemi with us two to guard her?"

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They nod. "It's everywhere, and there's both an external layer and an entrance area that have no shadows at all. Totally safe, and we could leave from this office even."

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"They say we can go to the other world from right here and it'll be safe. Do I just enter "Mementos" into the app and say to navigate?"

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"Navigating to Mementos."

And before Akira can say anything, the transition is made.

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And after a mind-bending wave of purple, they find themselves... still in Takemi's office. The colors look a little darker, a little grimmer, a little more surreal, though.

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Morgana is now in their small anthro-cat shape.

"Hello, Doctor Takemi! Welcome to the Metaverse!"

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"Well hello to you too, Morgana. This place certainly feels different." She looks around for a moment.

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Akira looks around too.

"This looks remarkably undistorted compared to the personal realities I've seen. Morgana, is there somewhere it'd be more obvious we're in the Metaverse?"

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"Definitely. The streets will be deserted, for one, but more importantly it gets very obviously distorted once you get into the subway. As long as we don't go past the entrance layer of the subway, it'll be totally safe."

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"It's up to you if you want more proof," Akira says to Takemi. "It's not a long walk to Yongen-Jaya station, though."

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She takes a breath and stands up, nodding.

"Let's go."

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Akira gets the door, and off they go. She watches the deserted streets warily for any sign of shadows.

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The streets are empty, far emptier than Yongen-Jaya has ever been during the day.

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"Well, this is certainly another difference. I've never seen Yongen-Jaya completely empty before."

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"It's a little eerie, honestly."

In a way, she'd be more comfortable if she had her empowered outfit on. It feels uncomfortable not to have her dagger to hand here.

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She nods. "It is."

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"Everyone's shadows are down in the subway system. Most are just traveling about down there, and some are hiding off in various corners being distorted."

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"I see. It'd be foolish to go down there with just the two of us, then. We'd be mobbed."

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"The entrance layer is empty, and the first layer is about as bad as Kamoshida's palace on an average day, maybe a little bit worse, just from what I've seen of it. We definitely shouldn't bring Takemi down past the entrance, though. Just going down those first stairs will be enough to see the distortions clearly without risking anyone's safety."

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Speaking of stairs, here are the stairs down. It still looks normal up here, outside the subway system altogether.

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Akira leads the way down. 

As she emerges onto the lower landing, a soft wave of blue fire washes over her. From one step to the next, she goes from her practical outdoor shoes to her red-buckled combat boots; her legs become clad in dark leggings and her short two-tone skirt, while her torso's wrapped in black mesh beneath her black, bell-shaped coat. 

Joker adjusts her scarlet gloves, and turns to face Takemi. "This close to the shadows, my powers are reacting," she says. She draws her dagger of dysphoria and twirls it on her fingers. "Here I'm not just some schoolgirl. My body is light and strong. Supplements really work here. So does estrogen. I haven't tried crystal healing or other woo bullshit yet, but it's got a decent chance of actually having some effect, here. It's made of people's thoughts, so what the masses believe in..."

She shrugs, and sheathes her dagger again. 

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When the fire starts to wash across Akira's body, Takemi whirls to face her. She starts to grab the lapels of her lab coat in case she needs to smother the flames, but Akira doesn't seem to be bothered, so she just watches.

When the transformation is complete and she sees the new outfit, her mouth falls open. Her eyes flick up and down Joker's body for a moment, drinking her appearance in.

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Then she closes her eyes briefly before opening them with a grin, cheeks still faintly flushed. "Bold outfit, Akira, and you're absolutely rocking it."

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"Thanks, it's like a manifestation of what my id sees as coolest or something. It was embarrassing to wear the first time, but I'm stuck with it so I might as well rock it, yeah?"

She digs in her pack and comes up with her bottle of estrogen pills. "I'm going to take one of these while I'm here, so you can see what it does and since it's an opportunity for me to get more effect faster. Hope you don't mind me being quiet for a moment, Morgana can explain anything you need to know."

She pops the pill under her tongue. 

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Takemi nods and takes a look around. "So this is the Metaverse."

She walks up to a patch of red-black veins erupting from a wall, watching as they pulsate. She pokes one with the eraser of a pencil.

A fel wind blows upward from the subway system below, intensifying just a bit as she pokes the vein.


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Morgana walks up beside her and nods. "Mementos is basically everyone's Palace. It's like the collective unconscious, so everyone's shadows can be found here, as long as they're not distorted enough to have a Palace of their own."

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"Interesting. And everyone has a shadow?"

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"Except people with powers like ours. Our shadows become our powers."

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She nods. "Changing hearts involves a lot of fighting, I take it?"

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"More sneaking when we can help it, but yeah, there's plenty of fighting. Distorted people usually have shadows — not the shadows of real people, but echoes of myths from the collective unconscious — patrolling their Palaces as guards. We've gotten injured in here before, even. Luckily it's easier to heal in here than out there. Medicines are all more effective and faster, to the point that even painkillers can treat injuries."

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"Fascinating. I'll have to think about that."

She turns back to Joker.

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"Wait what!?"

She steps close and looks her up and down. "Is your waist smaller? Your breasts definitely grew, and so did your hips? And did your shoulders shrink minutely?"

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Joker gives Takemi a very smug grin. "Haven't done a full checkup since I started taking pills in the Metaverse, but they repaired my voice which was starting to crack, so I don't doubt the effects you're seeing are real."

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"Amazing. Absolutely amazing. Of course, if I tried to publish a paper on these miraculous effects, probably we alert people who would abuse the Metaverse, and possibly it interferes with the effects. Pity, they'd even let the Plague publish if effects this strong could be proved."

She shakes her head.

"Do you think you'll be coming back here? Changing more hearts?"

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"Well, I've got two requests now from people I trust. The administrator who's unjustly blamed you for his malpractice, and another which I won't talk about since I recieved the request in confidence. So probably I'll be calling a team meeting soon to discuss. I'm personally more inclined towards using this power as a therapy if I can, but I'm not going to ignore the harm done to you any more than I'd ignore what Kamoshida was doing to my other friends. Given that I've gotten two serious requests within a day of fixing one problem... I'll probably end up doing it a lot. I don't like it, but it's the obvious conclusion. I'm not going to just stand by and let the people dear to me suffer when I have something I can do about it, however risky." 

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"If you're going to be doing this, come see me about my custom medicines. Having seen this place, I think I can make some formulations that will be particularly effective here."

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"Alright. Oh, and — you said you needed a lab rat for pharmaceutical testing? I'm willing to volunteer."

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"I—Really? Well then. If you're willing to be my little guinea pig through some rough tests, then maybe we can finish this in time to save Miwa-chan after all."

She grins challengingly.

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"Yes, Ma'am." Joker grins back. "I'll do my best."

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"Let's get out of here."

She starts back up the stairs.

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Joker follows. 

That went well. 

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I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. 

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Relax, Akira. Takemi's cool. 

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Truly, you have good taste, moitiés.

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And the outfit returns to normal as they return to the surface.

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"Probably we should get back into the office before crossing back over. Don't want to risk people seeing us appear outside the station."

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Akira falls back into front. 

"Yeah, agreed."


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Takemi leads the way back to the office. The streets are still deserted.

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And, once more back in the office, Akira ends the transport on the Metaverse app. 

Another wave of wooziness passes, and the darkness fades a little. They're back in reality.

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Takemi checks her phone.

"And apparently that only took two minutes."

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"Time is weird in the Metaverse."

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"It really is."

Then she looks up and blinks. "Interesting. That worked too. I can understand you out here now, Morgana."

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"Well, apparently congratulations are in order, because it looks like you've unlocked fast travel?"

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"It's not a reliable time difference, and I don't have a vehicle in the Metaverse. I certainly wouldn't trust the subway. But it does seem exploitable, doesn't it?"

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"Um. You kind of do have a vehicle in the Metaverse, at least if I'm with you. Something about people believing cats can turn into buses."

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"Oh, like in My Neigbour Totoro!"

She grins. "Cool."

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Morgana hops into Akira's lap and curls up, purring.

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"That's pretty handy. Well, as enlightening as that was, you still haven't told me the story of your mysterious date yet. What did you dress up like this for?"

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"Oh, ah. That's part of the longer story. Basically, me and some friends from school got into the metaverse and worked together to take down Kamoshida, and grew close to each other through all that... such that we ended up, um. All dating each other, simultaneously. I had my first date with one of them today, Ryuji. And I thought I'd wear this... but then I had nowhere to prep for the date over at Leblanc, so I went over to my girlfriends' house — Ann and Shiho, they're each other's primaries — and they did my makeup and everything together. Ann models, so..." she rubs the back of her head. "I owe a lot of this to her skill."

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"Well, they certainly did a great job. You look gorgeous. Was Ryuji suitably appreciative?"

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"He was." Akira smiles. "We spent a couple hours on a park bench together. He's... very earnest. I might be catching some of that, honestly. I couldn't even keep a straight story talking to you."

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"Oh good. I'm glad. You deserve love in your life, Akira-chan."

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"Thanks, Takemi." She glances away.

"So is there anything I can do for your clinical trials tonight, or...?"

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She looks off to the side for a moment, then nods. "I can whip up a test batch right now, in fact. Are you up for a trial?"

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She takes a moment to think about it, then nods. "Yeah. I am. Expected side effects?"

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"Horrible taste, dizziness, brief light-headedness, headache, stomachache, mild nausea."

She grabs a few bottles from a shelf, measures out portions of each into a beaker, mixes carefully, and sets it on a hot pad with a magnetic agitator. Then she bustles over to the fridge in her office to grab more bottles and continues mixing.

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Akira nods firmly. "Sounds managable, if unpleasant."

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Takemi nods, and keeps working. She adds precise amounts at various times while the mixture cooks, then finally takes it off. It's candy-red, as she pours it into a little paper cup.

"Give it a minute to cool, then bottoms up."

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Akira pauses for a little longer than necessary. It's one thing to say she'll do it, another to hold the actual cup in her hands. 

... Joker, help me out with this? 

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Down the hatch. 

Joker slips into front, and knocks back the cup of liquid.

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It tastes like liquid rot. It's beyond putrid. It's got a vaguely fishy, oily underflavour which only makes it worse. It clings to her teeth and her mouth and her tongue

It takes all her willpower to swallow.

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When it hits her stomach, a few moments later, she's briefly nauseous, then dizzy. Suddenly she has to burp, and then her vision starts to darken around the edges.

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"How are you feeling?"

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"Vision's... going..." 

She tries to make her collapse graceful. She doesn't quite succeed.

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An indeterminate time later, she wakes up on the bed in Takemi's exam room. A blood pressure cuff is wrapped around her arm, and another sensor is around her wrist.

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Takemi spins her chair back around to face her and leans close. "Welcome back. How are you feeling?"

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Akira considers for a moment. 

The taste is still in her mouth, but she doesn't seem to be in any pain. She tries a couple experimental motions. 

"... I seem to be fine," she reports. "But I could really use something to get the taste out of my mouth."

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Takemi nods. "It's been about forty minutes. Your reaction seems to have been caused by one of the components interacting with your gastric acid."

She sets two paper cups in front of Akira. One contains water, the other gatorade. "You can rinse your mouth out in the sink there, and then cleanse your palate."

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"Thank you."

She gets up, takes off the sensors, rinses, and has the gatorade. It helps. It helps a lot, actually.

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"... Those unknown unknowns, huh." She rubs the back of her head. "I'm glad it wasn't anything more severe."

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"Me too. Can't let anything too terrible happen to my little guinea pig, can I?", she teases.

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"Let me know if you experience any other side effects," she adds seriously.

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Akira nods seriously. "I will. Do you have a phone number I can call just in case?"

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Takemi nods and writes it down for her. "Text me so I have yours?"

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She nods and pulls out her phone. 

Hey Takemi, this is a text.

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She smiles. "Got it. Now you've got no excuse not to let me know the second you have any other symptoms."

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"Will do. Am I free to go, or do you want me to stay for observation a bit longer?"

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She laughs. "You're free to go. I got enough data while you were out to be reasonably sure you won't have any more side effects, and certainly to develop the formula further. And I'm sure you've got better things to do than stay here. Off with you, guinea pig."

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Akira smiles. "Alright. I'll make sure to call you back if anything's an issue."

And she gives Takemi a final wave, and heads back on home.

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Sojiro cocks an eyebrow at her as she comes in. The Sunday crowd is gone now. "Out late?", he asks as he starts making a plate of curry.

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"I was planning to just have a quick talk with Dr. Takemi, let her know what happened at Shujin, but things ended up going real long. Because I talked to her about the gym coach situation earlier, she instantly suspected I was involved somehow in his confession. I tried to keep things under wraps, but she saw right through me. She's sharp. So I ended up explaining everything, which took a while."

She runs a hand through her hair. "I'm beginning to suspect I'm not cut out for this 'keeping secrets' thing." 

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"There are worse things for a kid on probation to be than bad at lying."

He pours her a coffee to sip while the food's cooking, and sets out a bowl of food for Morgana.

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"Thanks Boss!"

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"How was the date?"

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That brings a smile to her face. "Wonderful. The movie was fun, the burgers were good, and we went to Inokashira park for a couple hours and just spent time together. It was everything I'd hoped for."

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"Glad to hear it."

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He stirs the curry some more, then looks over after a minute or two.

"How much interaction do you need with someone to do this change of heart thing, kid?"

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"I'm not sure. Morgana keeps giving me new twists to these things. I'd for sure need access to the place where the distorted desires are centered, and I'd need to deliver a message to Futaba in reality at the end of the process. But aside from that, I don't know for certain."

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"In rare cases, you might need the target to see you do something, like if there's a door they're absolutely certain can't be opened, and that door is represented in their Palace, you might need to open it where they can see you."

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"Morgana says that there are rare cases where you might need the target to see you do something — like, if there's a door that they're certain can't be opened, and it's emotionally important to them, it might exist in their palace too and need to be opened in the real world in order to proceed."

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Sojiro facepalms and sighs.

"I would not be surprised if that happened with Futaba. She isn't going to enjoy that."

As if on cue, his phone starts ringing. 


"Yeah, it's probably required at a couple points."

"I know it's going to be hard, but can you really go on like this?"

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She's really starting to suspect that Futaba can hear her conversations here.

"I still don't know the actual situation with Futaba. The more I know the more I'll probably be able to say."

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"I need to tell her what happened, Futaba. I know it's going to be hard to hear, but—"

"Okay. I'm glad you can handle that. She'll probably need to tell her team, too—"

"Yes, you're right, you haven't agreed to anything yet, but Akira and her team need enough info to know if they're up for it before that anyway."

"Fine, yes, you can have pizza tonight."

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Akira smiles despite herself. It sounds like Futaba's putting in the hard work here, emotionally.

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Finally Sojiro smiles. "Okay. I'll see you later tonight."

He puts the phone down and sighs tiredly, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Okay, kid. Wanna hear the story tonight, or when you get your friends over for a team meeting to decide whether you're up for trying this?"

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She pauses to consider. Should she explain the complication...? Futaba clearly has Leblanc bugged somehow, so if they discuss here they'll inevitably end up sharing the details with her... But it's not like they have somewhere safer to go. Is it better to trust Futaba, or to try a less safe hideout...? 

... Probably the first. Futaba must have known already after she explained things to Boss. She could sink them: she's chosen not to.

"Probably we should discuss tomorrow all together, so everyone gets the story from you directly instead of relayed through me. There are a couple complications that will need to be sorted through with the team, but it's not like we've got a better place to meet than here."

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He nods. "Okay. I'll make time tomorrow afternoon, when you get back from school. Not like I go anywhere else, usually."

And then he plates up the curry for her.

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As soon as she takes the first bite of curry, Akira's stomach helpfully informs her that she's starving. 

She digs in with gusto.

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He works on cleaning up.

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Akira gets out her phone. 

Hey, all. A business matter for everyone's come up and plans are going to need to get rearranged a bit. Can you all come over to Leblanc tomorrow after school to discuss things?

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A business matter for everyone, huh...? It must be real important if you're putting off Shiho... 

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Um... Can we do the meeting in the evening, after the date? Or is it really urgent?

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Akira facepalms. 

Yeah probably sorry I totally had a brain fart bc its serious. give me a sec to ask

"Uh, Boss — you were going to have to close early to talk, yeah? Can we do the meeting in the evening instead? That would be — better. I had a date scheduled for that afternoon already."

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He cocks an eyebrow and smirks. "Another date already? Moving fast, kid. Yeah, we can do the evening."

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Akira looks away. "Different person, actually — I'm not cheating on Ryuji, he knows. Everyone in the group is, uh, dating everyone else." She ducks her head. "But thanks, I'll let them know."

Yeah boss says evening is fine. sorry, I wasn't thinking at all 

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It's okay, Akira. Thanks for fixing it. <3

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"Is that that... poly-whatsit? Bold bunch of kids."

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"Polyamory. It means 'many loves.' And yeah, I mean, we've literally fought for our lives together... trying something unconventional in our personal lives is comparatively easy." She ducks her head. "Shiho would know more, she's the good researcher of us all."

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He nods. "Heard of it once or twice, just never been interested in trying it myself so I didn't really remember the name."

He takes Morgana's bowl and washes that as well.

"Is Shiho the one you've got the date with tomorrow, or the other one?"

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"Yeah, it's her. Here's hoping it goes well."

She finishes off her curry and passes Sojiro the plate.

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He grabs Akira's plate and mug as well and washes those.

"Enjoy, kid."

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"Thanks, boss." 

She heads upstairs and flops on her bed.

She wishes she had a book. There was totally a bookstore in Shibuya, she passed it when she was getting supplies, but she completely forgot to stop in. So here she is, bookless. 

She goes over to her work desk instead, and gets out her textbooks. She can study, at least, even if it's late. Better than just lying in bed with nothing to do.

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Morgana curls up next to Akira as she studies and purrs.

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Akira smiles at Morgana and gives them a light pet before going back to her studies. 

After about an hour she's all out of brainpower, so she lies down in bed, fishes out her phone and finds something popcorny to read online. Some web series about superheroes all trapped together on an island... 

She drifts off with her phone still in her hand.

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Morgana drifts off next to her, still purring against her side.

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The next thing Akira sees is a black pillow pressed against her face.

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Julie leans down and presses a kiss to Akira's temple. "Bonne nuit, moitié."

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She sits up and rubs her eyes. "What a day," she says. "We're really having a lot of those."

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Joker puts her boots up in Akira's lap. "Yeah, but this one was good for once. You saw the look on Takemi's face."

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Akira laughs. "Yeah, that I did. What a day..."

