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Succubi offer biomancy services for proper payment
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"I didn't manage to bring my phone along with the teleport. You may have noticed, but I arrived completely naked. So I should leave you my number and email address, and you should send me as many pictures as you're comfortable with later, so I can make compositing plans based on them."


"Sure! I think you already gave me your phone number already-" Alex flips through his notebook "Yeah it's right here, I'll add your email right beside it, and I might need some pointers on how to take useful pictures but I'll send you as many as I can."


She tells him her email address. It's a generic, disguised one.

"Maybe just try taking lots, with some different expressions and poses? Hmm... Anything else before I start making my way home? I wouldn't say no if you could give me a lift, but a nice invisible flight home would be relaxing, too."


Alex is half surprised it's not something like "hornysuccubus6969" but it is reasonable that it's something generic.

"Got it! and I'd be happy to give you a lift but uh I'm not sure it'd be comfortable to ride in my car naked and I wouldn't have any clothes that'd fit you I could give for the drive.."


"I'll just fly. I gotta stretch my wings really well once in a while, anyway."

One last hug.

"We're not exactly secret, but we're not super well known either. I would personally advise you to keep the fact that you have more than the average amount of magic quiet. And if that means I get it all to myself so of course I'd advise that... Well, I still mean it. Take that as you will. But I'm already looking forward to next time, Alex! If you think of any kinky stuff you want to do you have got to text or email me so I'm ready for it~ I'm personally a fan of the 'I'm helpless and stuck' trope~"


Goodbye hug! Also more blushy Alex as he's caught thinking on what it might be to do things to a 'helpless stuck' Myra, or to be the helpless before her.

"Okay! W-will do and I'm really looking forward to next time too!"

Over the next week Alex will message her with :

Quite a lot of amateurish pictures of himself taken from hopefully enough different angles to make decent references.

Questions about if/what other stuff she likes besides sex and helping change/heal people,  and what kinds of foods/songs/books/games/etc she likes if she'd like any?

an email titled "kinky stuff" mentioning that the 'i'm helpless and stuck' trope sounds fun and asking if she'd any ideas for enacting it, that being transformed is a bit of kink thing for him, that he'd enjoy it if she felt free to do any of this stuff (followed by a list of a lot of the sex acts they did during her last visit, plus several they didn't, including groping his chest/butt/thighs when making them bigger) to him without asking in the moment, at least on days where he'd says he's up for it and until he said he'd like it to stop. Assuming at least that something like that would fun to her too? 


A couple of days after the first pictures, she starts sending back photos that look like they were done in a studio- Myra explains that getting her illusions to show up in photos is tricky but a skill well worth practicing. Each of the photos is a different 'path of beauty'. The differences are subtle, and all of the faces still seem recognizable, like his face, to Alex, but this one emphasizes 'cool' with a slightly bigger forehead and pointier chin, and this one emphasizes 'cute' with the rounder face and wide eyes, and this one is more of a 'California valley girl' type of thing... And so on.

Myra likes food in pretty full generality. She is a little bit of a cooking and baking nerd, talking about different regional varietals and taste combinations and so on. She promises a cake sampler, for next visit. She likes most types of music at least a bit, though rock is some of her favorite. Green Day, Rise Against, Metallica, John Lennon and Aerosmith. Evanescence. She doesn't find herself with a lot of time to read or play games, and she usually goes for porny ones when she does.

She will definitely keep his list in mind. She would really appreciate being able to casually touch him next time she's there in person without worrying too much about it feeling awkward, <3. How does he feel about 'transformations' that are actually just illusions and go away when she stops focusing on them? As for bondage... Myra moderately prefers being the one tied up, but can certainly do the other way too. They can start easy with ropes (and lessons on how to properly use them without hurting your partner), or handcuffs, or perhaps a 'magical curse' (a mental tick that Myra would put on herself) that prevents her from moving to escape Alex's manhandling grasp. She has a fondness for stockades, or being 'stuck in a wall' with her arms pinned and helpless to resist whatever someone wants to do to either end~



A couple of days after the first pictures, she starts sending back photos that look like they were done in a studio- Myra explains that getting her illusions to show up in photos is tricky but a skill well worth practicing. Each of the photos is a different 'path of beauty'. The differences are subtle, and all of the faces still seem recognizable, like his face, to Alex, but this one emphasizes 'cool' with a slightly bigger forehead and pointier chin, and this one emphasizes 'cute' with the rounder face and wide eyes, and this one is more of a 'California valley girl' type of thing... And so on.

Alex thinks it's very cool that she can get her to show up in photos after they were taken, and eventually settles on a face design that's mostly cute but with some hints of sexy.

Myra likes food in pretty full generality. She is a little bit of a cooking and baking nerd, talking about different regional varietals and taste combinations and so on. She promises a cake sampler, for next visit.

Alex would be happy to listen to (well read) Myra infodump on food for as long she'd enjoy it, and also admits that his own tastes are kind of boring, with the only foods he actively enjoys being pizza and various kinds of sweets, with the list of foods he can tolerate eating to try and be healthy being a bit less limited (none of which uses meat, and is almost entirely stuff that it's easy to prepare or doesn't take much effort to cook.) He's also looking forward to trying her cake!  

 She likes most types of music at least a bit, though rock is some of her favorite. Green Day, Rise Against, Metallica, John Lennon and Aerosmith. Evanescence.

