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He nods a bit sheepishly. "I know I've fucked things up before. I'm glad for the help not fucking this up too."


"It's cool. Just do your best. I think we're going to be doing a cops and robbers scenario - you get to be the yakuza boss, I'm the detective, Ann's the femme fatale. I know enough about old detective movies and books that I can speak to that." 


Ann smiles a bit at being called a femme fatale.


A yakuza boss? He smiles. "I think I can do that."


"Alright. Ann, do you know any good fashion places on Central Street?"


"I think Lapin Angellique is on that street? They do EGL fashion though and all of it's pretty expensive. I think Jupiter of the Monkey has an outlet around there too, they sell casualwear."


Soon enough they're arriving. Several people file off for Shibuya.


And Ryuji leads the way to Central street.


The shop sign for Untouchable is big and neon green. It's visible quite a ways down the street. 

"Alright," Akira says. "Let's do this."


The inside of the shop is... not dark. It is, however, a bit cramped, absolutely full of shelves and displays, and staffed by a grouchy-looking guy wearing grey.


Yeah, this guy looks about as sketchy as she expects. Looks can be decieving though.

She walks up to the counter and gives him her best smile. 

"Hey," she says. "I'm looking for some airsoft guns for a cops and robbers scenario I'm putting together. Have you got anything that looks like a Colt, like Sam Spade has in the Maltese Falcon?"


He gives them a look up and down. "Cops and robbers, huh?"



After a long moment of appraisal, he jerks his head indicatively at a rack of guns displayed on the wall behind him.


"Yeah, we're basing it on film noir, like The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler. Ryuji here is a yakuza boss, and Ann here's the dame who owes him money for her gambling debts. I'm the private eye her dad hires to sort it all out. So I'm thinking something that looks like a Colt Detective Special would be ideal, for me at least. Do you have any recommendations?" 

She looks over the airsoft guns on the back wall. Anything fit her description?


There's an impressive replica of a Colt Single Action Army, along with a nicely straight-forward looking semi-automatic pistol called a Tkachev, a Levinson (which appears to be a short-barreled shotgun), a slingshot, and a sub-machine gun listed as a Sterlidge.


Ryuji seems to be quietly eying the shotgun.


"That Colt Single Action Army replica you've got back there looks like it'd be just about perfect for me," she says. "Ryuji, you want the Levinson?"


Ann's inspecting the Tkachev. It looks simple enough to operate.

"I think I'd like this one," she says.



He grins and nods. "This looks perfect for me."


Morgana's eyes are locked on the slingshot. "Ooh. That looks just right," they say.


"Talkative cat you've got there," the shopkeeper says with a hmph, and he starts getting down boxes containing the selected weapons.


Shit, did Morgana just blow their cover? Can normal people understand them?

"Yeah, they really are." Akira smiles to cover her panic. "I'd like a slingshot too, if that's fine by you."


Ann comes forward and gets out her wallet to pay.


He nods, grabs a boxed up slingshot, and other than the slight incongruity of a cat being present at all, doesn't seem to be having the usual shock you'd expect a shopkeeper to have about a talking cat.

"Total's ¥18,600."


"That Colt Single Action's really expensive. It's like more than the rest put together. I could cover it but that'd be my funds for the whole month. Are we sure we don't just want to get another Tkachev?"


She weighs the options. Either way, everyone would have a gun. The Peacemaker might be more powerful, but she doesn't know how guns work in the cognitive realm...

"Yeah, I think we have to drop the Peacemaker and get another Tkachev instead, much as I'd love to own a proper Colt replica."

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