She looks away from Joker, but makes no attempt to remove Joker's feet from her lap.

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Joker gives Akira a smug look, but then her face goes serious. "Look, we need to talk. I know you hate the idea of fusion, but if we're going to take on Oyamada and Futaba's palaces, we're going to need power. You've barely touched your Wild Card abilities so far, and it's vital that you start to use them before you end up far, far behind. Not everyone's going to be as easy as Kamoshida."

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"Mmmm." Akira hums. "I don't like it, but I have been thinking it over. I can't help but be intrigued, despite the fact that it's... like that."

She looks down at the feet in her lap. "Convince me."

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Julie looks off to the side, her expression pensive, her cheeks faintly flushed. "To be completely honest, chérie, although it feels un peu frightening, the idea of feeling one of my moitiés tear my heart out while the other watches is rather... exciting. What's the word the Americans came up with? Ah, yes, scarousing."

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Akira goes distinctly pink. 

"... That's a thing people can be into???"

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Joker pinches the bridge of her nose. "That is a thing you're into, in strict point of fact. You're a sadist, Akira. It's not complex."

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"What kind of serial-killer bullshit is that?" 

Akira stares Joker down. "I'd never harm someone deliberately."

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"It's a fantasy, Akira, it doesn't have to make sense in the real world." 

Joker takes her feet out of Akira's lap and scoots closer. "People fantasize about all kinds of things that make no sense in reality. It doesn't mean you're a bad human being if you fantasize about this kind of thing: it's what you do with it that matters."

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"Like kill Julie?"

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"She's volunteering. And she comes back, unlike people on the real world. Those are some really critical differences."

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"I suspect, mon cœur, that we need to discuss the difference between hurt and harm."

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"... the difference between hurt and harm?" 

Akira frowns. "Explain."

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"Hurt is any form of pain or discomfort. Harm is something that costs you something you don't wish to pay. Millions of people around the world engage in sexualized pain play. Does it hurt? Yes. Does it perhaps leave an injury that must heal? Sometimes, yes. Is that a cost they mind paying? Not at all. Alternatively, consider sex and date rape. Sex is pleasurable, in the right context. In the moment, even, an intoxicated person may enjoy the sex they have while their judgment is compromised. But pleasurable experience could be considered harm, if their compromised judgment cost them something they weren't willing to pay.

"For an example closer to home, consider your clinical trial with Takemi this afternoon. You experienced significant discomfort, undertook a risk, even passed out. Did that experience harm you, however? Did it cost you anything you weren't willing to pay?"

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Akira looks down at her hands in her lap. 

"... You're sure that you'll be able to retrieve anyone you kill?"

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"Positive," Joker says. "And they're all parts of yourself, anyway. You'll be okay."

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"The fusion suite is built from your own nature. You are not the type to easily let someone go. Your heart holds tightly to those you cherish, demands to be reunited with them. Try a fusion between two of the other Personas first, if you don't believe me."

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... Akira nods. 

"Alright," she says. "We can try it. I don't promise to enjoy it, I'll be on edge the whole damn time, but it's worth trying."

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Joker grins. "That's our girl. Alright. Take my hand?"

She offers her hand.

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Akira takes it.

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Joker stands, and hauls Akira to her feet. "After you, Julie," she says.

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Julie leads the way into the office, and from there to the fusion suite.

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The twin obsidian altars and the surgical implements are still there. Joker lays out her dagger next to the blood draw needles, the hemostats, and the hammer and chisel on the metal surgical tray by the "bedside", and brushes her hand along the inscribed runes in the black stone.

She gestures to Akira. "Take a seat." Indeed, there's now a black vinyl couch along one wall, clearly intended for close-up observation. 

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Akira sits. 

"So... how does this work...?"

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"Well, first we need to summon the personas you wish to use in the fusion. Julie's here already, but we're going to need to summon another persona for fusion."

Joker snaps her fingers, and a dragonfly-winged woman in a blue leotard appears on the altar next to her. 

"Like Pixie, here."

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"Hello, darling." Joker takes Pixie's hand and kisses the back of it. "So kind of you to volunteer for this, really. I just have a consent form I'd like you to sign?" 

She hands over the clipboard with the form and a pen.

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Pixie looks at the clipboard and then squeaks in confusion. "Wait, what's all this? I'm volunteering for what now?"

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"Joker..." Akira facepalms.

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"So sorry, dear, I forgot I hadn't explained. There's a ritual we've developed that should let us manifest more interesting and powerful selves by fusing together existing ones. So, you accept, somewhat painful transition process, we make a new persona with your help, then we bring you back afterward and you get to meet the person we made out of you!"

She waggles her eyebrows. "You do technically die a little in the middle there, but you get to come back afterward. And you'll get to help Akira meet new people and help people she loves, and even meet them yourself if you want to! How's that for a deal?" 

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Pixie hems and haws for a moment, before looking Joker in the eye and nodding firmly, a smirk on her face. "Fine, but I want front time, and I want you to take a turn on this altar too eventually, Joker."

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"How much front time?"

And she tilts her head. "As for the rest, sure."

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"Five hours, within the next three days."

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"One hour."

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"Four hours."

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"Three, and you promise not to do anything that would get Akira in trouble."

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"Sold." She signs the clipboard with a flourish.

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"Thank you very much." Joker takes the signed paperwork and inserts it in the slot at the base of the altar.

The altar shifts, growing futher paperwork in the small holder, and conforming precisely to Pixie's proportions. 

She looks over at Akira. "There. And Julie is our other volunteer, and we are ready."

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"I can't believe you offered yourself up like that... Not to mention giving away my time..."

Akira rubs her face. 

"Okay. It's better than the alternatives. But I don't want Julie to go first."

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Joker rolls her eyes. "Fine," she says. She snaps her fingers again, and a twin-horned horse appears next to her, its dark mane flowing in the air.

"Mind if I get verbal consent from Bicorn rather than having them sign themselves?"

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"Uh, go ahead."

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"Hello," it says, voice low and gravelly.

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"Hello," Joker says. "I want you to consent to an experimental fusion process that'll produce a more powerful persona for us to fight with. You'll die, but be retrieved afterward. What do you say?"

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"That is fine. Resummon me when you have need of me." It nods.

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Joker signs the form for Bicorn and places it in the second altar's holder. It stretches and elongates, becoming lower to the ground as the restraining claws on each side of it lengthen. 

"We're ready," Joker says to Akira. "Shall we begin the procedure?" She tugs at her gloves, seating them firmly on her hands.

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Akira lets out a very tired sigh. 

"Yes, go ahead."

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Julie sits next to Akira, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, and taking her hand with her other hand.

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Akira exhales and leans a little into Julie. 

It's a familiar position. Echoes of Ryuji...

... Julie really loves her, doesn't she...? 

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"Okay," she says, her voice firming. "I'm sure. You may begin."

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Joker picks up the blood draw equipment from her surgical tray, and steps over to Pixie. "Your arm, please," she says.

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She rolls down her glove and holds out her arm.

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Joker pricks her and draws an ampoule of blood from her arm, then goes over to Bicorn with a second needle and takes blood from his shoulder. 

"Both of you lay down on the beds, please."

She discards the soiled needles in a container by her computer, and sets the vials of blood in a holder next to the bedside computer. After a moment of mousing, her fingers settle on the enter key.

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Bicorn stretches out flat on the altar.

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Pixie does the same.

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Joker keys in her input, and the claws all along the altars clamp down and secure both Pixie and Bicorn, rendering them both totally immobile.

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Akira flinches as the claws flex and dig in. She doesn't want to watch this, and it's only going to get worse from here... 

She has to, though. 

She tries to breathe slow and focus.

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Bicorn bears this stoically.

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Julie inhales sharply and bites her lip, then refocuses on Akira, pressing a kiss to the top of her head and squeezing her tenderly.

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Akira settles in against Julie and hugs her back. 

She sounds scared too...

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Joker takes the vial of Bicorn's blood and pours it into the groove around the edge of his table. Scarlet light flares as the blood runs through the grooves to meet at the far end of the table, then settles into a dull crimson glow. 

Joker goes to Pixie's table, and pours the vial of her blood out onto her table's inscriptions as well. A similar flare rises, then settles. 

Joker rolls the medical tray up next to Pixie's table, its grisly instruments laid out in a neat row. 

"Last chance to back out," she says to Akira.

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Akira squeezes Julie around the waist. 

"... do it," she says.

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Julie strokes Akira's back, watching raptly.

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Pixie tries to twist to see the flaring runes, but she can't move enough to.

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Joker picks up her dagger. 

"Do your best to hold still," she says to Pixie. "This is going to hurt a lot."

Joker brings her dagger down, and cuts down through the flesh of Pixie's chest until the blade skitters off Pixie's ribcage. 

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She strains against her bonds, struggling to move. She can't get very far.

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Joker doesn't rush. She lays her stained dagger in the surgical tray, and picks up the hammer and chisel. 

She sets the edge of the chisel against Pixie's ribs, and strikes it firmly with the hammer. With a sharp snap, Pixie's ribs break apart. 

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Akira winces at the crack of bone breaking, but she doesn't look away.

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Pixie stifles a scream, then lays there panting.

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Julie inhales sharply and squeezes Akira tighter.

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Joker seats the chisel again, and breaks out a section of rib that she takes out and sets in her surgical tray. Then she reaches into the hole in Pixie and looks for her heart. 

"... ooh," she says when she sees it. A wicked grin passes across her face. 

She brings her dagger in and cuts in quick efficient strokes. No need to make Pixie suffer needlessly. 

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Pixie swallows hard and falls limp, blinking fearfully at Joker's hand in her chest.

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Julie strokes Akira's hair and bites her lip.

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"Yes get on with it —" 

Akira grits her teeth and fixes her gaze on Joker.

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Joker does. She grabs hard, and tears Pixie's heart free. 

What she comes up with in her hand, though, is not a heart but a fleshy mask, with two clear eye holes ringed with veins of brilliant scarlet. It looks organic, raw — but it's indisputably a mask.

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Pixie has a brief moment of staring in shock at her mask in Joker's hand, then disintegrates, melting away atop the table.

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Akira swallows hard. 

"... So now you implant that in Bicorn...? Why the hell is it a mask?"

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"Just so. Why it's a mask... probably has to do with the fact that she's just an aspect of you. But the ritual requires some speed, so I'll thank you not to distract me."

Joker takes her surgical tray and the bloody mask and comes to sit by Bicorn's side. 

"Here we go," she says, raising her dagger.

And she cuts into Bicorn's side, aiming for the center of his chest.

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He grunts in pain, but bears it stoically.

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Julie keeps stroking Akira's back and holding her close.

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Akira breathes slowly. 

She really hopes this works.

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Joker comes to Bicorn's ribs, and breaks out her hammer and chisel again. 

"Here goes."

Snap. Snap

She sets the broken-out section aside, takes the mask of flesh, and shoves it deep into the hole in Bicorn that she's created. 

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Bicorn writhes, struggling against the clamps, then melts into a swirl of multi-colored light, pulsing and twisting over the altar.

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The light soon coalesces into a new form, pooling on the altar. a mound of goop bubbling up from the obsidian surface. Glowing red eyes and a gaping mouth form, and it turns to look at first Akira, then Joker.

"Me Slime... Y-You... have mask! N-N-Nice meet you..."

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"Nice to meet you too, Slime."

She looks over at Akira. "Well, there's proof it works."

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"You had better be able to get Pixie back."

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Joker pulls the paperwork out of the slot at the end of Pixie's bed, places a small crystal from her pocket on it, and stabs both the crystal and the paperwork with her bloody dagger. 

The crystal shatters, the paperwork tears, and with a snap of energy —

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A burst of light erupts from the torn paperwork and the shattered crystal, the two dissolving into the swirling glow. It pulses for a moment, then stretches out into limbs, wings, and the slender curves of a feminine torso and head, before finally solidifying into the familiar form of Pixie. She shakes herself all over, a few sparkles falling away as she does, then looks up.

"That was intense."

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Joker takes a deep bow. "Tada."

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Akira exhales and hugs Julie tightly. 

"... Okay," she says a moment later. "You've proven it's safe. If... grisly."

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Joker grins at Pixie. "Quite the experience, huh?"

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She nods. "Wild ride. I'd do it again, if you needed it enough. I want a kiss first next time though."

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"I want rather more than a kiss before my first time on that altar. And perhaps during."

Julie squeezes Akira tighter and grins at Pixie and Joker.

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Akira gives Julie the side-eye from where she is pressed up against her. "I... see..."

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"You don't have to be comfortable with it just yet," Joker says. "But, like. Both your alternate selves are on board with this. Might be a good idea to do some soul searching here."

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Akira nods, and hugs Julie hard.

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Julie squeezes Akira very tightly. "I love you, moitié. It will be okay."

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"I'm done for now," Akira states flatly. "That was awful. Even if it gave me more power or what have you, I don't care. I'm not doing that again anytime soon."

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"Alright," Joker says softly. 

"Julie, care to bring her back to the pillows in the living room...?"

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Julie stands, slips a hand behind Akira's shoulders and the other behind her knees, and scoops her up into her arms. "Gladly, chérie."

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Akira slumps into Julie's arms, and lets herself be carried.

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Joker discards her bloody gloves and follows.

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Julie sits down in the pillow pit in the living room with Akira held snugly in her lap. She presses a soft kiss to her forehead.

"Good girl. Brave girl. You got through it. I'm proud of you, mon cœur."

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She nestles in and closes her eyes, trying to dismiss the images dancing behind her eyelids. 

Julie's not wrong, she is into it. But there's also a part of her that feels sickened and hurt by that want. 

They clash, for a long moment, but in the end the feeling of disgust wins out. 

"I can't believe I let you do that..." 

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Julie strokes Akira's hair. "Unpack that feeling for me, please, chérie. What feels wrong about having done this?"

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Akira makes a little annoyed noise in the back of her throat. 

"Of course you can read me and I can't read you."

She sighs. 

"Don't want to explain."

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Julie kisses the top of Akira's head and squeezes her tighter.

"You don't have to do this now. I recommend not letting it linger for too long — being in conflict with your own wants harms you — but we do not have to discuss this today."

She keeps stroking her hair.

"And I suspect you'll be able to learn to read me soon. You're just louder, naturally, as our host."

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"Thank you."

Akira curls up in the pillows and tries her best to stop thinking.

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Julie keeps softly petting Akira and holding her gently.

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Akira curls up, and tries to sleep.

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The last thing she sees is Joker exchanging a worried glance with Julie. 

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Monday the eighteenth dawns peaceful and cloudy.

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And Akira wakes to a makeup stain on her pillow and the distinct feeling that she has Fucked Up. 


She checks her phone: sure enough, there's a text from Ann from late last night asking if she's taken off her makeup yet that she completely missed. 

She rubs her face (smearing the makeup more) and goes downstairs to wash it all off in Leblanc's bathroom sink.

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Sojiro briefly cocks an eyebrow but doesn't say anything.

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Her phone buzzes. 

Morning, sleepyhead. Let me guess, there's a fresh makeup stain on your pillow?

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Akira sighs and texts back. 


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Whatever news you got from boss must have really rattled you. 

Don't panic. Don't make a habit of it, it's bad for your skin, but there shouldn't be any serious consequences as long as you wash thoroughly. 

If you carefully apply mildly soapy water to your false lashes they should fall away naturally. Best done with a cotton ball, but anything you can dab at them gently with will do in a pinch. Don't get the soap in your eye if you can avoid it, obviously. It can take a little time to get them to release. Don't pull at them or you'll risk damaging your real eyelashes. 

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Thanks, Ann. 

There's some paper towel in the bathroom, that should work well enough as a dabbing pad. It's not ideal but it should work. 

She takes off her glasses and follows Ann's instructions. 

Eventually all the false lashes come free, and all the makeup is carefully washed off. It takes some time, but she gets everything.

Alright, all dealt with. 

Being a rough morning. Had a bad dream and now I'm dealing with this. Thanks so much for the help.

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Don't mention it. Now you'd better hurry with that commute you've got. 

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Akira steps out of the bathroom and goes to get her morning curry.

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"Morning, kid."

He slides her a plate of curry and a coffee, and a bowl of food for Morgana.

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"Thanks again, Boss."

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"Morning." Her face itches. Her own damn fault, but...

She could give boss her fake smile, but she doesn't really feel up to it right now. 

Akira eats. 

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Sojiro arches an eyebrow, then takes the coffee and wordlessly replaces it with a mocha.

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That gets a smile from Akira.

"Thanks, boss."

She cradles the mocha in her hands and sips it slowly. 

She's going to be late at this rate... 

She finishes up, goes and grabs her pack from upstairs and changes into her uniform, and heads off to school, a bit more briskly than usual.

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As she gets to Yongen-Jaya station and heads down the stairs, Akira can see the train to Shibuya already waiting at the station.

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Ah shit —

She runs for it. 

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She ducks inside the doors moments before they close.

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She grabs the post by the door.

Yeah, today is not being a good day.

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The train is absolutely packed. Standing room only. But it gets to Shibuya safely.

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Akira disembarks and goes to make her transfer.

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— only to run right into Ann in the middle of doing the same thing. 

"Oh! Akira!"

Ann gives a little wave. "Nice to see you!"

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"Hey, Ann." Akira manages a small smile. "Almost missed my train getting the makeup off. Not a great day so far."

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"Well, you've got Shiho to look forward to after school, don't you? I know that'd cheer me up." 

Ann tilts her head. "Would you like a hug?"

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"... not in public, thanks. But I really appreciate the gesture." 

Akira exhales a little. "Yeah, I do have Shiho to look forward to. I just — I almost messed it up before it even started, and..."

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"Chin up," Ann says. "I'm sure it'll go fine. You were worried about the Ryuji date too, and it went well, right?"

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Akira exhales. 

"Yeah, I guess so. Thanks, Ann."

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"Don't mention it." Ann looks over at the tracks. " — oh, there's our train coming in now."

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Akira nods, and gets on. 

The packed crowd separates her from Ann, but that's okay. She's not really in the mood to talk more.

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A redheaded girl in a Shujin uniform looks up and notices an old woman standing nearby.

"Please, take my seat," she says, getting up. "My station's coming up."

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"Are ya sure?", the old woman says. "Then..."

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Yoshizawa gets out of the way, only for a man in a suit to dart into the seat before the old woman can move.

"Oh wow, what speed," the Shujin girl mutters.

She straightens herself up a bit. "I mean— Excuse me, that seat was for this lady."

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The man looks up very briefly, then drops his head down and appears to abruptly fall asleep.

