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monsters get afterlife trials too (new D&D setting)
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The Maelstrom's viewing window is disinclined to cooperate with this plan. Coherence? Pah. 

Here's a view of a blazing inferno; the thick, dark smoke that rises from it shapes itself into imp-like winged figures that fly, cackling, out of the window's sight. Here's a sandstorm in which similar imp-like things twirl and frolic.

This pane here is lingering on a herd of long-legged, long-necked reptiles wading placidly through a river of magma.

That one over there is flickering erratically between two views: one a flock of four-winged birds flying among fluffy white clouds, the other a blizzard too thick to see anything through. 


Well, she's getting some kind of an impression, anyway. 

"Which of those things used to be people?" she thinks to ask after a while. It's less obvious than it was in the City. 


Livie clears her throat. "Used to be people isn't really—uh, I would say they're still people, but they used to be mortals. And the answer is, well, everything that looks like a living creature, plus some of the things that don't, probably. It's the Maelstrom; some of those storms are probably people."

"Except the dragons," she adds after a moment. "Dragons are people, too, but they're not dead people. They're native to the afterlives." 


Zekt attempts to wrap her head around the idea of a storm being a person.

Then she has to grapple with the equally bizarre idea of a person being a storm. 

"...could I be a storm?" 


"Not easily, and not soon—most newly-dead find that they need years or decades of practice in forms that are more familiar to them before their minds can handle something even a fraction that different from a mortal body. But, yes, if you went to the Maelstrom you could eventually learn to be a storm, and if you went to the City you could eventually learn to be a being made of pure math, and in the Woods you could learn to be a—a tree, or a river, and in the Battlefield you could learn to be a giant metal monster that can carry people in its belly..." 


"...I don't know which of those to ask about first," Zekt comments. 

She doesn't have much concept of math beyond basic arithmetic. "What in the world would it mean to be made of math? Could I turn into—what, the number fifteen?" 


Livie giggles. "Not quite. They're made of...lots of numbers all working together to describe every detail of a person, is my understanding, but I'm not an expert. If you go to the City, you can take math classes and learn about how it works if you're interested." 


"Hm. Sounds complicated." And not very practical, but she supposes there's less need for practicalities in the afterlife. 

Which reminds her. 

"Is it true that the dead don't need to eat?" 


Livie freezes in place for a moment, which is the ball-of-light equivalent of buffering, as she catches up to the sudden change of topic. 

"...mostly? Nobody needs to eat, you can get by with absorbing ambient magic from your surroundings to grow your soulfire, but some people eat as a way of staying in powerful shapes that they don't have a strong enough soul to power on their own."

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