Demon attacks are rare.
Of course, a single traveler or a small group of them is so fantastically unsafe from such that no one in their right mind would do that in the first place, but large caravans are usually perfectly safe.
She cuddles up to his side and leans her head on his shoulder. "Nice to meet you," she says. "Admittedly kind of awkward, but hey."
"Yeah. But..."
She trails off, searching for words.
"...You fucked up real bad, I'm not gonna deny that. But you didn't - there's - there's not some kind of cosmic threshold where if you make this big a mistake you're not allowed to be okay anymore. Everybody gets to be okay. Everybody." Hug. "Okay?"
"Well, you said 'that's not really the point', which implies there's something that is..."
"So on the one hand, I definitely see your point. On the other hand - if there's anybody who gets to say 'hey, you feel like shit and that sucks, I'm sorry, you deserve to be okay, have a hug', it's gotta be me, right?"