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Akira looks over. "If I had a seat I'd give it, but..." She sighs.

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"It's alright. I can understand his position as well."

She turns to the woman. "I'm sorry I couldn't be any help."

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"It's alright, dearie. Don't you worry," she responds.

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"Please allow me to carry your luggage, at least."

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"Thank you. Ain't it heavy, though?"

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"Not at all! I train plenty."

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"If you need any help with it I have a hand free."

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"Thank you, girls." She distributes one bag to the redhead and one to Akira, smiling appreciatively.

The train ride otherwise proceeds uninterrupted.

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Naturally, Akira returns the woman's luggage to her when she reaches her station. 

She gives the redhead in the Shujin uniform a small smile. "It's nice to see someone else who cares about others at Shujin."

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"It is! Thank you for speaking up when I tried to offer my seat, and for helping with her luggage, as well," she replies with a smile. "You're a second-year, correct? Thanking you totally slipped my mind back on the train, and I didn't want to be rude to my senpai."

She bows. "Please, excuse me."

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Akira bows in return. "It's no trouble." 

She looks back at the train to see where Ann's gotten to, and in that moment the red-haired girl walks off. She's lost the chance to say anything more. 

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Ann arrives a moment later. "Look who's still getting cats out of trees," she teases. "You just can't help yourself, can you?"

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"I take it you saw that, then."

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"I saw you with the luggage, it was pretty clear what you were doing. Who's the other girl?"

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"I don't know her. She seems kind though." 

Akira hefts her own backpack and starts heading for the academy. "Let's get to class, though, we can talk more about it at lunch."

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"Fine by me." 

And off they go together.

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They make their way onto campus with brief waves and smiles from Shiho and Ryuji, and then settle into their classroom. The gossip still seems focused on Kamoshida. There are occasional murmurs about the Phantom Thieves and whether they're real or not.

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"Good morning, class. Settle down."

And the schoolday begins.

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Heh. It's kind of fun to be in on the secret. 

Akira settles in and does her work, as per usual.

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And Ann gets down to the lesson as well.

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The class periods pass easily enough, and eventually lunchtime arrives.

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And at the start of lunch, who should show up in class but Mishima? 

"Um, hi," he says. "I want to talk about, uh... the thing. Can I have your text ID?"

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Akira's eyebrows rise. "The thing...?" 

... probably Kamoshida. Mishima was one of his victims, wasn't he?

"Sure, we can text." She gives Mishima her text ID.

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Mishima nods and goes back to his own desk.

I wanted to talk about Kamoshida a bit

can we talk a little more privately?

here's a link to my secure texting app, please sign up

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... A secure texting app...?

Seems like an extraordinary step...

... if ordinary texting apps aren't secure, then she might be in trouble, actually. The other phantom thieves and her have been talking over regular texts...

She had better talk to Mishima. 

She signs up.

What's all this about?

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I know you three are the Phantom Thieves

I was the one who told Shiho to go see Kamoshida, and I saw you three fleeing campus with Shiho afterward.

It's got to be you.

How did you do it? How did you change his heart?

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Don't be ridiculous, there's no way to do that. Sure, we knew about the abuse, but we were as surprised by Kamoshida's confession as you were. Do you really think three or four high school students were somehow able to blackmail a former Olympian into confessing everything? Come on, live in reality.

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It's okay, I know you've got to say that. I'm a huge fan, actually. Kamoshida absolutely deserved what he got. 

I made a fan site for you and everything! - for the Phantom Thieves, I mean. Who aren't you. ;)

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You made a fan site for some prank pulled by a random student...?

Weird flex but ok.

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People don't even think the Phantom Thieves really exist, right now. 

What they'd think if they really knew...

Look, you people gave me hope where none existed at all. I can't not repay that. I want to see you get the recognition you deserve! 


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We're not the phantom thieves, and if you go around saying we are you'll just make trouble for everyone, you know that right?

I get feeling grateful, but I don't think there's anyone to be grateful to here. You can't steal someone's heart, it's not physically possible. 

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Sure, keep your secrets. But I just want you to know that if you ever need help I'll be right there for you. Right on the spot. Okay? 

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... thanks, I guess...?

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See you, then! I'll keep working on the phan-site for now.

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Akira looks over at Ann.

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"... What was all that about?"

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"Tell you later, it's not important. Want to go say hi to Ryuji over lunch?"

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Akira smiles and gets up. "Together, then." 

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Ryuji is sitting in the courtyard with Shiho. He looks up and waves when he sees Ann and Akira come out of the building, then bumps his shoulder into Shiho's.

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At that prompt, Shiho spots the girls as well and waves cheerfully.

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Akira waves back. "Hey, all!" She puts on her brightest smile. 

She's stressed, but still. She's got to do her best here.

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Ann comes over and sits and gives Shiho a sappy smile. "Nice to see you again." 

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Akira sits next to her and nods to Ryuji and Shiho.

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Shiho blushes and smiles, hugging Ann, and reaching across to squeeze Akira's hand.

"Good to see you two."

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Akira squeezes back, and this time her smile touches her eyes.

"Good to see you too."

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"Yeah! We were just talkin' 'bout you two, actually, how great you both are."

Ryuji gives Akira a bit of a sappy grin as well.

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"Awww!" Ann smiles and looks over at Ryuji. "Great to hear you two are getting along well." 

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"Yeah." Akira gets out her own lunch. "Let's eat."

The less she talks the less conversation she'll have to fake. 

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Shiho starts to pick up her chopsticks again, then pauses, looking thoughtfully at Akira for a moment.

"Do we wanna eat on the roof?"

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Ann glances over as well. "Yeah, I think so."

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Great, now she can't object without it looking weird. 

"Sure," she says. "Works for me."

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Ryuji nods, stuffs his lunch back in his back, and stands, wrapping an arm around Akira's shoulders encouragingly.

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Shiho gets up as well, leading the way to the stairs.

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Akira lets the rest shepherd her along. She's stuck with it now.

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Ann gets the door out to the roof when they come to it.

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And they all settle into the benches up there.

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Shiho gives Akira a concerned look and a handsqueeze.

"Talk to us?"

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She sighs and gets our her phone. 

"Groupchat time."

Hey, secure chat client can be downloaded here, let's all get on it. 

She waits for people to get on.

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Ann's eyebrows rise, but a moment later she appears in the secure chat.

What's all this about? Something about Mishima...?

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Shiho does as well.

Mishima's the one who told me Kamoshida wanted me in his office. He might've seen us that night.

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Ryuji joins as well.

wait what?

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Yeah, he saw us booking it. It's not proof, but it's been enough to convince him that we're the Thieves. 

He is apparently a huge fan. And has started a fan site to make the phantom thieves more popular.

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We have fans???

Huh, cool.

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whoa, fans! that's awesome!

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Wow. That's... a lot.

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almost makes ya wonder if we could do it again

i'm sure there are other bastards who need their hearts stolen

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... Yeah, uh, this is a problem. Mishima wants to make us famous, and he knows too much. He could really cause us trouble if he decides to be a nuisance. 

We were going to have a meeting after school but the gist is that I've already gotten two other requests from people I trust to change the hearts of others. Details to be gotten from Boss on one of them this evening. We were going to discuss whether we were going to do them and, if so, which one first.

Mishima taking an interest and deciding to "promote" us is an issue if we're going to operate stealthily and not get caught. The calling card requirement is bad enough, but having fans? The last thing I want is for the people in authority to take an interest. Better to operate quietly if we can. 

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Wow, that sounds really serious.

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I don't believe for a second that we're the only ones who know about the metaverse. Morgana has to have come from somewhere, right? They may not remember their history, but they still have one. And the mental shutdown incidents suggest that something is going on in the metaverse that we don't know about. 

I don't want to blunder into whatever's happening here. There has to be a reason why people don't know about this. Drawing attention is the last thing we need.

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awww, really?

being famous sounds so cool, but i guess you have a point

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Yeah, getting caught is bad. I wouldn't mind helping other people, though.

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If we keep doing this we'll inevitably get famous, I think. The calling card requirement kind of fences us in, and people will go gaga for magic being real. I just... don't want that to happen by accident, yeah? I don't feel like we have a plan for what we'll do if the government gets serious about catching us and sends, like, secret agents or some shit. And that's the level we'd have to operate at eventually, yeah? 

We need allies, resources, skills. I didn't even know you could potentially read text messages until Mishima sent me this secure texting app. If the government started seriously investigating Shujin Academy, don't you think they'd go through our texting records, however that's done? 

We are already in a precarious situation where we depend on the government not caring enough to use its full resources. We need people like Mishima to show us where we're making mistakes, and people better than Mishima to destroy evidence and keep us from being found out. If we're going to fight society we'd better be prepared for society to fight us, yeah? Think about the kinds of things detectives go through in novels where they take down corrupt cops. They've got to deal with official harassment, attempts on their lives, nosy bystanders with their own agendas... 

sorry this kind of got away from me. I believe we should change the world. I'm willing to put my life on the line for that. But we've got to fight smart and careful if we're going to win. Society is big and it has a lot of people in it and some of them are going to be smarter than us. We can't afford to be sloppy. 

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That was sure a lot of words to say what everyone already kind of knows, Akira. 

We chose to risk our lives going into this. we're not going to back out just because the ememy's scary.

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She's got a point, Ann. You both do. Yes, we knew we were risking our lives, but fighting smart against thugs with swords is a different problem than fighting smart against thugs in government agencies. It's a problem we can solve, I bet, but it takes different methods, I think.

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you said "people like Mishima"

he already seems to be a fan

do we wanna use that?

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Damn good question. For now, let's eat lunch, yeah? I know it'll help me think. 

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No argument from me on that one. 

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Ryuji gets his lunch back out and starts eating.

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Shiho leans against Ann, sets her free hand on Akira's knee, and eats her lunch as well.

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Akira flushes a little, but smiles. 

It's good to be with friends. 

She gets out her lunch and eats. 

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Ann leans back against Shiho and munches away too.

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Lunch proceeds in a companionable silence for a while.

"I—I'm looking forward to this afternoon," Shiho eventually says, with a shy smile.

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Akira blushes and looks away. 

"... me too," she says. "It'll be a bright spot on a cloudy day."

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Ann glances back and forth between Shiho and Akira and smiiiiiles.

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Ryuji grins at the girls.

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Shiho blushes and grins.

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... despite all the tension that's built up over today, Akira can't help but smile too. 

It's good to be together with the people she loves. She has allies, and more than that, friends, and more than that, — girlfriends and also boyfriend? 

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I think the word you're looking for is "lovers", darling. 

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Joker is correct, moitié. Tes amoreux, your lovers, your happiness, your beloveds. 

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... beloveds is better. Thank you, Julie.

She eats, and between bites she finds a moment to rest her hand on Shiho's.

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Shiho blushes brighter and grins, lacing her fingers through Akira's and squeezing for just a moment.

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It's a little easier after the time she's spent with Ryuji. She's a little less flushed, a little less hesitant. 

... admittedly it also helps that Shiho's a girl, but she's not going to think about that right now.

She intertwines her fingers with Shiho's and eats one-handed for a little bit. She doesn't want to let go. 

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Ann's smile lingers, her gaze on Akira and Shiho's interlinked hands.

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Ryuji just grins at the girls as he eats. After a couple more bites, he looks over at Ann with a bit of a blush. "Wanna have a Dissidia night this weekend? Snacks and gaming?"

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Ann looks over at Ryuji with a light blush on her cheeks. "Yeah, sure! Sounds like it'd be great."

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"Awesome! Maybe Saturday night, I'll grab the snacks. Whose place you wanna meet at? And d'you two wanna get in on this too?" He directs the last question at Akira and Shiho.

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"I think you two should make it a date. At three dates in a week plus miscellaneous stuff I'm probably getting kinda tired."

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Shiho nods. "Valid. And yeah, you two need a date of your own without us."

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He blushes a bit more. "Sounds pretty great to me."

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"I'm definitely not going to turn that down." Ann gives Ryuji a sly look.

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"Well if we're callin' this a date then maybe we need dinner, not just snacks. That ramen place still open near your place? Maybe game for a while, then go for ramen, then hit a pastry shop after?"

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"Sounds good to me!" Ann smiles.

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Ryuji blushes and grins. "Meet you at four or five maybe?"

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"Let's go with four. Beat the supper rush."

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Akira smiles. "See you after school, Shiho." 

She's almost done her lunch, now. 

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Shiho wiggles in her seat just a bit, squeezes Akira's hand, and smiles as well. "See you after school, Akira."

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And then, just a couple minutes later, the bell rings, signalling everyone to head back to their classrooms.

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And Akira and Ann head back to class. 

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Class goes smoothly enough. Eventually the schoolday ends.

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Akira goes looking for Shiho.

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Ann tags along as well.

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Here's Shiho in classroom 2-A, packing up her notebook and textbook. There's a quietly eager smile on her face.

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Akira smiles. "Hey," she says. "Nice to see you again."

— crap, what was the plan again, it was something about dumplings and music but she's forgotten where the dumpling shop was — 

"Care to show me that dumpling shop you talked about?" 

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Ann smiles. "Just wanted to say hi, I'll be heading off soon." She glances between Akira and Shiho. "You two have fun, alright? I'm sure you'll get along great."

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Shiho looks up and grins blushily at their arrival, then nods in agreement. "Yeah, it's gonna be great."

She turns to Ann. "Go kick Ryuji's ass in Dissidia, we'll be fine," she says, and kisses her cheek.

Then she takes Akira's hand, smiling warmly at her. "Yeah, let's."

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... It's different from holding hands with Ryuji. Shiho's hand is smaller than Akira's, but her touch is firmer than Ryuji's, more steady. Her hand supports rathen than envelops, like a tree-branch outspread to bear its leaves. 

Akira takes Shiho by the hand, and leads her away from her desk. 

"So," she says. "I have to confess I've forgotten which way it is already. I'm guessing we head to the station?"

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Ann looks like she's trying not to laugh. 

When Akira glances over she presses her lips together and nods. "Yeah, have fun you two." She gives a little wave goodbye and heads off to find Ryuji. 

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"Mhm! It's right off Station Square, so we'll just head to Shibuya."

She throws her bag over her shoulder and follows Akira toward the exit.

"How was the rest of class?"

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"Not bad, not bad. More history. We got to learn some things about Tokugawa Ieyasu, so that was fun."

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"Oh neat. We had math, in my class. Doing some geometry lately."

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"Trig, or...?"

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I can hear the "love triangle" joke you're hoping for, Akira. You dork. 

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"Angles and axioms, mostly. I think they're working up to trig soon, though."

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"Soon you'll have the keys to all kinds of polygons. Maybe even a rhombus. Won't that be exciting?" Akira keeps her delivery deadpan.

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"Oh yes, rhombuses are simply riveting. I can't wait." Shiho manages a decent deadpan as well, though the faint edges of a giggle are barely audible in her voice.

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"Everyone knows about the love triangle. Some, the love square. But the love rhombus has never been proven to exist. Perhaps you'll discover it."

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Shiho leans over into a gigglefit at that, tugging Akira closer as they walk and shaking her head before resting her head on Akira's shoulder.

"Love rhombus, heheheheee."

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Akira grins and giggles along. 

It's so good to make Shiho laugh. She really deserves it after all of this. 

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Her giggles run out, and the girls keep walking.

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"So Shibuya, huh. I'm still not used to the sheer number of shops and things that are around here — my family lived out in the country, so a shopping area like Shibuya is way more convenience than I'm used to having. It seems like you can get anything you want out there."

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"Yeah! There's a lot there. I'm still discovering new stuff there sometimes, and Harajuku's even bigger for fashion. All depends what you're shopping for."

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"Do you know any decent bookshops in the area? I was thinking about picking up something to read in the evenings."

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"Yeah, there's one down Central street. What sort of books do you like?"

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"I used to read detective stories, but I'm thinking of branching out a little, trying some nonfiction maybe. What do you generally read?"

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"A lot of books about mountain climbers or world travelers, mostly. Like people sailing around the world, or expeditions to the north pole, or stuff like that."

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"Huh, cool. You're the outdoorsy type then?"

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"Yeah, I've got a lot of trail guides too, and other stuff like that. Do you like hiking at all?"

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"I used to go for walks in the country, if that counts? I'd go walking for hours to get out of the house, even though there wasn't much around to see. I've never done an actual, like, hiking trail before though."

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"If you'd ever like to try, I know some good ones around here."

They're off campus now, most of the way to the station.

"What was the countryside like where you lived before?"

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"It was a little farming town in Tochigi. Mostly wheat, not rice. My father worked a remote programming job with Seiko group and my mother had an accountancy job with Denso, so the house was quite large. Too big, I think, actually. We had rooms we barely used. There were neighbours but I never really got to know them; they minded their business and I minded mine. There were few other kids my age, so..."

She looks away.

"... You probably meant were there mountains or trees or what, yeah? Sorry. Yeah, there were mountains, to the north of us. And there were some nice trees, too, old and tall, all clustered together. I'd go walking in the forest north of town when I needed to rest. Sit out there for hours with a mystery novel. There was a little clearing where the light fell just right..." 

Akira rubs her lips with the back of her thumb. "Sometimes I wish I could go back there. But the feeling always passes."

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Shiho stops walking and pulls Akira into a tight hug.

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Akira exhales and hugs back. 

"... Thanks," she says.

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"Anytime," she replies as she keeps hugging.

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Akira pries herself off of Shiho. She — it's weird to have Shiho hug her like this, especially in public. She's just saying what it was like. It's normal, right...?

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Your parents didn't accept your identity, and made you change your last name when you came to Tokyo, but clearly had the means to support you easily. That plus the fact that you escaped the house for hours at a time despite the supposed luxury, and the lack of friends your age there, combine to make it very clear that your home life was terrible. Shiho's a smart girl; she can do the math, moitié, Julie points out.

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Shiho unhugs and smiles bittersweetly at Akira.

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Akira nods back and fiddles with the sleeve of her blouse. She's really not sure what to say.

It wasn't that bad, she protests to Julie. 

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You just told Shiho that you spent as much time out of the house as you could. No one with a good home life does that. Chérie, literally all of the unpleasant surprises in our mindspace home have to do with your parents, except for one or two about the principal. It was bad enough to have your complaints about it slip into an unrelated conversation, clearly, but do you not consider that enough to deserve a hug about it?

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... you're right. 

Hurts to say it, but...

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Bien sûr, moitié. So are you pulling out of the hug because you don't want to be hugged, or because you think you don't deserve it?

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... the latter. And because I'm embarrassed to be seen hugging in public. 

