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She gets up, gets on her uniform, grabs her prepared backpack with her meds and textbooks in it, and heads downstairs for breakfast.


Slightly-breakfasty-variant curry is being plated up as she comes down. "Morning, kid."


"Good morning!"

It's amazing how easily her smile comes today. Knowing Sakura-san is in her corner has cheered her right up.


Morgana bounds up onto the bar beside her. "Good morning, Boss!"


Something in the tone of Morgana's meow seems to clue Sojiro in, and he snorts as he plates a smaller portion of curry in a little bowl and sets it in front of the not-cat. "Morning to you too, Morgana. You get some breakfast too."


Akira smiles at Morgana. 

It really feels like her being honest matters. She feels confident and in control. 

She doesn't really have a lot to say over breakfast. Mostly she's just enjoying the peace and quiet.


That's perfectly fine with Sojiro. He slides Akira a coffee as well and then enjoys the quiet himself, just doing morning prep tasks.


"That was really good, Boss! Thank you!"


She smiles. "Morgana says the curry's really good, and thank you."


"Glad to hear it," he replies with a brief smile. "They going to school with you?"


"Yeah, that's the plan. They might wait outside instead of coming to my classes though."


He nods. "Good luck out there, kid."


"Thanks, I could use it." 

And she beckons to Morgana and is off out the door.


Morgana hops into her bag for the train ride.


Miracle of miracles, she manages to snag a seat this time.


"Might be worth keeping a book on hand for times you get a seat. Nice way to pass the time."


"Yeah, but there's that transfer in the middle so right now I want to get the habits down." 

She does at least get to watch the city go by. That's nice.


"Good point. Better to get used to it first."


Soon enough she's taking her transfer, and onto the last train.


She can feel herself tensing up as she gets closer to the school. Kamoshida's going to be there, and then after school the Castle. 

She's just got to do her best.


She's on-time today and she doesn't have to rush. That's a nice treat at least.


What's not nice is Kamoshida interrupting her on her way to homeroom.

"It's good to see you're settling in at Shujin, Kurusu-san. I've noticed you've been spending time with Takamaki-san. That's good. Good influences like that will help you go far, here."


Akira puts on the bright smile her parents always loved to see. "Thanks, sensei. A lot of teachers don't take much of an interest in their students' lives and I think that's a mistake."

Play dense, don't get any hints he drops, be kind and cheerful and just the most adorably persistent little thorn.


"I'm glad we see eye to eye, Kurusu-san. Have you considered joining one of the clubs on campus? You look like you'd fill out the volleyball uniform quite well, for example."


Play down to the stereotype of the ditzy nerd. Don't challenge, be like water.

"That makes sense! I've never really been that athletic, but if you know any other clubs I could take suggestions? I like mystery novels, do you know any clubs that read?"

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