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She does her best to ignore the fact that she's being clung to by a boy and tries to help Ryuji down the stairs.


Ann comes up and helps with Ryuji's other side.


It takes a bit of stumbling, and it's slow going, but eventually the girls get down the stairs with the exhausted boy. They pass one door along the way, but it's locked tight, not openable from this side at all. Further down, they eventually reach the bottom, and find a door that lets out into a darker area, with a floor of sparse wooden planks, and torches lining the walls.


"Ann, can you help Ryuji? I want my sword free in case more of those things come." 

Akira creeps forward in the darkness and beckons the other two to follow. 


Ryuji, who's regaining bits of lucidity, shifts his weight onto Ann, freeing Akira's arms.


Ann supports Ryuji as best as she can, and helps him forward through the hallway. 

"This looks like some kind of... dungeon."


"Yeah. We're going to need to find another stairwell up, I think."

Akira advances cautiously, sword at the ready.


They make their way down a bare corridor, then turn onto a larger hallway, with water running down the center and wooden walkways on either side. It looks increasingly like a dungeon as they go on. Crates dot the sides of the walkway from time to time.


A guard clanks toward the hallway from a side corridor.


Akira gestures back with a hand. "Get back," she whispers. 

Can she duck back into the shadows and hide?


Ann tries to lower Ryuji and cover for him. 


She can. The three teens shelter from view in the shadow of a particularly large crate.


The guard stomps past. It doesn't appear to have seen them. "King Kamoshida sure keeps us busy. Guarding the prisoners is so boring, too, except when we get to execute 'em."

Eventually the heavy footsteps fade away in the distance.


"Prisoners...? Maybe we could stage a breakout, that might help cover our escape."

Akira moves forward, watching for more cover she can duck behind. 


Ann nudges Ryuji forward carefully, keeping low as best she can.


They don't run into more guards along the way, at least for now. Eventually they reach a turn off toward a side corridor, and this hallway comes to an end. Down that corridor seem to be a number of barred cells.


"Wait for a second, I'm going to see who or what's in the cells." Akira keeps her voice low.

She slips forward a little further and tries to get a better look at the side corridor.


The nearest cell appears to contain a boy in a Shujin gym uniform. He's curled in on himself and groaning very quietly.


What the - 

"There's an academy student in the cell!" she hisses back towards the group. 

She moves forwards into the corridor. Is there any sign of a handy ring of keys or any way to release this boy?


That is absolutely not at all creepy. 

She sticks back to the shadows. "Is he okay?"


Akira casts a glance back towards the boy. "It doesn't look like it."


There are no keys or levers visible. At the sound of their voices, he looks up, then recoils into the far corner of his cell.

"No! You can't be here! I was sentenced! If I talk to anyone they'll beat me," the boy cries out in a harsh whisper.


If Ann's being threatened, and this boy is being threatened too - 

"I'll try and free you," she says. "This is fucked up.

She advances, looking to see if there are any other prisoners. The guard said there were a few of them...


Ann stays back in the shadows. Akira's handling it.


There are a handful. Several cells are empty, a few contain boys in gym uniforms. 

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