"Thank you," Akira repeats. She assesses Shiho for a moment, then nods.

"... Let's talk more at the café," she says. "I know it's kind if heavy for a date and all, but... If anyone would know what it's like it'd be you." 

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Mon dieu, you Japanese and your reserve about public affection, Julie teases.

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Shiho nods firmly and starts back toward the station, offering Akira her hand to hold. 

"Yeah, I would."

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"I mean, uh, the dumpling place, not the crepé place."

She takes Shiho's hand and smiles. 

"Thank you."

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She nods. "Thought so."

The silence this time feels a bit more thoughtful, contemplative, and is accompanied by a handsqueeze from Shiho. Soon enough they're walking down the stairs into the station.

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"So tell me about this dumpling place," Akira says. "Or the hiking trails, take your pick."

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"The trails, I think. You'll see the dumpling place with your own eyes in twenty minutes," Shiho muses as they wait for the train. "I... I haven't gone in nearly two years, but one of my favorite easier ones is Mount Kōbō. I used to go every March, for cherry blossom season. In the evenings, the flowers catch the light from the lanterns beautifully, and they've got picnic tables too."

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"Cherry blossoms really are beautiful. There are few things prettier than a sakura in full bloom."

Akira pauses. "I think you might be one of those things, though."

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Shiho just freezes for a moment, at a loss for words, a blush rising on her cheeks.

"I—um—Thank you."

She squeezes Akira's hand again.

"I think you're really pretty too."

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The train pulls into the station with a faint squeal of the brakes.

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She hopes that little freeze means Shiho likes it... 

"Thanks to you too."

And she leads Shiho onto the train.

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I suspect the unexpected compliment derailed her mind un peu, chérie, Julie suggests with a mental smile.

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Shiho spots a pair of seats and pulls Akira toward them, sitting down next to her. She holds Akira's hand in her lap, clasped between both of hers, smiling warmly.

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Having Shiho be so possesive of her hand is really sweet. Also, it is in her lap. 

Akira suddenly finds the train announcement screen very interesting.

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Shiho runs her thumb along the back of Akira's hand, still smiling.

"There's another hike that's pretty easy, and really pretty this time of year. Kinchakuda has a nice trail that has some lovely waterwheels and red spider lilies and wildflowers along the way, and a great view of Mount Fuji and of the city, when you get to the end."

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Akira thinks about it. Higanbana, huh...

"I've always thought of spider lilies as more of a somber flower, but nonetheless that sounds wonderful. Perhaps that can be our next date?" She tilts her head slightly.

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"I like that idea, yeah."

She squeezes Akira's hand and looks down. "All the date ideas we're planning so far are things I like, though. We should do something you like, too."

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"I don't really know what I like for, like, getting out into the city, though. I never had a chance to try that myself. Most of my interactions with people my age before I moved here were online, voice chat and stuff. I read, played anime or video games or music on the computer, went for walks in the forest. Sometimes my family would take me for a meal at a restaurant or something like that. I took online classes at a prestigious school. My parents would say it was better than Shujin..." 

Akira shakes her head. "I tried to convince them to let me take in person classes but they never agreed to it. They'd have had to move. I ended up getting what I wanted in the worst possible way."

She coughs. "So yeah. I — partly I'm trying things, yeah? Figuring out what I even enjoy. The world's a lot bigger now than I'm used to."

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"It sucks that they wouldn't try for a chance to give you in-person classes, Akira, and that the way you got here was so terrible. You're here with us now, though, and we'll just have to keep trying different things. I'm sure between all four of us we can think of a lot of options."

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"I mean, it worked out in the end, I guess..."

Akira sighs. "But yeah, we can just try stuff. Like when I asked you all what to get on my shopping trip earlier." She runs a hand through her hair. "We'll figure something out."

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She pulls one hand away from clasping Akira's hand, and wraps that arm around her shoulders.

"Yeah, we will. We'll figure it out and we'll make it work. Together."

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... Akira rests her head on Shiho's shoulder. 

Shiho is so good

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Is she brave enough to do this...

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Yes, she is. 

She leans in and very gently kisses Shiho's cheek.

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Shiho wiggles happily, blushing brightly, and squeezes Akira tighter.

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Akira exhales and settles back into her seat from the awkward lean. 

... she looks over at Shiho, and the corner of her mouth quirks up, but she smooths it away with her hand. 

It's just... She is so, so lucky.

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If the sappy smile on Shiho's face is any indication, the feeling is mutual. "I'm really glad I know you."

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"I'm really glad I know you too."

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Shiho sighs warmly and squeezes Akira's hand again.

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Akira settles in and rests. The train car jostles gently, but it can't break their linked hands.

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After a few minutes, Shiho speaks up. "T-Tell Joker and Julie hi for me?"

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She flushes. 

"I, um... Yeah. Okay." 

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Hey, Joker? 

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Yes, I heard. Want me to say hi?

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Please. It's so awkward, I would really appreciate your help. 

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Alright, then. Don't say I didn't warn you. 

Joker slips into front.

The first thing she does is raise Shiho's hand to her lips and kiss her knuckles.

"Charmed to formally make your acquaintance," Joker says. "Julie says hello as well."

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Joker —

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... never mind carry on. 

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Shiho blushes brightly when Joker kisses her hand. "Um. Hi Joker," she replies with a grin. "I'm charmed as well. It's good to meet you properly."

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"It's good to meet you too. Floating around in mindspace isn't so bad, but this grounds me. It feels solid."

She loosens her grip on Shiho's hand a little, and leans back against the seat, crossing her legs. "Akira's got a whole little house locked up in that head of hers now. Well, less a bedroom. She seems to have decided that the pile of pillows in the living room is good enough for her." Joker rolls her eyes. "Typical of her. She never seems to feel like she deserves anything nice. We've been sorting through some of her feelings about her family together too, just like you've been. There's a lot to catch you up on, honestly. Akira's been super shy about talking about what she's been doing with me and Julie because a lot of it is kind of personal, but me? I have no such compunctions." She waggles her eyebrows.

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I swear to all the kami, Joker, if you tell Shiho I fucked Julie —

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Relaaaaaaax. I can leave stuff out of a story as well as you can. 

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I suspect that if you told Shiho about that, the poor girl might combust. Let's not, amusing though it might be.

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"Oh wow, you've been busy in there! You've made a whole house together? That's really cool. How does having a house in your head even work?"

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"It's a long story, but the short version is it's mostly like any other house but we can mostly only seem to access it when we're asleep. We've got a kitchen, a living room, an office, and a couple other spooky things to do with Akira's stress level and Julie and where she comes from." 

Joker drums her fingers on her arm. "You might have heard from Ann that Akira said she had a bad dream last night? Yeah, we were messing around in there and it was stressful for her."

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"Oh..." Shiho frowns. "It's important, though, the stuff you were doing?"

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"Yeah, definitely. The house kind of reflects Akira's mindstate so we can sort of... help her cope a bit by handling and filing objects that represent her memories or emotions. It takes effort, but it gets processing done. And the Julie part is important too."

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She nods. "That makes sense. Is there any way I can help?"

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"Just keep being good to her. That helps a lot in and of itself. Makes it easier to keep the house in order, you could say."

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"Definitely going to try." She looks down, then looks Joker in the eyes. "What about being good to you, too?"

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Joker flushes and looks away. "I... generally have a better handle on things than Akira does, or at least I like to think so. I certainly have been doing most of the prompting for her to try and change how she thinks about herself... Well, Julie's on that too. But I appreciate the help. It's — yeah. I guess I haven't really gotten used to being a whole separate person yet."

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Shiho pokes Joker firmly in the shoulder. "Well, you are one, and you get to have wants too. Including asking for dates of your own, if you want."

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Joker grins at that. "Of course."

She reaches in and brushes an errant strand of Shiho's hair out of her face. "I would love to explore all the possibilites open to us." she murmurs. 

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Shiho shivers and blushes. "I'm in danger~," she murmurs with a small grin.

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Joker smirks. "Only if you want to be."

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Still grinning and blushing, Shiho takes a breath before replying, "T-take me on a date first, you menace."

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Joker grins, ducks her head, squeezes Shiho's hand. She looks down at their interlinked hands, then back up to meet Shiho's gaze. 

"I'd be honored," she says. And then her gaze darts away.

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Shiho squeezes back. "What kind of dates do you like, if you know yet?"

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Joker half-laughs and looks away. "I, ah..."

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Yeah, huh, ain't it harder when you're in front and have to say it with your flesh lips?

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It's not my fault that most girls don't find killing something together and making out afterwards to be fun!

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Joker, I say this very affectionately, but you need a damn hobby. 

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Joker considers for a long moment. 

"Do you know a good arcade? I feel like something competitive would be good."

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"Hmm. I think Ryuji mentioned one somewhere in Shibuya? Don't know for sure, though."

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"Maybe we could go hunting for it together. It'd be an adventure."

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"I do like adventures. Let's wait to pick a day until we've had our meeting and figured out what's happening to our schedule, though?"

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Joker nods. "Yeah, solid plan."

She lets go Shiho's hand for a moment and stretches her arms out above her head, then settles back against the seat again and taps her palm against her thigh. "We'll see how it goes."

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"Yeah, we will."

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An automated announcement comes over the speakers. "Shibuya. Now approaching... Shibuya. Please stand clear of the doors."

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"I should probably give Akira back the body, shouldn't I? It's her date after all." 

Joker gives a little wave. 

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And it's Akira who stands, takes Shiho's hand, and disembarks the train. 

The difference in body language isn't subtle. Akira stands like she's afraid she might trespass on someone else's space; the contrast to Joker's casual stretches couldn't be more obvious. 

Most people, of course, aren't looking for it.

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Shiho, however, is, and takes Akira's hand with a gentle squeeze as they step out into the station together. "Hey," she greets her with a smile.

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"Hey." Akira smiles. "Which way to the dumpling place?"

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"Not far." Shiho leads the way up from the platform into the Shibuya underground, then from there up into Station Square, before turning toward a small side street. Half a block off the square they reach a tiny dumpling stand with a short line in front of it, even this long before supper. A menu over the window offers bowls of gyōza with any of several different meat options for the filling: pork, beef, chicken, vegetarian, or combinations.


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Akira gets in line. "Looks great. I've heard that small shops always have the tastiest food: do you think it's true?"

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"I don't know about always," Shiho replies, walking up beside her, "but these are definitely the best gyōza I've had."

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"Any kind in particular you'd recommend, or...?"

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"The pork's classic and what they're best at, that's what I usually get, but their chicken's really good too. The beef is hit or miss sometimes. The vegetarian is pretty solid but not amazing."

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"I think I'll try the chicken then. You said there were tables around here somewhere?" 

Akira looks around for someplace to sit. 

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"I'll get pork, then, and you can try some of mine if you want. Seats are back in the square, so we'll be walking back there once we have our food."

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"Right, okay, that makes sense. So... you were going to share music with me, yeah? Any bands in particular you wanted to show me?"

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"Danger Gang for one," she replies with a nod, "and some other vkei groups after that. Then see if anything else pops out at me based on what you like from those."

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"Alright." Akira fishes in her bag for her wallet and gets out her money. "You brought your headphone splitter?"

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"Yep!" She pulls it out of a side pocket on her bag. "You brought your headphones?"

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Akira pulls a pair of beat-up headphones with a faded sticker of a dinosaur over one earpiece out of her bag. They look like they would have been high quality once, but now the foam earpads have started to escape their frayed faux-leather enclosure. 

"I've had these since I was ten," she says. "They were a birthday present from my father."

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Shiho squeezes Akira's hand, quiet for a moment before replying with a soft smile, "Dinosaur sticker, good taste."

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Akira laughs. "Yeah, I was super into them. The obsession passed eventually but I still really like them."

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"Entirely sensible of you. I like dinosaurs too."

And then it's their turn at the front of the line.

"Two large bowls, one pork and one chicken, please." Turning back to Akira, she asks, "Want anything to drink?"

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"I think I'd like an orange ramune."

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"One orange ramune and one peach."

She pulls some cash out of her wallet and pays the bill, and then they're left to stand off to the side for a few minutes until their number is called.

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— Shiho paying for her?

... at first she's offended, but she catches it and looks at it. Why is she offended to have Shiho pay for her gyoza? 

It's probably because she's still operating on the dating rules for men. And because she doesn't feel like she gets to have nice things. 

... when she thinks about it like that, the emotion thaws a little. She's even a little grateful. Shiho cares. Shiho sees her as a girl. 

She exhales, not quite having caught the flash of annoyance on her face, and puts her wallet away again. 

"Training me to accept that I get to be treated sometimes too, huh?" The words are a little more bitter than she intends, but she pinches the bridge of her nose and rubs the annoyance away. "Sorry. I had sort of planned to buy, but it's okay. It's good, even. I'm just..." She shakes her head. "If it was my family buying, it would be about saying I'm not an adult."

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Shiho nods softly. "Yeah. I get that."

She smiles bittersweetly. "From me, it's about appreciating this chance to get to know you, and thinking you deserve nice things. You're definitely just as much an adult as I am; you and Ann and Ryuji and Morgana saved me, and you led them." She squeezes Akira's hand. "You can get the picnic for the hike next time?"

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"Yeah. Deal." Akira squeezes back. Nothing more need be said. 

Akira coughs and changes the subject. "So... how'd you discover this place anyway?"

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"There's a hiking and camping supply store near here I shop at sometimes."

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"Sounds interesting. Maybe I'll drop by if I get into hiking." Akira slips her headphones around her neck and plugs the trailing wire into her phone in her pocket. "I'd say we should listen to something while we wait, but someone's got to keep an ear out for our order coming up..."

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"Well, we can talk at least. Did you have any bands you wanted to share too?"

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"Did I already mention Aural Vampire? I know I said Rose Noire, but there were a couple others... Exist Trace? And there was one more..." 

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"We've definitely talked about Exist Trace, since we're going to see their concert in a few months, and I think you mentioned Aural Vampire too?"

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"Oh yeah, the other one I said that I forgot about was Unlucky Morpheus. And then there's a broader cluster, uh... Neurotic Doll is solid if old, there's also I think Variable Messiah... If you want something more brooding there's Sito Magus..." 

"Oh, and Kanon Wakeshima is cool, I think I mentioned her already... she did the EDs for Vampire Knight and Vampire Knight Guilty, plus a whole discography of her own work. Some of it is too bright and peppy for me, but she has a few nice brooding songs. She primarily plays the cello, so I feel it's unusual for someone on that instrument to have a solo career like the one she's had."

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"Oooh. Looking forward to checking them out."

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"Thirty-seven!", cries a man holding two bowls and a small bag.

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"Oh, that's us!"

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Akira nods and heads over to pick up the order. 

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He hands her the bag and bowls with a nod, then turns to call for the next customer. The bag turns out to contains a few little plastic tubs of sauces and two sets of chopsticks.

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Akira hands Shiho her bowl. "Back to the square?" she asks.

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"Mhm!" She reaches out her free hand to squeeze Akira's hand, and leads the way to a group of wrought-iron tables and chairs off to one side of Station Square.

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Akira picks a chair and settles her bowl on the table, then breaks out the chopsticks and the sauces, as well as the drinks. She takes the little plastic cap off her orange ramune and pushes the sealing marble into the hollow in the codd-necked bottle; the bottle fizzes and goes all over her hand.

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"Oops!" Shiho grabs for a napkin to help clean up.

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Akira laughs, and takes the offered napkin and dries the spill as best she can; then she breaks apart her disposable chopsticks, rubs them against each other to get rid of any slivers, and seizes a gyoza. 

"Here goes," she says. "Figure I'll try one without the sauce to start."

She pops it in her mouth and chews.

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It's delicious, the fried underside of the dumpling just crispy enough, and the savory blend of vegetables and spices complementing the chicken excellently. 

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"Mm. Tha's good." Akira chews and swallows, then spears a second gyoza, completely forgetting the sauce. "I can see why you love this place."

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"I know, right?", she replies with a grin, starting in on her own gyōza. "I'm only not calling them the best dumplings in Tokyo because I haven't tried enough places yet."

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Akira nods. "A wise decision." Then she pops the second gyoza into her mouth and chews. "Mmmmmmm. Wow, having things like this and the crêpe shop easily accessible is going to take some getting used to. I bet they're even better with the sauce... " 

She grabs one of the sauce tubs, takes the lid off, and dips one of her gyōza into the mixture. 

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It's rich and spicy, with a nice touch of garlic. Apparently this little shop knows their sauces, too. One of the others looks like it's embellished a fair bit from soy sauce, and another looks like it might be sweet and tangy.

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Shiho grins playfully and steals a dumpling from Akira's bowl while she's distracted with the sauce.

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Akira's closed her eyes to savour the taste for a moment, taking her time. When she opens her eyes to discover a gyoza is missing from her bowl, she blinks, then cracks up. 

"You're using the power of the gyoza against me!" She grins and shakes her head. "I guess I should've known you were a thief." 

She reaches out with her chopsticks towards Shiho's bowl, but pauses. " — I'd just grab one but these chopsticks have been in my mouth, it'd be —" an indirect kiss "— rude." 

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"I learned from the best," she teasingly replies. Blushing and still grinning, she gestures encouragingly. "Go ahead."

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"Alright." Akira snags a pork dumpling, dips it, and pops it in her mouth. "Mmmmmh. Yeah, you're right, these are better. The chicken ones are no slouches though. Really glad you brought me here."

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"I'm happy to share it with you," she replies. "I'm looking forward to sharing the music, too."

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"Yeah. Shall I get it out, or...? I'm just kind of realizing that most of these artists I like because they're sort of dark, and that... I don't actually want to listen to dark music right now. I feel light with you. Maybe I could get out some Aural Vampire, they're... in the zone where they're more spooky than haunted, yeah?"

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Shiho nods. "Yeah, I get that." She pulls out her phone, plugs in the splitter, and flips through a few songs before nodding again, firmer. "Okay, found a good first one."

She plugs in her headphones, then pops another gyōza in her mouth.

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Akira plugs in her headphones as well.

"Okay, whenever you're ready."

She pops another gyoza in her mouth, and waits for the music to start.

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Shiho hits play

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Akira doesn't know what she was expecting, but these bouncy, jazzy piano chords sure wasn't it. Then the tambourine and drums come in, and she starts to bob her head along. The bass hits and she starts to groove, listening along. 

The lyrics are about two girls going off on an adventure together, their hearts floating up into the sky, eating sweets together, spending time together... she's not sure if that line about "going off in search of something entirely different" is supposed to be an innuendo, but it's definitely a romantic song. 

