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Sure, that makes sense. Maybe "of Heart"?


Shiho can steal my heart anytime.




yall are cute

also that sounds good, Akira


So for the actual callout, what do we want to say?


Obviously we have to call out the treating people like objects. People aren't toys. He treats the people around him like they're amusements for him. 

We aren't his toys or his slaves. We're real people. 


"You've played with the lives of your students long enough", maybe.


oh that's good

what about "you push your twisted desires on students that can't fight back"


I like it. It could use a little tweaking, though. Maybe "Never again will you push your twisted desires on students who can't fight back."


Kind of requires that we lay out how his desires are twisted, hm?

"You lay your hands on those who can't reject you" hits both the violence and the harassment.


Solid. I like it.


Hell yeah


I like it. 

"Kamoshida Surugu, you are guilty of the sin of lust. You lay your hands on those who can't fight back, and treat those in your care as dolls to be toyed with and discarded. That ends now. Never again will you push your twisted desires on your students. We, the Phantom Thieves of Heart, will steal your heart and force you to face the injustice and cruelty of everything you've done. Expect us."

How's that? I really want to make him panic a little inside.


Ann that's gorgeous


I love what a way with words you have when you put your mind to it, Ann. <3


Morgana is reading over Akira's shoulder. "That's really good! It doesn't have anything about making him confess, which isn't required, but. Maybe 'We will make you confess your crimes'? Maybe sins instead? Or something about making him speak the confession from his own mouth, in his own words? You don't have to add anything like that, but it could add to the feel, I think."


Morgana says we should add something about making him confess. Not that it's required, but it would be nice to have.


"Kamoshida Surugu, you are guilty of the sin of lust. You lay your hands on those who can't fight back, and treat those in your care as dolls to be toyed with and discarded. That ends now. Never again will you push your twisted desires on your students. We, the Phantom Thieves of Heart, will steal your heart and force you to face the injustice and cruelty of everything you've done. We will make you spill your guts to the world, laying bare the truth in your own words. Expect us."


that's awesome

especially love the "expect us"


"That's great!"


That's really good, Ann. Now what does this thing need to look like, and how do we keep it from being traced back to us?


I could draw a logo


The brute fact of the matter is that we'll probably be caught. But let's not make it easy.

Cutting letters out of newspaper is a classic means, but then you have to dispose of the newspaper afterward. Could work but a bit questionable.

Printing it seems risky. Too easy for the printer to be identified, or for us to be caught printing it if it's a public printer. 

Electronic messages tend to require a phone or computer which is very traceable. You could use a chain of proxies maybe but then we start getting into it being uncertain if the message is delivered. 

However we do it, we need to know when Kamoshida reads it. Otherwise we won't be able to hit the all important 24 hour window.


It sounds like the first option's the best one we've got so far, if we can deliver it in a way where we know he'll read it


i can get into the school overnight. they never took back my key and i could make a bunch of copies and cover the school. we'd know the clock starts when he gets to the school and starts freaking out on seeing it.

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