"Obviously they don't have any influence here! Clerics with spells and miracles is what their influence looks like! It's what happens after you die that's the problem!"
Ahmose is so, so deeply glad that Jasper is taking him seriously and the Really Serious People Running Things are smart and will do the right thing, because he really, really can't do this himself.
"Of course I'll cooperate and trade and - I, I'll do" - anything, he barely stops himself from saying, because that is not how you negotiate with non-Abadarans, but it's true, he'll do almost anything - he won't go to Hell himself, or - he'll do everything he actually can do, to save these beautiful free people from damnation.
"At home we have the whole government working on this, they track how many people go to Hell and they set policies to get better results and make sure everyone knows how to avoid it - it's the most important thing the government is for, probably - I can't do it myself. I'll tell you everything I know and, and I'll try to convince you it's true, but I really really need to - get people from Golarion here to help you."