It passes, eventually, and she's left smiling. 

"... That sounded wonderful," she says. 

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"Yeah, it's one of my favorite happier songs. I'm glad you liked it."

She blushes and looks down a bit, smiling warmly.

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Akira takes the opportunity to steal one of her dumplings while she's distracted — then gives Shiho back one of her own in exchange. 

"Who's the group? Would I have heard of them?"

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"The group is IOSYS—" 

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"Wait, the touhou circle? The ones who make — silly stuff like Overdrive and Cirno's Perfect Math Class? They did this?" 

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"Yeah! They do some serious stuff too, but it's not as popular, because everyone's used to their goofy tracks. This is one of my favorites."

She pops the chicken gyōza Akira gave her into her mouth with a smile.

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After she swallows, she queues up another song. "This one is a sadder song, but I think you'll like it."

She hits play.

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Akira closes her eyes and listens. 

It's in a very different style from the first song, starting off with a vocoded woman's voice singing dense lyrics over electronic texture. 

It tells a story of a doll who, given life by her creator, finds love with them, only for it to end in heartbreak as she becomes independent and grows slowly away from the person she loves. She mourns the inevitable passing away of the relationship, and in turn the person she loves, but at the same time rejoices in having known them. 

The song ends on the words:

"Ah, for me, my very own soul."

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The song trails away, and Akira is left to sit in silence. 

Is it over...? 

It's over, isn't it.

... not just the song... 

Not just the song. 

She blinks back tears and offers a bittersweet smile to Shiho. 

"Yeah," she says softly. "It's in the past now. I'm my own. I always have been. And..." She fumbles for words, the feeling inside her not quite settling into a shape she can say. "... I want it to have been for something, and it was for something. It was for me. For making me. And I think I'm — myself, despite everything they tried. That's the... hurt and the joy of it."

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She smiles tenderly and takes Akira's hands in her own. "Yeah. You are. We both are, despite everything that tried to happen to us. And you've got some people who are discovering we really like who you are."

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Akira smiles, deep and genuine, and nods. 

"Yeah," she says. "Yeah, I do."

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Shiho smiles warmly, then looks down at her phone. "Ready for the next?"

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Akira takes a breath, and nods. 

"I think so."

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"Instrumental this time," she says as she hits play.

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Akira listens. 

A lone synthesized horn plays in a slow intro, wistful and distant; then cymbals and strings come in, and the tempo picks up to a rush. It washes over her like a flowing river, dense and energetic: then the tempo falls again, and the lonely horn returns. 

It seems like the song will trail off on that sad note — but then all at once the cymbals crash in again, and a final chorus of horn, tambourine, string and cymbals carries the piece to a happy conclusion. 

Akira comes back to herself after the song, and realizes she's smiling. 

"That's good," she says. "I think I like the lonely parts more than the energetic ones, but it... feels whole. That's also by IOSYS?"

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"Mhm! Their discography is a lot more diverse than most people give them credit for. And yeah, me too."

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Akira taps her chopsticks against the side of her bowl, but doesn't pick up another gyoza. 

"... can I share something? Some music, I mean."

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She nods. "Definitely! Just switch the splitter over to your phone."

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Akira swaps the splitter over, and queues up the track. 


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"Ready," she nods.

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She presses play.

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Shiho starts to smile at the opening violin, then a bit wider at the hopeful-sounding piano.

Her smile turns bittersweet as the lyrics start, soft with remembered pain and growth.

When the singer starts talking about music bridging the gap, her mouth falls open with a quiet, "oh."

She reaches out and squeezes Akira's hand.

By the end of it, her smile is warm and tender, and a few tears have rolled down her cheeks.

"Oh Akira, I love it."

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Akira's also a little teary, but she squeezes Shiho's hand back in return. She rubs her eyes with her free hand and takes a long breath. 

"... I'm going to need a little break after that," she says. She picks up her chopsticks and tries another dumpling. It helps.

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Shiho nods. "Me too, honestly. Just... wow. You get it. You actually get it."

She shakes her head, still smiling tenderly, and eats a couple gyōza of her own.

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"Reaching out is hard, but..." 

Akira looks down at her gyōza. "I made a promise to myself a few years ago. I'd just flunked my online courses... It was a nightmare trying to deal with being in the closet and my parents' high expectations. They were livid at me, not even for being trans — they didn't know — but simply because I'd lost focus on my studies.

They started enforcing a sharp curfew on computer time. This was before I got my phone, which is... a long story in itself, I'll leave that part aside for now. So I started not having time to even see my acquaintances online. They... it's just like with Kamoshida, they did their best to isolate me and make me have no-one to turn to. 

I promised myself I'd... keep trying. Keep looking for someone who understood. Keep working to find a place for myself. That kind of resolution." 

Akira fidgets with her chopsticks, not quite going far enough to pick up another gyōza. "The bargain was that if I... made it to twenty and was still in that house with them, then I'd be allowed to... give up."

"That promise kept me going for... long enough to find you, and Ann, and Ryuji, and Boss. Through the worst of it. I had always hoped, but..." 

She meets Shiho's gaze. "I never thought I'd really make it until literally a week ago."

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"Oh. Oh Akira." Shiho's expression turns bittersweet again, and she scoots her chair around the table close enough to wrap an arm around Akira.

"I'm glad you made that promise," she whispers, "and I'm glad we met you in time. I... I get it, though. Better than I want to admit."

She squeezes her gently.

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Akira sets down her chopsticks and turns to hug Shiho. 

"I'm sorry," she murmurs. "You shouldn't have to hear all this."

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Shiho shakes her head, hugging Akira close. "You don't have to apologize for confiding a hurt in your girlfriend. That's just... not how relationships work."

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Akira laughs, mostly because it's that or cry. 

"Yeah," she says. "I guess... yeah."

She takes a deep breath, pressed in against Shiho's shoulder. Shiho smells faintly floral. Is that lavender...?

Akira pries herself away, and rubs her forehead. "Just, you know. Some date this is, you take a girl out for gyōza and music and she cries and monologues about her family." She cracks a wry smile. "It's just... all closer to the surface with you, I don't understand it. I guess it's how seriously you take me. I feel like I can say anything and you'll just nod and say "that makes sense." And it's... really good to have that. I've never really had that before."

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"Maybe it's because we've both been hurt. We can relate to each other." Shiho shrugs. "I'm pretty new to all this too, there's a lot I don't know. I know I'm glad to help, though."

She hugs Akira some more.

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Akira lets herself be held.

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Shiho keeps holding her.

"I...," she begins after a bit, "I smile a lot and reach out to you and Ann and Ryuji, but... I think I'm in shock or something, from how good my life has gotten since you showed up and Ann came back. Before... I thought about the roof sometimes. So I get it."

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"... Yeah. Now we both have something to stay for." 

Akira slips back a little bit from Shiho, and looks into her eyes. 

"Shiho... May I kiss you?"

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Shiho gazes back at Akira, smiling gently. "Yeah, we do, and you may."

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Akira leans in, and gently kisses Shiho. She has a little more practice now, so it's less fumbling than her first try with Ryuji. 

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Shiho returns the kiss softly, moving a hand up to caress Akira's cheek, sighing warmly when they separate.

"Thank you," she whispers with a tender smile.

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"No, thank you. For... listening to all my squishy feelings. The hard ones, and the warm ones too. The gentle ones and the spiky ones. You're really made today unforgettable for me."

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She leans in and presses another soft kiss to Akira's lips. "Same," she breathes.

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Akira kisses her again, a little firmer. She lets out a soft sigh, her eyes fluttering closed —

She's in public. 

Reluctantly, she pulls back. 

"... Um," she says. She rubs the back of her neck. 

Is there somewhere more private we could go —

A flush rises to her face. No, she hasn't even finished her gyoza. Priorities. 

She looks away. "You're really beautiful."

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"So are you," Shiho replies with a blushy grin.

She looks down and pops a dumpling in her mouth.

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Shiho's not the only one who has suddenly redeveloped an interest in her food.

The dumplings are only lukewarm, now. She'd better focus on the food. Akira takes a few minutes, and finishes off her bowl of gyoza using the dip she already has open. 

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Shiho playfully dips her gyōza in the same little pot of sauce, grinning when Akira catches her doing so.

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Akira ducks her head and smiles. "Yeah, sure, steal my dip too."

She looks away.

"I, um. You're really good at kissing."

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Shiho blushes brightly. "I... um. Ann and I got a lot of practice."

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Akira doesn't quite meet Shiho's gaze. "Would... Would you like to... Would you like to get some more? Practice, I mean."

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She grins, still blushing, and nods. "I—um—where?"

And then she quickly eats another dumpling.

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"I, um." Akira flushes. "I guess Leblanc's attic is the only obvious place we could likely get some privacy, huh, what with Ann being on a date with Ryuji and all. I mean, we were going to have to go there eventually anyway, so..."

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She nods and eats her last two dumplings swiftly, then stacks up the trash.

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Akira is going to just say nothing and take a deep drink of her ramune right now.

Honestly she can't believe she's doing this...

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Shiho stuffs the trash into the bag everything came in, then gives it a sharp swing with a flick of her wrist, throwing it to land perfectly in a nearby trashcan. She grabs her ramune with one hand, her girlfriend's hand with the other, and gets up. "Wanna get going?"

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Akira nods sharply and gets up, linking hands with Shiho. She doesn't trust her voice right now.

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She leads the way down into the underground, then nods her head at the various staircases down to the platforms, as if to ask which one, before taking a drink of her ramune. Maybe she doesn't trust her voice either.

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"Le... Leblanc's in Yongen-Jaya. I'll lead." 

Akira steps out in front and leads Shiho to the transfer platform, along the familiar route she's taken many times before. 

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Shiho follows, hand intertwined with Akira's.

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A train arrives fairly promptly.

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Akira pauses. 

She was going to go to the bookstore —

Nnnnnnnot important. She will cope.

She gets on the train, trailing Shiho behind her.

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Shiho folds herself into a seat next to Akira, and squeezes her hand.

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Akira tentatively interlaces her fingers with Shiho's. 

As the train sets off down the tracks, she tentatively clears her throat. 

"... Guess I'll have to go book shopping another day." Akira takes another drink of her ramune.

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She blushes, running her thumb over the back of Akira's hand. "Oops?"

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Akira suppresses a laugh. "Yeah, um. I think you're more important than any book." 

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She rests her head on Akira's shoulder.

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... Akira smiles tenderly, and releases Shiho's hand to instead drape her arm around Shiho's shoulders. 

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She sighs gently and leans a bit closer.

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Akira kisses the side of Shiho's head, in her hair, and holds her close.

She feels calm and light. The soft jostling of the train lulls her, and having Shiho in her arms feels so reassuring.

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"You get it," Shiho breathes, her voice full of wonder and barely audible over the sound of the subway.

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"Yeah," Akira murmurs. "I do." 

The train rocks softly. Shiho is still in her arms. She can feel their connection strengthen with each moment they spend together like this. 

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She sighs softly and falls silent for a long moment.



"I'll stay. For you and Ann. And Ryuji." She murmurs the promise, barely more than a whisper.

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Akira closes her eyes. 

"I'll stay too. For you, and everyone who's dear to me." The words only barely reach Shiho, whispered against her ear as they are.

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They stay like that for a while, nestled against each other, Akira holding Shiho close.

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"Yongen-Jaya," the speakers announce. "Now arriving at Yongen-Jaya."

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To run her fingers through Shiho's hair... 

Akira sighs softly. They're still in public. 

As the train pulls in, Akira takes Shiho's hand again. Another drink of her ramune later, the train doors open and Akira leads Shiho out into the neighbourhood that's now her home. 

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Shiho stands with a warm sigh and follows Akira out, sipping her ramune as she goes. It's a calm, cloudy day.

"So this is where you live?", she asks, squeezing Akira's hand as she looks around at the neighborhood.

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Akira nods. "Yeah, at least since last week. It's amazing how fast it's become home."

She finishes her ramune and drops the bottle in a recycling bin by the station. "I live in the attic of this cozy little cafe. Boss — his name's Sojiro Sakura, but everyone calls him that — runs the place and looks after me, you'll probably see him today too. It's down a side street, I'll lead the way." 

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Shiho nods, disposing of her empty bottle as well, and follows. The backstreets of Yongen-Jaya are quiet, with occasional passerby, mostly residents.

"Cute," Shiho declares when she sees Leblanc.

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"It really is, isn't it? If Boss has customers he probably won't want to talk, just so you know. He's very focused on good customer service."

Akira gets the door and comes into Leblanc.

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Sojiro is washing a mug when the girls step in. He looks up with a little wry grin. "Afternoon, kid. You two're back early."

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"Afternoon, Boss." Akira gestures to Shiho. "Suzui Shiho, Sakura Sojiro. I know we're a bit early for the meeting, but we ran out of things to do in Shibuya and I thought we might as well drop by."

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He nods. "Good to meet you, Shiho-chan. Call me Boss, everyone does."

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"Nice to meet you, Boss," Shiho replies.

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And just then the door opens behind the girls, a familiar elderly couple walking in. 

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He nods at the girls and then turns to greet his regulars. "Welcome back to Leblanc. The usual?"

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Akira nods to Boss, and takes the opportunity to head upstairs while he's distracted. 

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Shiho follows her up and looks around. "So this is where you live. I see what Ann was talking about. Good taste in posters, though."

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"Thanks a lot." Akira goes and sits on the beaten-up sofa against one wall, its pale green fabric faded and worn. She gestures to the CRT TV. "There's a secondhand store across the street that I'm thinking of checking for a used DVD player so there's something to do around here other than help out Sojiro in the kitchen and study, but I only made that plan yesterday, so..." She shrugs, then pats the seat next to her with a little smile.

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Shiho sits down next to Akira, smiling softly. "You're doing good for only being here a week, yeah. M-maybe a string or two of fairy lights, or a curtain to give you some privacy from the stairs? Just ideas for later, though."

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Akira nods, and lowers her voice to a murmur. 

"Boss will probably be busy with his customers for a few minutes at least, but he does come up here sometimes. So, um. Prob... probably best to try now if we're going to."

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Shiho blushes brightly and leans close, one hand clasping Akira's. "Yeah, p-probably is."

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Akira leans in, and gently kisses her.

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She sighs gently into the kiss, softly meeting Akira's lips with her own. 

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Akira gently embraces Shiho, one hand on her shoulder, the other in her lower back. She presses in closer, and deepens the kiss. 

It's different, doing it in real life. Shiho's... she could break this, if she does it wrong. 

Her breath comes a little hotter, a little faster. It's a thrill. Like diving into Kamoshida's palace for the first time... 

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Shiho presses herself tightly against Akira, lips soft and plaintive in their kiss. She wraps her arms around her, holding her close.

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And then a small feline head pokes out of Akira's blankets. "Wha?"

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"Eeep!" Shiho jumps in shock.

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"Aaaaah!" Morgana startles as well.

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Akira's heart jumps and she startles as well, though she manages not to cry out.

When she sees Morgana, she facepalms. 

"... I can't believe I totally forgot Morgana was here." She sighs. "Uh, hi. Sorry, this one's on me."

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Morgana shivers for a moment, then stands and stretches. "Hi Akira, Hi Shiho. I'm clearly interrupting. I'll go for a walk, try to be back in time for the meeting."

The leap down to the floor and start padding toward the stairs.

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"Yeah, um, thanks." Akira blushes and looks away.

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Shiho blushes and looks down, then after a moment bursts into giggles.

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Akira breaks out into giggles too, and leans against Shiho a little. "Whoops," she manages. "But, well, no harm done, right?" She rubs the back of her head, still a little flushed.

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"No harm done." She giggles and shakes her head. "S-so, where were we?"

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"About here, I think..."

Akira leans in and kisses Shiho again, and tries a small nip of her lower lip.

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Shiho gasps just a bit at the nip, blushing brighter, and returns the kiss.

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Akira kisses back, her heart still thudding fast. 

Her heart's in her throat right now, but... It's less than she's had with Julie. Julie would say to go for it, so...

Akira breaks the kiss, pulls Shiho into a firm hug, and presses her lips to Shiho's shoulder. 

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Shiho lets out a shaky, shuddery breath, tilting her head to the side to expose more of her shoulder and neck. She kisses along Akira's cheek and jaw.

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Akira kisses, kisses, kisses, drawing closer and closer to Shiho's neck until she's kissing in the crook of her collar. Her breath races. It feels like falling, like trust, like... joy. 

She can taste Shiho's skin, feel her hot breath... 

Her mind flashes back involuntarily to when she did this with Julie, and where it went afterwards... 

The thought is pushed aside. Shiho is more important. 

She bites the crook of Shiho's neck very gently.

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A soft whimper escapes her lips. She shivers limply against Akira for a moment, then arches against her and runs her hands down her back.

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Something goes click in Akira's brain. 

Bite harder.

She digs her fingers into Shiho's hair, and bites harder.

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Shiho gasps and stifles a moan, melting into Akira's embrace — then suddenly she flinches backward a moment after the moan.

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Akira freezes, and pulls back. Shit, she wasn't thinking, she totally got carried away —

"Are you okay?" she asks softly.

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Shiho curls in on herself, pulling her knees up to her chest and rocking slightly, but also leaning a bit toward Akira.

"I—I liked that," she whispers, shocked. "You bit me and I liked that what does that say about me."

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Akira flushes deeply —

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But a moment later the cold logic comes crashing back in. 

"I don't know," Akira says. "I... I enjoyed biting you. What does that say about me?"

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"I—you—no it's not that—does that mean I was asking for it?"

She shivers hard and curls herself tighter.

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"Fuck no." Akira's voice is hard. "There's no such thing. You didn't — that's not —" She takes a breath. "You absolutely did not deserve that in any way, shape or form. This doesn't change that at all."

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A few tears roll down her cheeks and she scoots closer to Akira, still curled as small as she can.

"But if if I like pain why do I get to complain?", she whispers desperately.

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Akira throws her mind back to the conversation of this morning...

" — Kamoshida didn't just hurt you, he harmed you. You — suffered, it doesn't matter why, it still matters that you — didn't want it. I — when Kamoshida carressed my cheek in the palace, there was a part of me that enjoyed it, but that didn't make it not a violation." 

Akira draws Shiho gently against her. "It matters that you get to say no. Kamoshida never gave you the chance to, and wouldn't have respected it if you had. You get to say that kind of hurt was bad, was harm, was wrong. That's your right."

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She nestles close, still rocking a bit, a few more tears and sniffles spilling out..

"I... Are you sure?"

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Akira meets Shiho's gaze. "Yeah," she says. "I'm absolutely positive."

