Half the people who should be here aren't, and half the people who shouldn't be here nonetheless are. Overall there's something more than 30 people in attendance -
CONDITIONS are WORST for ROVAGUG CONTAINMENT when there are MANY entities powerful enough to EFFECT His RELEASE, with a VARIETY of MOTIVES to DO so, and no way to TRACK or CONTROL them.
There are MANY attractor-states which would GREATLY REDUCE the ANNUAL RISK of a Containment BREACH.
ONE such STATE is if MOST people on GOLARION were SHADOWS. SHADOWS are not as CREATIVE and STRATEGIC as most other kinds of MORTAL, and cannot REPRODUCE.
This is not the IDEAL equilibrium state for Rovagug Containment, but it is not so very far OFF. In particular it will GREATLY cost the ANTI-ROVAGUG COALITION to CLOSE the WORLDWOUND.
HOWEVER, this price is WORTH it.
The mortal CKROFT#17967 cannot reach a BETTER equilibrium even with my ASSISTANCE. It would take KNOWLEDGE and CAPABILITIES unknown to MORTALS in CREATION and which OUTSIDERS are RESTRICTED from SHARING. But she WILL act in ways to MAXIMIZE the number of MORTAL ENTITIES active on GOLARION. While her actions will NOT change the basic EQUILIBRIUM, they ARE likely to INCREASE the number and stable POPULATION of SELF-contained HABITATS.
Most LOW-LEVEL characters CANNOT save the world, nor would it be WISE to RELY on them to do so? One of them is NUMERIAN. I will take a CLOSER look.
I'm going to need the four of you to give me a fortitude save apiece, also, non-Mythic characters roll twice and take the lower.
You could just ask Nethys? Nethys will tell You what their deal is in exchange for You giving Kroft some PALADIN LEVELS!!!
Otolmens, here's a free tip.
You should take Nethys up on His offer. It's worth it by your values.
Would you believe me if I said esprit de corps?
If Nethii can't back each other up, what have we even come to?
I will GRANT the mortal CKROFT#17967 divine magic IF I agree that obtaining the information NON-DESTRUCTIVELY was WORTH it to me.
Hey guys, what's going on here, it's your [Select Gender - Dropdown] Ssila'meshnik here, coming at you with another speedrunning video. Today we're going to be doing the any% drive Korvosa to chaos achievement in Age of Lost Omens 2: the Shadows of Golarion. Now comes the most important part of the run, picking our champion! And you might be thinking, 'but Ssila'meshnik, aren't you obviously just going to pick one of those fucking guys' and the answer is no, that's boring. Fortunately, we do have another candidate - one of our minor characters has been asking for someone, anyone, to give them the ability to channel positive energy, and what do you know, we qualify! Thankfully, there aren't any inquisitors here to ruin our fun just yet, so we can get off to a strong start with just one cleric circle...