Over the course of several days Alex binges all of those artists songs, mentioning as he goes which ones he particularly enjoyed as he goes and thanks her for mentioning them when he's done. Also at different points, he mentions various other songs he likes, which ranges through a wide variety of genres at times but is primarily video game and anime soundtracks. 

She doesn't find herself with a lot of time to read or play games, and she usually goes for porny ones when she does.

Alex thinks it's unfortunate but understandable that she wouldn't have much time for reading or games as they're some of his favorite activities, and asks if out of the porny ones, she'd know any particularly fun ones?

She will definitely keep his list in mind. She would really appreciate being able to casually touch him next time she's there in person without worrying too much about it feeling awkward, <3.

Alex is glad she'd also appreciate it!

How does he feel about 'transformations' that are actually just illusions and go away when she stops focusing on them?

Those sound fun as long as focusing on maintaining the illusions wouldn't be too distracting for her to enjoy it or sex at the same time? Alex also includes a qualifier that making him look prettier then he actually is would potentially be bad for him after the illusions end, but that just making him look like a girl wouldn't or at least after she's actually transformed his face. 

He's also happy to discuss whether any other specific things would fall in the "definitely okay" or "better not for now" categories. Which leads to him mentioning that illusioning him to have breasts/for them to be bigger would be fine but he'd rather wait until he has at least small ones permanently before trying any illusions like that. And that he'd also want to wait on illusioning him to have a pussy until after he has enough essence saved up that he could immediately get it done for real if the illusion ended up making him want it much more.

As for bondage... Myra moderately prefers being the one tied up, but can certainly do the other way too. They can start easy with ropes (and lessons on how to properly use them without hurting your partner), or handcuffs, or perhaps a 'magical curse' (a mental tick that Myra would put on herself) that prevents her from moving to escape Alex's manhandling grasp. She has a fondness for stockades, or being 'stuck in a wall' with her arms pinned and helpless to resist whatever someone wants to do to either end~

Alex thinks those all sound fun to try (including doing them to her and being on the receiving end at times) and that the stockade/stuck in a wall examples are particularly hot.

She promptly sends over pictures of herself stuck in a free-standing wall. From a variety of angles. She apparently felt like only having one set of genitals for this set. In one of them, her tail twists around and frames her pussy in a heart shape.

Yes, she'll keep the illusions away until he's further along, that seems prudent. In terms of good porn games... A lot of them are Japanese. And most of those are visual novels. She's betting Alex doesn't know Japanese.

Does Friday evening, then Sunday, then next Wednesday, work?


The pictures get a lot of hearts from Alex, comments to the effect of "you look extremely fuckable in them" , and a few hours after she sent them, she'll receive a picture of Alex's cock after he had cum. (and if she looks at the timestamp on it, she might notice that it was taken much earlier, almost as if Alex had been quite indecisive on whether to send it.)

Waiting on the illusions in fine, and Alex unfortunately does not know Japanese, or any other language, he's pretty terrible at learning languages.

Friday and Sunday work fine for Alex, Wednesday doesn't, would Thursday be fine for Myra, or?


Glad you enjoyed the pics~

Tuesday would be better all told; We want at least one 'rest' day between visits for best results.


:blush: they were very good pics!

Tuesday works fine for me!


I'll see you tomorrow then~

(It's Thursday now, three days after Alex first summoned her.)


I'm looking forward to it~


Time passes. The Magical Girls appear on the news again, fighting someone who is throwing around... Hats? Dozens and dozens of hats. It looks chaotic and silly.

Friday evening arrives, eventually, and Myra texts him that she's out front in her car.


What would even you need that many hats for??? beyond like using them as very silly throwing weapons, which on second thought is probably sufficient reason for some of the types of people who'd fight Magical Girls in the first place.

When Myra arrives, Alex text back that he'll be out in a sec, and excitedly rushes out to meet, and as soon as she's out of her car, glomps and hugs her.


"Woahwoah careful-"

The box of cake sets itself on her car roof, guided by invisible wings and tail. Then she returns the glomp-hug.

"Hey, Alex! How're you? Good, I see."


"S-sorry I didn't notice that you were moving the cake, and I've been really good and even better now that you're visiting!"

More glopm-hug! And after it finishes.

"Would you like me to handle carrying in the cake?"


"Sure, and thank you! No problems like soreness, chapping, rashes? Those are not unheard of after your thing."


"Will do, and you're welcome! And I haven't experienced of those issues, though uh, we should probably go over what other problems might show happen later if I'm unlucky?"

Alex carries the box of cake inside.


She follows inside.

"Possible issues is also why I advocate for slow, incremental steps. Biomancy gives us far better tools to address issues like that than scientific medicine- Especially because you can sort of scry the world's concepts to target what a 'healthy, proper, functional' human looks like? I studied under my master for ten years before I flew the coop, so to speak. A comparable time investment to actual medical school, I'd argue."


"That makes sense! And it'd seemingly give even better capabilities then medical school, at least in my incredible biased opinion."

Also after putting the cake, Alex hugs her more.


Hugs are straightforwardly nice. He must be appreciating the lack of hair. She will rub all up and down his forearms and legs, then. (She's wearing a T-shirt with a scantily clad anime girl and a miniskirt plus bloomers).


He really has been! Here's some very appreciative moans from him as he tries rubbing his smooth!! skin against her in return.

"Did I mention yet that your clothes are really cute, cause they are."

(Alex is just wearing a basic monochromatic t-shirt and pants himself, that he's ready to discard the moment either of them decide it's naked time.)


"Hehehe. Thank you. So, do you want cake or sex first?"

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