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Shiho takes a shaky breath, sniffling more. "Oh. Sorry for all this."

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"No, it's okay, I, uh... I kind of have more experience with this exact kind of hurt than I'd like to have..."

She looks away. "Joker... likes to hurt people. And, um. I think I do too, judging from... the way I just bit you, there..."

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"Huh." She rests her head on Akira's shoulder. "I... I think it's going to t-take a while before I can explore that without crying. I-is that okay?"

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"That is the most reasonable thing I have ever heard someone say."

Akira hugs Shiho tenderly.

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She nestles shakily into Akira's arms, hugging her back weakly and sniffling a bit more.

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Akira just holds her. There doesn't seem to be much more she can do.

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Eventually her breathing calms and she presses a teary kiss to Akira's cheek, squeezing her a bit tighter.

"Thank you," she whispers.

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"No, I'm sorry. I wasn't careful enough, and I hurt you..." 

Akira gently runs her hand down Shiho's back. "You deserve to be treated well. As... something precious. Something good. I was reckless."

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"And you stopped. You c-couldn't predict that I'd react like that. I didn't know I'd r-react like that. But when I did, you stopped."

She hugs Akira some more.

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Akira takes a breath. 

"Yeah," she says softly. "I did."

She holds Shiho. "Thank you."

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Shiho snuggles into Akira's arms. "Thank you."

After a slow breath, she continues, with a growing blush, "I probably will want to explore that eventually, even though it scares me a bit. I... um... I k-kind of moaned when you bit me, before I freaked out. Be kind of dumb to ignore that."

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Akira flushes. "Y-yeah. That... that would be a good idea to. Figure out. Eventually."

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"Do... do you want to try kissing some more?"

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"... That's up to you. Please don't force it if you don't want to, okay?"

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Shiho's response to that is simply to pause for a moment, blushing more as she goes, and then lean in and press a soft kiss to Akira's lips.

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Akira softly kisses back.

Gentle, now. Gentle, gentle...

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Shiho presses softly into Akira, deepening the kiss slightly, running a hand along her waist.

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Akira nestles in and kisses back.

Shiho has the lead.

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Her movements are a little hesitant, after the scare earlier, but Shiho pulls Akira closer and kisses along her cheek and down her neck, caressing her waist.

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Akira sighs, smiles, and kisses back, mirroring what Shiho's doing to her. Gentle kiss after gentle kiss press into Shiho's neck and shoulder, with no sign of teeth behind them. 

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Shiho sighs tenderly, warmly, and returns to Akira's lips, deepening the kiss and pressing as close as she can.

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Akira kisses back, a little deeper again, her breath mixing with Shiho's. Her body's still tense from the sudden shock of Shiho's withdrawal, but as she kisses Shiho it gradually loosens. 

This feels... right.

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She pulls away with a smile, breathing heavily. "D-do you want to... move to the bed, maybe? Twisting like this is a little awkward."

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Akira flushes, but nods. 

She takes Shiho's hand, leads her over to the futon, and sits.

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Shiho pushes Akira back against the futon, kissing her lips, her cheek, her jaw, and pressing their bodies closer together.

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Akira's taken by surprise for some damn reason. She's being pursued? By a girl? A real, flesh and blood girl???

Akira lets herself be pushed down, her breath hastening, her body flushed. She runs a hand down along Shiho's spine, and presses her in close. 

Kiss, kiss, kiss. How many kisses can she manage...?

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Shiho presses kiss after kiss to Akira's skin, their bodies hot and close, breasts squishing together as both girls breathe heatedly. Then she scoots the rest of the way onto the futon, laying on her side and pulling Akira on with her.

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Akira nestles in. 

Some stupid part of her brain won't shut up about "what if Boss sees her like this" —

It'd be fine. Just like with Morgana. It would be embarrassing but it would be fine. 

Akira kisses Shiho a little deeper, and her fear gets a little more muted and distant, a little more faraway...

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Shiho sighs hotly into the kiss, holding Akira close and pressing her whole body against her.

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... that's a very good noise. 

"... may I bite gently?" Akira asks.

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Shiho blushes, her breath hitching, then nods after a moment. "Yeah."

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She does. 

There's still the impulse to do more, to bite harder, to mark Shiho with her teeth... 

Akira patiently packs it away, kissing rather than biting, and once she thinks she has it under control she goes back to soft and gentle nibbles.

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Shiho shivers at the soft nips, biting her lip and clutching Akira tighter. A hot breath escapes her.

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"Shiho..." Akira breathes. Her world feels so simple, now. Just Shiho. 

She takes her time, kissing and nipping all along Shiho's shoulder and neck.

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Shiho gasps and presses closer, tilting her head to the side and nestling close and shuddering with every kiss and bite. "Oh, oh Akira..."

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... fuck that's hot.

Shiho, gasping her name...

Akira strokes Shiho's hair gently as she keeps nibbling and kissing. It's Shiho's decision to go further or not. She's just here to give her what she wants. 

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She shivers in Akira's arms a little longer, whimpering a bit, then nods lightly and pulls back a bit, panting. "Hahh, wow, th-that's... really good... but I need to p-process it. C-can you hold me for a little while?"

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Akira settles back from Shiho a little and tugs her top back into place, then wraps her up in a firm hug and just stays close to her.

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Shiho nestles into Akira, sighing gratefully in her embrace. Her breathing slows, and she nuzzles into Akira's neck a little bit. "Thank you," she murmurs. "Thank you for being so careful with me."

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"You deserve to be treated gently. Not like you're fragile, but like you're valuable. Like you're worth something."

Akira settles in a little closer, finding the best way their bodies fit together. 

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Another grateful sigh spills out of her and she leans into her girlfriend's arms.

"Th-thank you."

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"Really, it's nothing..." 

Akira takes Shiho's hand and interlaces it with hers. "I'd do this a hundred times if I had to... if that meant I could teach you you get to be safe with the people you care about, be whole, have what you want and not what you don't..." 

She trails off. "I guess I'm not making a lot of sense. The point is, Shiho... you're precious. You deserve to be treated with dignity, respect, and care. And I will keep working to show you that for as long as you need me to."

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Shiho snuggles in tighter. "And that care is part of why it's so easy to fall for you," she whispers, barely audible.

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Akira takes a sharp breath. 

Oh. Oh Shiho loves her. 

It seems too good to be true and so obvious it's impossible to refute at the same time. 

"I..." The words stick in her throat. Shiho deserves more than an incautious reply. 

"... You're so easy to fall for too," she manages. "Sweet, strong, thoughtful..."

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Shiho squeezes Akira close. "While you're brave, dedicated, insightful, fierce..."

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"Insightful? Me?" Akira looks away. "You must be thinking of some other girl..."

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"From what Ann told me, and from what I saw in the castle with you, you're the one who figured this whole mess out." She nuzzles in tighter. "Don't think you get to dodge that compliment."

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"I had Morgana. But... thank you."

Akira gently kisses Shiho's nose.

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Shiho blushes and giggles and kisses Akira's lips lightly.

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Akira kisses back, and snuggles.

After a little while...

"Want to come along with me to the secondhand shop, see what we can find? Maybe explore the neighbourhood a little?"

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Shiho nods with a smile. "I'd love to." She gives Akira one last squeeze before letting her get up.

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Akira gets up and tries to smooth out her mussed-up hair, then takes Shiho's hand again. 

"Alright, let's go."

She leads Shiho back downstairs. 

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Sojiro is absently washing a pot while watching the news with the elderly couple. It's covering Kamoshida at the moment, talking about how much of an unfortunate shock it was and raising questions about why he confessed. Sojiro nods to the girls.

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Akira nods back, and leads Shiho out of Leblanc and off to the secondhand store. It's not far; in fact, it's right at the end of the alley that Leblanc is on. 

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"Hello, girls," the owner greets them cheerfully. "Let me know if you need any help."

Today, the shop contains a variety of clothing (mostly women's), some strings of Christmas lights, some children's toys, two romance novels, a pulp detective book, a biography, a variety of unidentifiable glass and ceramic objects, some dubiously stained ceramic dishes, a bunch of colorful plastic dishes, a bunch of clocks hanging from the walls, some vases, a few stepstools, a boombox, plastic storage bins and organizers, a few sets of shelves, a CRT TV, a DVD player, a stack of frankly sad-looking chairs, several umbrellas of varying condition, a bicycle, a few guitars on the back wall, a waving cat statuette, this poster, a few boxes of playing cards, two posters for bands that Shiho and Akira don't recognize at all, a threshold-sized bead curtain, a bowl of plastic petunias, a fake apple with a real chunk bitten out of it, a few fake potted cacti, a travel-sized shogi set, a hockey stick and puck, and a couple fake plastic panes of stained glass.

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Akira gravitates immediately to the books. Each of the four gets a close inspection of its back cover for any details that can be salvaged.


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The first romance novel, Forbidden Flames, has a cover featuring a redheaded woman wearing a sexed-up reimagining of a barista's uniform leaning against a customized racing car, with a handsome black-haired man behind the wheel. The back cover has a summary:

In the bustling streets of New Orleans, fiery-haired barista, Scarlett, finds herself tangled in the dangerous world of underground street racing when she meets the enigmatic bad boy, Ryder. Despite the warnings from her overprotective brother, Scarlett is drawn to Ryder's mysterious allure and his adrenaline-fueled lifestyle. As they navigate the treacherous twists and turns of the illegal racing scene, sparks fly between them, igniting a passion that burns hotter than the scorching Louisiana sun. But when a rival racer threatens to tear them apart, Scarlett and Ryder must fight for their love against all odds, risking everything for a shot at forever.

The second, Seduced by the Billionaire's Heir, features a man in a very sharp-looking suit, and a waitress with a pleading expression.

When struggling waitress, Mia, crosses paths with the charismatic and obscenely wealthy heir, Alexander Sterling, her life takes an unexpected turn. Drawn to Mia's innocence and inner strength, Alexander offers her a deal she can't refuse: become his pretend girlfriend for a high-profile family event in exchange for enough money to solve all her problems. But what starts as a business arrangement quickly turns into a whirlwind romance as Mia discovers a passion she never knew existed. As they indulge in the opulent world of the elite, Mia finds herself falling for Alexander, despite knowing that their love is forbidden. But when a dark secret from Alexander's past threatens to tear them apart, Mia must decide if she's willing to risk everything for a chance at true love with the billionaire's heir.

The detective novel features a man in a trench coat holding a revolver on the cover, and is titled Shadows of Noir.

In the gritty streets of 1940s Chicago, private investigator Jack Malone prowls the shadows, a cigarette dangling from his lips and a Colt .45 snug in his trench coat. When sultry nightclub singer, Veronica Valdez, walks into his office, claiming her sister has vanished without a trace, Jack smells trouble.

As Jack delves deeper into the seedy underbelly of the city, he uncovers a web of deceit, corruption, and betrayal. From the smoky jazz clubs to the back alleys of Chinatown, Jack follows a trail of clues that leads him to a dangerous mob boss with a vendetta and a crooked cop on the take.

With danger lurking around every corner, Jack must rely on his wit, grit, and a femme fatale with secrets of her own to crack the case before it's too late. But when a deadly game of cat and mouse ensnares them both, Jack realizes that in a city where everyone has something to hide, the truth is the most dangerous weapon of all. Will Jack solve the mystery and emerge unscathed, or will he become another victim of the shadows of noir?

The biography appears to be about Oda Nobunaga, a powerful and influential daimyo (feudal lord) during the Sengoku period of Japanese history, who played a key role in the unification of Japan under the rule of the shogunate in the late 16th century. Known for his strategic brilliance, military prowess, and innovative tactics, he was one of the first to effectively use firearms on the battlefield.

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She's actually more interested in the book about Oda Nobunaga than the rest of these, honestly. 

... well, she could maybe pick up Forbidden Flames. It promises to be trash, but perhaps it could be enjoyable trash. 

She passes Forbidden Flames to Shiho with a raised eyebrow, keeps the biography of Nobunaga, and moves on down the shelf. 

The next thing that catches her eye is the small games section with the card decks and the travel shogi set. They're hardly going to break the bank, and she could use more things to do with people when she invites them over. Two decks and the shogi set go on her stack as well. 

"What do you think, should I bother with the trashy romance novel or wait until i can get to an actual bookstore?" Akira looks back at Shiho. 

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Shiho giggles at the romance novel. "Might be worth a laugh? It's pretty cheap, at least. Could hit a bookstore on your way home tomorrow, though."

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"I'll think about it while I browse, I guess." She smiles and moves on down the row. Vases, miacellaneous ceramics... Oh, that beckoning cat figurine looks nice. She passes it to Shiho. "Think that'd look good on the desk in my room?"

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"Yeah, I think that'd be cute," she replies with a smile. She adds it to the stack, then looks over toward the holiday decorations.

"Huh. Some of these are single-color," she notes, holding up a string of lights. "There's a set of white ones, and a set of red ones, along with the usual multicolor ones."

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"Huh. The red ones might actually be half decent as a room decoration, honestly. They could maybe be a nightlight? You'd want a switch or something for them, but that's something you could pick up..."

She goes over, and that's when she spots it - sitting atop an old CRT TV, there's an aged but apparently still functional DVD player.

She picks it up and gives it to Shiho. "Keep this safe for me? I don't want to be fumbling with it while I'm going through the shelves."

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Shiho trades the red lights for the DVD player with a quick little peck to Akira's cheek.

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Akira pinkens a little, but accepts the string of lights. "Okay, I'm starting to run out of space to hold this all..."

She tucks the lights under her shoulder, and moves on. 

"You know, I could use an umbrella for when the rainy season comes. Let's see if any of these are serviceable."

She sets down her stack of purchases atop a nearby shelf and starts going through the pile of umbrellas, looking for the most intact of the lot.

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Shiho grabs a decent portion of the stack while Akira's hunting umbrellas.

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There's a large forest green one in near-perfect condition, a small yellow one in very sketchy shape, a nearly wrecked indigo one, and a smallish serviceable orange one.

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She'll take the orange one, since it'll fit in her bag where the large green one won't. A shame, really, but if she gets one that doesn't fit in her bag she'll inevitably lose it, which is a waste.

Akira does one last survey of the shop, then picks up the remainder of her stack of purchases and nods to Shiho. "Let's see about paying for this all, and then we can go set things up and maybe try a game of Shogi?"

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"Sure," Shiho nods. She carries her share of the stack over to the clerk.

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"8,500¥, girls," the clerk replies after tallying up everything from both stacks.

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"Alright," Akira says. She gets out her wallet and pays cash for it all. "Can I get a bag for all this?"

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The clerk nods and starts bagging everything up in a pair of brown paper bags with a nod, then passes a bag each to Shiho and Akira.

"You two are cute together. Have a nice day, girls."

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Shiho blushes and smiles and takes her bag.

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Akira blushes as well. "Um. Thank you." She bows, for a lack of anything else to do.

Then it's back to Leblanc's attic to set things up.

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Sojiro raises an eyebrow as the girls return with their shopping. The elderly couple is still there, each finishing up a plate of curry. A pompous-looking man sits in another booth, doing a crossword.

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Akira waves and smiles. He... probably didn't hear them. Right? 

Best not to dwell on that. Upstairs she goes with Shiho.

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Shiho waves and smiles as well, and follows Akira upstairs, setting her bag on the table closest the stairs. "Okay, what do you want to set up first?"

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"I'd say the DVD player, but I've got nothing to play on it... so let's set up the lights first."

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Shiho fishes them out of one of the bags, then looks around. "At a glance, the first obvious idea is around the window. Could put them along the railing by the stairs, too."

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"Around the window sounds great, actually."

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Shiho nods and looks around for some tape or nails, then finds nails in a cubby of the workbench, and a hammer hanging off the side. "Okay, let's do this."

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"I'm not so sure we should start putting in nails in Boss's attic when we haven't even asked him..." 

Akira rubs her lips. "Let's hold off on that for a second and do the DVD player, then."

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Shiho nods and carries it over to the TV.

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Akira gets its cables out of the bag and starts hooking it up. Hopefully it's compatible... 

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Shiho helps with the cables as well. Turns out it's compatible, and soon enough they're looking at a "No Disc" graphic bouncing sedately around the screen.

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"Well, that's promising." 

Akira gets out the cat figurine and puts it on the work desk along with the books, then gets out the cards and shogi set. 

"Want to play something until Boss is free?"

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"Sure," Shiho replies with a smile. "I don't know shogi, so what card games do you know?"

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"I don't really know any card games either. My mother played koi koi sometimes but I've forgotten the rules..."

She looks over at the decks she's bought, one western, one hanafuda. 

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"Easy solution for that," Shiho suggests, pulling out her phone. A few taps later, she speaks up. "I've found rules for daifugo (which wants three players so not today), hanafuda, menko (which is more about throwing than really a normal card game), oicho-kabu, koi koi, and poker. You pick which?"

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"Let's try koi koi."

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And they play until the evening, eventually switching to learning shogi after they get tired of the cards.

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Early into the evening, the girls get a text from Ryuji in the groupchat.

hey girls

had fun gaming with Ann

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Is that all you recall, Ryuji? Think carefully now...

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we also kissed

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Good boy. 

... though I admit I was just as shy as him. We only just kissed before we texted you.

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Awwwwww. That still counts! ♡

Glad you two had fun.

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Awww, I'm happy for you two!

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Oh, Ryuji, btw — your idea to check a second-hand shop for a DVD player was spot-on. We got one! Along with some misc stuff for the attic.

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Anything else I should be congratulating you two on?

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Mostly we just talked and played cards and shogi. Shared some music, had some good food...

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Scared Morgana by making out while they were asleep under Akira's covers ^_^

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I was getting there... >///<

Yeah, it was really nice. We kind of had a heart to heart: I'm not going to talk about the details right now but it was good.

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It was really good. 

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good y'all deserve that

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Next time I bet you'll remember about Morgana. 

So, time for us to head over for the meeting?

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Yeah, it's getting to be that time. Here's the address again in case you forgot it.

See you soon.

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see you

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See you <3

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See you!

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Akira looks over at Shiho. "Seems like it might be time for us to head downstairs and see about supper."

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Shiho nods, takes Akira's hand, and leads the way downstairs.

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They find Sojiro cleaning up the dishes, the regulars all since gone.

"Hey you two. Mind flipping the sign to closed so no more customers come in?"

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"Of course." Akira goes and flips the sign, then comes back to the bar and sits.

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Shiho sits as well, and fires off a quick message to the groupchat.

Ignore the closed sign.

"Made sure Ann and Ryuji know to come in anyway."

