plantfairy bell in sesat
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"I guess that's worse but it's less..... I dunno, icky?

"I wanna learn to make paper."


"Not a bad thing to know about! It’s one of those long processes where you let things wait for a long time, but it’s not that complicated."


"Can you teach me?"


"Mmm... not really, we should get someone else to. It's a good thing to know how to do, though."


"Who can teach me? I want to start right now."


"I sort of know how but I think... I know someone better but it might take a couple of days for it to be a good time. I can make it happen, though."


"Would I be better at making paper if I wait a couple of days and don't start learning from you first?"


"No, but that way I won't end up putting off other things I need to do, and we won't waste any papyrus if I make mistakes, and anyway I don't really have everything set up to make paper so it wouldn't be as much faster as it sounds. I can talk about it right now if that helps."


"Yes please!"


He knows things about paper-making and can say them.


She has bits of paper on her and squints at them while she listens.

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