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He sets a now-dry plate back on the shelf, then looks over at the girls. "Either of you want anything while we wait? Had a good date?"

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"A coffee would be nice. And yeah, it was a good date."

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"It really was. I'd love a coffee too, if you don't mind."

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"Oh, uh, Boss — we got a leftover strand of christmas lights to use as a nightlight upstairs, but right now we don't have a way to hang them other than nailing them up. Is that okay, or should we go get some other fasteners, or...?"

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He hums for a moment, brewing the two coffees. "I think I have some hooks you can use. Let me check."

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"Thanks, Boss." 

Akira looks over at Shiho. "The curry here is really good too, though I'm not sure how much space you have after all those gyoza."

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"I think I'd be up for splitting one with you?"

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Sojiro sets a coffee in front of each girl, then kneels down behind the counter, fishing in a few cabinets and drawers.

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"Sure, we can do that."

Akira sips her coffee, and thinks. 

Boss is going to explain about Futaba... and then she has a good amount to explain to the group herself, mostly about Takemi.

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"Aha!" He stands back up holding a little plastic package of screw-in hooks and setting it on the bar. "This should do the trick. I'll get on that curry."

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"Thanks, Boss."

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"Yeah, seconded." 

Akira folds her hands together on the bar and taps her foot against the barstool's rest. "Say Boss, do you read at all? I used to read a lot of detective stories, but recently I'm thinking of trying something new. I picked up a biography of Oda Nobunaga at the second-hand store today since it was only seven hundred yen, we'll see if it's interesting at all."

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"If you're getting into biographies," he replies while working on the curry, "I've got some biographies and histories back at the house. Could bring a few over, or text you what I have when I get home."

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"If you wanted to pick a couple out for me I'd really appreciate it. You'd know better than me what's interesting."

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"Glad to, kid. I'll bring some by in the morning."

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"Thanks, Boss."

Akira goes back to her coffee for the moment. She doesn't feel much like talking right now: it's been a dense afternoon, and soon she'll be leading a strategy meeting. Best to rest.

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Shiho laces her fingers through Akira's and sips her own coffee.

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Soon enough a plate of curry is done. Sojiro sets it in front of the girls with a pair of forks.

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Akira takes her fork and quietly eats. The curry's comforting. Familiar.

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Shiho playfully bumps Akira's shoulder with her own, then picks up a fork and has a bite as well.

Then she looks down at the plate.

"Wow. That is some good curry, Boss."

She digs in and enjoys.

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Sojiro smiles softly for a moment, then shakes his head. "Glad to hear it, Shiho-chan."

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"Boss cares about his craft."

Akira smiles, and eats. Half a plate of curry seems to be just about perfect after all those gyoza. 

When the curry's done, she gets up off her bar stool. "Boss, I'm probably going to do a card game with Shiho until the others arrive. Do you want to join us?"

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He shakes his head. "Nah. Have fun with your girlfriend, kid. I've got cleanup to do."

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"Alright," Akira says. She nips upstairs and grabs the handfuda deck, and then takes a seat at one of the booths, shuffles, and deals. 

"Here we go again," she says to Shiho with a little smile.

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Shiho smiles warmly at Akira and sits down across from her. An enjoyable few rounds of daifugo pass.

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Some time later, the door opens, Ryuji holding it for Ann and Morgana. "Hey."

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"Evening, you three."

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Ann waves. "Hiya all." She comes over and joins Shiho on her side of tne booth with a warm smile. "Good to see you again."

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Akira pats the seat next to her. "You can sit here, Ryuji." She looks over at Boss. "Looks like everyone's here. Probably for the best to lock up just in case."

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Morgana bounds up and sits in Akira's lap.

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Ryuji sits down next to Akira and kisses her cheek. "Good to see y'all."

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Shiho hugs Ann close and kisses her cheek, nodding.

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Sojiro gives a wry smile and shakes his head, then locks the door.

"Okay, kids. Anybody need anything before we start? Coffee for anyone, curry for the blondes?"

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"I'm good, thank you."

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"I could use something to eat. Coffee and curry would be nice."

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Ryuji nods. "Curry'd be great. Dunno about coffee, though. Never had it before."

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"I'm good, Boss. Thank you."

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"Two curries, one coffee for Ann and one for me, and how about a cocoa or something for Ryuji?"

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"Cocoa'd be great! Thanks Boss."

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Sojiro nods and starts the curries, then brews the coffee and cocoa while that cooks.

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Joker slips into front. 

"Alright," she says. "Let's get down to business. I've called you all here today to discuss two cases of people who need their hearts changed. One of them is a relation of Sojiro's, one Futaba Sakura. Sojiro is the expert on her case: I've asked you all here in person so you can hear the briefing on her directly from the horse's mouth, so to speak. Sojiro, when you're ready, please lay out the situation with Futaba to the best of your ability."

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Sojiro arches an eyebrow, a wry, impressed smile crossing his face for a moment.

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Then he sighs and nods. "Now, where do I start.

"Futaba is... my adopted daughter. Her mother and I knew each other long before Futaba was born. Her mother was a bit of a weird one, but we got along well for some reason. She was sharp-witted, somewhat stern, a little socially inept, but always carefree."

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He shakes his head, smiling fondly. "She truly was a great woman."

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Joker nods somberly. That word, "was", says volumes.

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Ann's brows draw together. There's an obvious question, but she doesn't want to be the one to ask it.

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Shiho frowns.

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Ryuji opens his mouth to ask, sees the expressions on his girlfriends' faces, and then closes his mouth.

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"When something piqued her interest, that'd be all she focused on. She always worked deep into the night. I thought that'd change after her kid was born, but having Futaba didn't do much. Even with that, she always took good care of her. I guess raising Futaba alone turned out to be tough on her in more ways than one."

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Suicide, then. Or a similar break — perhaps an addiction or a serious mental illness. But she doesn't think Sojiro is the type to say "was" about someone he cared for if they aren't in the ground.

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"It sounds like she was a very strong woman."

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He nods. "She was. She raised Futaba without any sign of the father, whoever he was. She certainly never said anything about him. She was single when she gave birth to Futaba, and single when she raised her. They were an ordinary loving family. You could really tell how much she cared for Futaba."

He looks down and sighs, passing out Ann's coffee, Ryuji's cocoa, and a curry each, then comes around the bar and sits down on a barstool with a coffee of his own.

"But one day she left... leaving Futaba behind."

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Joker nods. "Something tells me you wouldn't be saying 'was' if she was still among the living. You're not the kind of person to give up on someone like that easily." 

Joker gives Sojiro her full attention. "I know it must be hard to relate, but any detail could matter, so I'm going to have to press you. What happened?"

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Ann cradles her coffee and listens.

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He nods. "Yes, she committed suicide."

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Shiho winces and nods, squeezing Ann.

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"Suicide?" Ryuji shakes his head in shock.

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Joker nods. It's as she feared. 


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Ann bites her lip and takes a small sip of her coffee.

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"I don't know," he sighs. "I wonder, though. She died by throwing herself in front of a car, right in front of Futaba, and just before she warned me she might die soon. I... I thought it was a joke."

He looks down, holding his head in his hands.

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Joker frowns. "... she said she might die soon? In those words?"

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"That's awful..."

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He nods. "Her exact words were 'I think I might die soon.' I wish I'd taken her more seriously. I haven't told Futaba this — I didn't want to add more to what she's already dealing with — but it's odd."

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"... In the case where she was contemplating suicide, that would mean she had a plan at that point, yes? That she was actively preparing to die."

Joker touches her chin with two knuckles. "If she had a plan, then why the sudden, impulsive form of death? In front of her own daughter, yet? Do you think she would be so cruel as to deliberately do that to her own daughter?"

Joker shakes her head. "It's also just an odd way to phrase it. I've been through some awful lows, but being that frank and direct? With no apportioning of blame?"

She looks over at Shiho. "Would you have said that, in one of your lows, to someone you trusted?"

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She looks down, shaking her head, and reaches across to take Joker's hand, lacing her other hand's fingers with Ann's.

"No," she whispers. "If I said anything, it would've been more desperate than that."

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Joker takes Shiho's hand and squeezes it.

"Yes. It's too calm. Too matter-of-fact. It doesn't tally with a situation where this is her reaching out to try and save herself. It sounds more like she was resigned to it and... felt it was worth it, somehow."

Joker shakes her head. "It tallies more easily with a situation where she believed she would be killed. The obvious issue with this hypothesis — the very public manner of her suicide, before Futaba herself as a witness — doesn't necessarily stand... if we postulate that her killer somehow had access to the Metaverse."

Joker frowns. "That is a big leap to make on little evidence, but... if there is someone who is responsible for the mental shutdown cases, of which there are dozens... It's possible that Futaba's mother may be one of their victims."

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Ann takes a drink of her coffee. 

"... When was this, though? It sounds like it was years ago. Long before the mental shutdown cases started."

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Sojiro looks up sharply. "Be careful. Helping Futaba is one thing, but looking into Wakaba's death is too dangerous, especially if we're right. Stay out of it if you can help it. It was about two years ago, and I've managed to keep my head down since."

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Joker exhales. 

... She needs to step carefully, here. 

"I chose to take down Kamoshida despite knowing my life and the lives of everyone I brought with me would be on the line. But it's not my place to endanger you, Sojiro, much less your daughter."

She pauses, settles her thoughts. 

"If we're right, though, we may be on a timer. The news about Kamoshida has spread. His sudden confession is clearly metaverse-motivated to anyone who knows it exists, and there are only so many students and staff at Shujin Academy. If there is someone out there committing murders using the metaverse, the fact of its existence is almost certainly a secret worth killing for."

Joker crosses her arms and stares Sojiro down. "You don't believe Wakaba's death was a suicide. And you have strong reason to believe that learning more about her is dangerous. You're protecting me by hiding something, aren't you?"

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Sojiro locks eyes with her for a long moment.

Then he sighs, hard.

"Damn it, kid. You're not supposed to be right."

He stares down into his coffee mug, gathering his thoughts.

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Joker exhales. 

"I'd hoped I was wrong. But your reactions say a lot. I'm guessing you think someone powerful is implicated. Someone with mundane resources, someone dangerous to cross. There would be a lot of opportunities to enrich yourself crookedly if you had the metaverse to call on."

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"Yeah, I do. I want to tell you to stop, to not do any more publicly visible jobs. Just help Futaba and end it there. I couldn't forgive myself if looking into this got you kids killed."

Sojiro groans and shakes his head. "If it's who I think it is, you do not want to piss him off."

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"But if Akira's right," Ryuji interjects, "maybe he's already looking for us. Maybe he's already pissed."

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"If there is no murderer then it's the same balance as before. If there is a murderer, it's better we find them than they find us. Is it risky? Yes, absolutely, especially if we're fighting an enemy that can use the Metaverse against us. But I feel our chances are better if we act than if we stand still."

She looks down at her hands. "And... if we end up losing in the end, I'd rather have changed the lives of a lot of people for the better in the process than have died to no good end. Kamoshida was evil, but in the grand scheme of things he's a little fish. If we're going to die of this, at least let us have a chance to make a difference with what time we have. Isn't that all anyone ever gets?"

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"This is... t-terrifying. It's so big. We're talking about murder here. But... Kamoshida already knew it was us. He'd called us to his office, Friday, and was apparently planning to expel us, and we only stopped him by changing his heart before we were supposed to meet with him."

She looks down at her hand laced with Joker's.

"I'm scared to do this. But our names could already be written down somewhere that the killers could find, and quitting now won't stop that."

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Sojiro buries his face in his hands and groans.

When he looks up, he locks eyes with each Thief in turn, finishing on Joker.

"Fine." His voice is tired. "But if you're going up against this... this possible conspiracy, you take every precaution you can, and you get every resource you can. If there's anything I can get that would help, you tell me. If you need a place to meet, you meet here, unless you have someplace you know is safer. Are we clear?"

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"Yes, sir." Joker puts a sharpness into the two words that shows she means the honorific every inch. "From here on out, we're all Phantom Thieves. Every one of us is equally imperiled: that means every one of us gets a say. I'm not going to cut you out, Sojiro. I need your experience on my side. That means bringing you in. All the way in."

She squeezes Shiho's hand sharply. 

"I don't expect you to fight alongside us — you've got a café to run, it'd be suspicious if you closed up shop. But everyone needs to be on board with what is happening and fully informed to the best of our ability. You give, you get."

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"It's terrifying to think that we could genuinely lose our lives. Akira always said this could happen, but it's different seeing it play out right in front of me..."

Ann puts her hand atop Shiho and Akira's in the center of the table. "But wherever Shiho and Akira go, I'll go too. To stop more people from being hurt like Shiho was. And because I couldn't live with myself if something happened to either of them because I was too cowardly to be there. I'm done with sitting on the sidelines while the people close to me suffer."

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"There are four really important people for me in this world. Four people I'd die for. One's my ma. The other three are sitting at this table. Is this shit scary? Yeah. Do I care, if y'all are in? Fuck no."

He puts his hand atop Ann's, Shiho's, and Akira's.

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"This is bigger than I ever thought it would get," Morgana adds. "I don't have as much at stake here. No one's going to try to kill someone who looks like a housecat. But you're all my best shot at finding my memories. I can't let this conspiracy kill you, and letting them continue to do their evil deeds is beneath the honor of a Phantom Thief."

They put their paw atop the teens' hands.

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"Alright, then. We're all agreed." 

Joker looks over at Sojiro. "So. Here's the breakdown.

"Assets. People first. We've got everyone at this table as front line fighters in the metaverse, and Morgana as metaverse transportation. They can turn into a bus, for reasons that boil down to "My Neighbour Totoro was really popular."

We've got you, Sojiro, to provide a meeting place and a support network. You're also the only one of us who can drive.

We've got Tae Takemi, the doctor at the clinic down the street, who has an informal agreement with me to supply custom medicines in exchange for information about the metaverse and my volunteering as a clinical trial subject to help one of her patients. Takemi knows about the Metaverse and is therefore in danger. She is presently being harassed by one Shoichi Oyamada over a medical error that he made and blamed on her, and as such is "a client." One of our most urgent action items will be to decide if we should bring her in fully. 

We've got an uncertain ally in one Yuuki Mishima, former abuse victim of Kamoshida's. He has divined that we are the phantom thieves, is apparently a fan of ours, and wants to make us famous. He is as of this time completely ignorant of the Metaverse. He is also an important priority. 

We have Futaba Sakura potentially, but that is going to require a lot of discussion with you, Sojiro. She's at risk already whether we like it or not, so it's probably best to focus on helping her before we risk any more public Metaverse jobs.

That's all the people we have.

Goods. Money first. We have a potentially infinite source of illegitmate money in the form of Shadows in Mementos. We also have the legitimate funds of everyone in this room. 

Weapons. We know a high-quality replica airsoft shop in the shibuya district. Its replica weapons are sufficiently lifelike that in the metaverse they function as real guns. We currently possess one model gun for each human combat member of the group, and a slingshot for Morgana: They are stored at Ann's house at present because her family is rarely if ever home and I don't want to be caught with even a replica weapon. 

Medicine. We have a doctor to hand in the form of Takemi, and she is even able to formulate custom medicines for us, which she is able to sell us at normal prices. However, the more we involve her the more dangerous it is for her. 

Tools. We have a workbench in the attic at Leblanc that makes it easy to construct tools for use in infiltration. Of those, we possess a metaverse-capable grappling hook and a good quantity of rope. The combat-ready members of the group all also possess the Metaverse Navigator on their phones, enabling them to transit worlds. 

Powers. All of the combat-capable members of the group possess a Persona capable of magical attacks in the Metaverse. Persona use gradually exhausts the user, but is nonetheless powerful. Morgana and Ann's personas importantly have additional healing abilities.

I personally have an additional ability that allows me to convert Shadows into additional Personas, which I can then combine into more powerful ones using a ritual I can perform while asleep in an internal world only I and my personas can percieve. This can allow me to use healing abilities with the right persona. 

Knowledge. We suspect a conspiracy to surpress the knowledge of the Metaverse: however, we know it exists, and some of its rules. Medicine, fake weapons, supplements, and hormones all have been tested in the metaverse and shown to have increased effect. We have yet to attempt use of fake magic to re7f8l effect in the Metaverse, such as for example crystal magic, astrology, etcetera, largely because products claiming to have such abilities are massively overpriced.

We also have recently learned of a secure instant messenger program through Mishima, which is better for secure coordination."

Akira exhales. "I think I've laid out everything. It's a lot to keep track of, and naturally it would be foolish to keep notes that could incriminate us."

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"Wow, that was a lot to rattle off just like that. Give me a minute to process. There's a doctor you've told about the Metaverse and she has a heart to change for us? You can fuse Personas in a personal Palace? I'm not sure I'm keeping up with all this."

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"Uh. What's Mementos?", Ryuji asks. "Also, infinite money?"

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"Mementos is everyone's shared Palace. It's a Metaverse world that covers everywhere, and has a maze of subway systems — both active and defunct — underground, where general shadows, along with the shadows of people who aren't distorted enough to form their own Palace yet, can be found," Morgana explains.

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Sojiro pinches the bridge of his nose. "If the cops come with a search warrant, we've already lost. I can't believe I'm saying this, but you might as well store the airsoft guns here. Less travel time."

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"Yeah, practically there's a cap on how much we can make from killing Shadows in Mementos. They do drop cash in fairly large amounts, though, so it would be best to get in an actual session of combat to see how much we can make in an afternoon."

Joker looks over at Ann. "Yes and yes. It's not a palace but it acts kind of like one, and me and Akira can spend time there together with Julie. — damn, we haven't read Sojiro in on the plurality thing, have we?"

She looks at Sojiro. "— basically the Personas we collect act a little like alternate personalities. Also, being team leader made Akira sort of fracture a little and now she can be me. Hi. You probably noticed the different body language, that's not an act."

She sighs. "And thank you regarding the airsoft guns. I was about to ask you if you'd keep them for us, actually. We'll transfer them as soon as practical."

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Shiho gives her a small smile and a handsqueeze. "Thought it was you, Joker," she murmurs.

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"What? Plurality? Alternate personalities? What does that ev—" Sojiro cuts himself off suddenly, holds up a hand, closes his eyes, takes a slow breath, and then sips his coffee.

After a long moment, he looks back up. "Okay. What's this personality shit?"

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"Yeah, I don't blame you one bit. It's absurdity stacked on top of absurdity. I'm sorry you had to find out this way."

Joker sighs. 

"The powers we all have in the other world manifest as a "second self" with magical abilities. They have their own thoughts and emotions. It's sort of as if you've summoned a spirit to help you. All of us can hear our spirits even when we're spending time in civilian life. Generally they urge us to take better care of ourselves and do things that help us. Akira's is named Julie. 

Because Akira has an additional power that lets her have more than one second self, she ended up with... a third self. That's me, Joker. I lead the team on combat and infiltration missions. We can swap who's in charge at will, who we're "being" at any point."

"Basically Akira is in charge of civilan life and I — Joker — am in charge of Phantom Thief life. We're pretty close in temperament, but I'm... more adapted to combat, you could say. I find fighting fun, Akira finds it stressful. That basically extends to the rest of it. Akira is a little more careful, I'm a little more... the kind of person who gets into a staring contest with her guardian."

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Sojiro facepalms and sighs.

"Only you, kid. Only you. Well, I'm already counting on your magic to save my daughter, no point in not taking your word for who you are."

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"I would honestly not be surprised if tomorrow I woke up as a unicorn and could fart rainbows."

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Sojiro laughs tiredly. "Yeah, that would fit with the week you've been having, wouldn't it?" He takes another sip of his coffee.

"Okay. Next steps, next steps—Ah! I forgot to explain the rest of what's going on with Futaba."

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"Please, go on."

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"A lot happened after Wakaba died. I ended up taking custody of Futaba. At first, she was so depressed she... she wouldn't even talk to me. I kept talking to her, though, and she started opening up to me, little by little."

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He sighs. "That's when I found out... Futaba blames herself for her mother's death."

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Joker nods. For once, she thinks the best thing to do right now is shut up. 

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"She's never told me why. I never asked. I wanted to know why she thinks that, of course, but I decided not to rub salt in the wound."

He shakes his head. "What good that did. A few months ago, she started getting real scared, even when nothing was happening. She'd say things like, 'I hear voices,' and, 'Mom is looking at me.'"

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Hallucinations, huh...

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"I wanted to take her to a doctor, but she refused. Even when I had a doctor come to the house, she locked herself away in her room. Since then, she's become what you'd call a shut-in. She won't take a single step outside the house, or even try to see other people."

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Joker nods. "Sounds like she could really use our help."

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"Definitely. Futaba is, well, a unique girl. She's so quick-minded that conversations with her tend to jump from one topic to the next. It seems like she's always coming to conclusions in her head. There's a lot I don't get about her."

He shakes his head, then looks at Joker. "So yeah. Her situation is why I couldn't let you stay in the house. Talking to you kids about helping her is the first time I've really pushed her on what she's willing to do since she moved in. I know hiding from life like this is no way for her to live, but providing a no-pressure environment is all I can do on my own."

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Joker nods. "I understand." 

She looks at Sojiro. "We're going to need to discuss Futaba's keywords, but... I think I can guess at them fairly well. I would guess that in her mind, her home is... a prison, a tomb, something along those lines. A place where she's trapped and going to stay forever."

Joker opens the metanav. "In fact, I might as well check those two while I have the thought. Metanav, voice input. Futaba Sakura. Sojiro Sakura's house. Prison."

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"Destination not found." Announces the Metanav.

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"Futaba Sakura. Sojiro Sakura's house. Tomb."

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A wave of violet energy spills from the Metanav, then flickers out.

"Destination found. Out of range for transfer."

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"It's as I feared. Futaba fears that she'll die without ever leaving that house." 

Joker stows her phone again. "The good news is that we have the keywords. We'll be able to get in to help her. I expect we'll need her more-active cooperation eventually, rather than just her consent, but we should be able to start exploring her inner world now."

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Ann gives Akira a worried look. 

"I'm not sure if I should be happy or worried that you got that so quickly."

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Shiho squeezes Joker's hand, shaking her head.

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Ryuji just hugs her.

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"So we have Futaba's keywords," Morgana segues after a concerned look Joker's direction. "Are we agreed that we're going to change her heart?"

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Sojiro arches an eyebrow curiously.

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"Frankly," Joker says, "I think it would be foolish not to. She clearly needs our help, and the external danger is minimal to such an extent that even Sojiro will admit it. Depending on how lucid and willing to change Futaba herself is, it could even be relatively easy, as we might have assistance from her Shadow within her internal world... though I would caution you all against assuming that."

Joker rests her hands on the table. "That said, it's all of you who are deciding to potentially risk your lives in Futaba's internal world. I can't compel that. Will you join me?"

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"Oh, um, Morgana was asking if we were agreed that we'd change Futaba's heart, Boss," Ryuji adds. "And yeah, I agree."

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"Me too. I can't let this stand without helping her," Shiho concurs.

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Ann nods. "Like I said, I'm not going to sit on the sidelines while there's someone I can help."

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"I appreciate this," Sojiro replies. "Thanks, all of you. Is there anything else you need from me?"

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"Five minutes of your time, to give you the ability to understand Morgana. It'll just be a quick jaunt to Mementos and back."

Joker gets out the Metanav again, and gets up from the table and offers her hand to Sojiro. "Hold my hand, please?"

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Sojiro takes her hand, bemused.

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Joker taps in "Mementos' with her free hand, and hits Navigate. 

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Reality ripples like a pebble dropped in a sea of purple, and then everyone's in a slightly darker-looking copy of Leblanc, in the same clothes they'd been wearing.

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Morgana, however, is in their monstercat form. "Hi Chief!"

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Sojiro looks down at Morgana and blinks.


He takes a slow breath, shakes his head.

"Right. Good to meet you properly, Morgana."

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"Now that you've visited the Metaverse, you'll be able to understand Morgana even in the real world."

Joker taps the Metanav and ends the transit. "That's all we needed to do, and there's some small chance of Shadows in Mementos, so that's all we'll do for today."


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Sojiro shakes his head at the transition and sits back down on his barstool. "Okay. I'll handle the dishes when you're done with them." And he heads back behind the bar to wash the curry pot and clean out the coffee equipment.

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"Alright." Joker surveys the group. "I want thoughts on what to do about Doctor Takemi. I don't feel it's ethical not to warn Takemi about what could potentially happen to her if she investigates the Metaverse, but at the same time I'm not sure we want to tell her the full story. Opinions, please."

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"If she already knows about the Metaverse, then she already knows enough to doom us, doesn't she? I don't see what we gain from not telling her the rest of it."

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Shiho nods. "At this point, keeping the secret from her is just potential trust damage with little benefit. Only question I can think of is whether she's the type of person to get tempted to investigate carelessly."

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"I don't think so." Joker drums her fingers on the table. "Alright, we'll tell her the full story. I'll go debrief with her after we're done here."

"What about Mishima? Do we bring him in or not?"

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"That's a harder question. It's really risky to have him trying to make us popular when we're trying to fly under the radar, but at the same time, do we want to tell him about the Metaverse? It'd endanger him."

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"The question is whether he already knows enough to be endangered, I think. And I'd lean towards yes, given that he knows our identities."

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"He seems kind of reckless though..."

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"Mishima's kind of a weird kid, pretty excitable," Ryuji points out. "Is popularity a problem on it's own, though? Or only if it comes with some kinda link to us in civvies?"

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"I don't want to just leave him out in the cold," Shiho argues. "Unless you think you can stop him from making a site for our supporters, he's going to get attention from the conspiracy sooner or later. If we work with him, maybe we can find a way together to keep running the site from tracking back to his real identity?"

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"If we're careful with it, popularity might actually be the key to getting deeper into Mementos," Morgana adds.

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"Generating evidence is bad. But if our goal is to help people, then popularity might actually have some useful effects. It might encourage others to come forward. And getting deeper into Mementos might help with our investigations..."

Joker frowns. "I think it might be best to try and get a grip on Mishima. Not necessarily bring him in all the way, but get him into a situation we like where he's unlikely to talk. Giving him what he wants might be one way to do that."

She looks over at Ann. "Does Mishima have any notable weaknesses that you know of?"

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"You should ask Shiho, she's the one who was on the volleyball team with him."

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"Point taken. Shiho?"

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"As best I can tell, he wants to be included in things. Feels like an outcast, gets bullied and called a zero a lot. Seems like he wants to be cool. Hard to say for sure, though. Neither of us was really putting much effort into really expressing ourselves, with Kamoshida around."

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That snaps Akira into front. 

"— yeah," she says with a little wince. "I can understand that."

Akira touches her forehead, sighs. "I don't want to use him. He's a victim too. Better we be actual allies. I just don't know what that looks like."

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"You could always try talking to him? Getting more information doesn't seem bad."

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"Yeah, should be safe to just talk to him, babe." Ryuji wraps an arm around Akira and squeezes her.

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"From what you've told us, he seems to really like the idea of the Thieves. Maybe make it clear that if he likes what we're doing, there are precautions he can take to make it safer for us to do it?", Shiho asks.

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"Alright." Akira pinches the bridge of her nose. "Was there a third item to deal with? I think there was but it's slipping my mind."

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"I think you were thinking of the airsoft guns." 

Ann glances over at Sojiro's back, but shakes her head after a moment. "It's all been dealt with."

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"Good. Good. That's good."

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Shiho grabs Akira's hands. "Akira, sweetie, none of what's left is something you have to handle tonight. You need a break."

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Akira exhales and holds Shiho's hands for a long moment.

"You're right. We'll figure it out tomorrow. We should break up the meeting. The important stuff's been dealt with."

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Shiho squeezes Akira's hands and nods. "Good girl."

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Ryuji squeezes Akira and kisses her cheek. "Yeah, we can deal with the rest tomorrow afternoon. Meet here after school?"

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Akira flushes a little at the kiss, despite her exhaustion. 

"Probably smart, yeah. Thank you all for coming."

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Ann looks Akira right in the eyes. "Take care of yourself, okay? You're important to all of us."

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Akira takes a breath as if to argue, then sees everyone's expressions and deflates. 

"Yeah. You're right. You're all right."

She squeezes Shiho's hands back and nestles a little more into Ryuji. 

"We'll figure this out."

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"We will," Ryuji nods.

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"Together," Shiho agrees.

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Ryuji gets up after giving Akira one last squeeze, carrying his and Ann's plates and mugs over to the bar. "That curry and cocoa was amazin', Boss."

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"Glad to hear it," Sojiro replies. He takes the dishes and sets them in the sink, starting to wash the plates. "You're a good bunch of kids, looking after each other like that."

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"Akira's got a tendency to run herself ragged when there's something important to be done," Ann says. "She's strong though. She led us to beat Kamoshida, and she'll help Futaba too. And the rest of us will make sure she comes back in one piece."

Ann turns in her plate as well. "And yeah, that curry was delish."

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Akira gets up from the table, and suddenly she looks very, very tired. Her posture droops, and her footing is a little unsteady. 

"Alright," she says. "Thank you all for coming. I'm going to go crash in bed. Please get home safe, all of you."

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Ryuji gives her a big hug and kisses her cheek. "Rest easy, babe. I'll see you tomorrow."

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Shiho hugs her as well. "Take care, Akira."

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Akira ducks her head at Ryuji's kiss and a genuine smile comes to her lips. "Thank you." she murmurs. 

She hugs Shiho back as well. "And thank you as well. It really was a wonderful date."

Akira looks at Ann. "I'm going to try and keep us still on for Wednesday, but, well, we'll see. It's a mess right now, lots to sort out."

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Ann comes up and gives Akira a hug as well. "You deserve rest," she says. "Please try not to bury yourself so deep in Phantom Thievery you forget who you are."

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Akira takes a deep, shuddery breath at that, and nods firmly. She squeezes Ann softly. 

"Yeah. I'll do my best."

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Shiho shakes her head, snickers, and then says, "This is my notice that I'm going to be organizing a one-day strike from Phantom Thievery on Wednesday, unless some kind of enormous crisis happens to make it urgent. No infiltrations on Wednesday."

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Akira laughs. "Oh, damn. Alright."

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Ann looks over at Shiho and grins. "Yeah, it's all of us or none of us." Then she turns back to Akira. "See you wednesday, then."

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"Alright. If I have to." Akira can't quite surpress her smile. 

She gives the group one last look over, then raises a hand in a small wave goodbye. "I'd love to keep talking, but... Yeah, I need rest. When I feel a little better I might text. Till then, see you all, okay?" 

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Ann nods firmly. "See you, fearless leader."

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"See you, Akira." Shiho kisses Akira's cheek and then heads toward the door, grabbing Ann's hand as she goes.

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"See you tomorrow." Ryuji follows, and out the three go.

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Akira nods tiredly to boss, and heads upstairs to bed.

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Morgana curls up beside her as she lies down.

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"I am having entirely too many days I say 'what a day' to," Akira mutters, pulling the sheets over herself. 

Part of her wants to stay up and text with her beloveds. Her phone is right there next to her head on the bedsheets, but she can't summon the will to check it. 

She falls asleep without really intending to.

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Tuesday the nineteenth dawns, bright and sunny.

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The night was a morass of confusing dreams. Nothing stable, nothing solid. Julie's face and Shiho's and Ryuji's, Sojiro with lines etched onto his face, and more and worse. 

Akira remembers little of it, and what from little she recalls she's glad to have forgotten the rest. 

In the middle of changing uniforms, Akira realizes she's forgotten to do laundry. That'll have to happen after school today... 

She tries to remember her list of appointments for the week but it's a blurry mess. Mishima, Ann, Takemi, laundry... she is absolutely missing something... Futaba... There were supposed to be more dates with the rest of the group... 

It is not a very good morning today either.

She puts on her least-rumpled Shujin uniform and heads downstairs for her daily curry breakfast.

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Sojiro nods as she comes down, slides her a plate and a mug, and gestures at a stack of books on the bar. "Brought a few books from the house."

The selection includes Eighteen Years in Prison, by Kyuichi Tokuda and Yoshio Shiga; The Book of Five Rings, by Miyamoto Musashi; a biography of Winston Churchill; and a book on the Manhattan Project.

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"Thanks, boss." She takes A Book Of Five Rings and the biography of Winston Churchhill and settles them in her pack, then picks up her fork and eats. 

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"No problem, kid." Sojiro returns to his morning prep duties.

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When she's done her food, she takes the remaining books upstairs and puts them away on her desk. Then it's time to head back to school for her.

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Morgana waves at her with a paw from her bed. "Have a good day at school!"

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Akira lucks out and gets a seat on the train to Shibuya this morning.

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Wonderful, time to read. 

She gets out A Book Of Five Rings. 

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It's a pleasant way to pass half an hour. The transfer is easy enough, and she manages to get a seat again on the train to Aoyama-Itchome. Another half hour with her book, and then she's out and heading toward campus.

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She puts her book away, and heads for class. Maybe she'll run into someone on the way.

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Sure enough, as she's turning onto campus, Ryuji walks up with a wave and a grin. "Hey Akira! Good to see ya."

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"Heya, Ryuji. Still tired this morning but I'm managing. Good to see you too."

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His expression softens for a moment and he gives her a side hug, quick but warm. "Love ya, babe. Y'got this," he murmurs.

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"Yeah." She looks away and sighs. "We can talk about plans later, I've got to get to class."

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He nods and hugs her once more, walking onto campus together. "Hopefully it's a nice simple schoolday."

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"Let's hope."

Akira nods to Ryuji and goes on towards her classroom.

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Ann's waiting in the classroom for her, and looks up with a smile at her approach. "Hey," she says.

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Akira smiles back. "Hey."

Everything's still hard, like it was with her family... but this time she's with people she cares about. 

She can manage.

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Kawakami soon calls the class to order, and lessons begin. Everyone gets through the first half of the day well enough, and then it's lunchtime.

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Early into lunch, there'a a blip from Akira's phone.

Hey! Anything I can help with? I put up a poll on the site to see how many people believe in you and it's not really doing the numbers I'd hoped it would. You're going to keep changing people's hearts, right? Prove them wrong?

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Akira pinches the bridge of her nose, and replies. 

Hey. Having kind of a bad day.

I don't super agree with you treating the phantom thieves like they're some kind of heroes, but I do want to talk to you. 

I live down in Yongen-Jaya in a small café. Would you like to come by today and hang out there after school?

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Mishima is typing...

Yeah of course! It'd be awesome to hang out with you! 

You live in a café? That's so cool!

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It has its upsides and downsides.

See you after school then. Here's the café's address.

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I'll be there!

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Akira puts away her phone. That's one thing handled, anyway.

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"Want to go hang with Ryuji and Shiho on lunch?" Ann asks.

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"Yeah," Akira says. "Sure."

She gets up and heads for the courtyard, trusting Ann to tag along.

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Shiho waves and smiles when she sees her girlfriends walk into the courtyard.

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Ryuji shows up as well, from a different exit, grinning at the girls.

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Akira comes over and sits, Ann tagging along beside her. 

"Hey you two," she says. "How's school going?"

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"Chemistry was good, today. Still struggling with why people see the themes they do in literature, but I'll get it in the end." Shiho shrugs.

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"Oh, English is kickin' my ass, like always," Ryuji replies. "Life as usual for a dumbass."

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"You're no dumbass, Ryuji," Ann cuts in. "The problem's that you never actually study. Stop beating yourself up and put some work in if you feel so bad about it."

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Akira looks between Ann and Ryuji. "I feel like I'm getting in the middle of something..."

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"As if I'm the only one, Miss Won A Dissidia Tourney The Night Before Exams."

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Shiho leans over to Akira and nods. "They're like an old married couple. They've been like this for years, too."

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Akira scoots over to lean against Shiho. 

"I can believe it." She gets out a simple bento of salmon rice balls and starts eating. 

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"I did perfectly fine on those exams, thank you very much!" Ann shakes her head. "Because unlike some people I don't leave things to the last minute."

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"That must be a new definition of fine, then, 'cause I didn't know flunking math counted," Ryuji snaps back.

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Shiho rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "C'mon, you two. Just kiss already, you're both pretty."

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Ann flushes. "I, um, er —" She glances at Ryuji and then back at Shiho.

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Ryuji stares at Ann for a long moment, blushing and gobsmacked, then seems to process something and look back to Shiho.

"Wait wait you think I'm pretty?"

He shakes his head. "No, that can wait." He looks back at Ann, still blushing.

"Um. I—"

He scratches the back of his head.

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Ann flushes, but then a sly look comes over her face. If he's not going to go for it then she guesses she's got to pick up the slack. 

She leans in almost all of the way and stops just shy of touching Ryuji's lips with hers. Hopefully that's enough for him to get the hint. 

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His blush intensifies, but he really can't miss that signal. He leans forward and presses his lips to Ann's softly.

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She lets out a soft sigh and leans back. "Better." 

"It's good to have a little time to relax."