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"Sure." Claire switches the cards then goes to get her things.


Emily puts up the name cards then goes to do the same.


They go get their things as well.


Riley comes looking for them as they're moving things into rooms. "How did you choose rooms, actually that doesn't matter I'm ok wherever. I looked at the high-res scan, there's still nothing that looks like an implant. I can show them to you if you like."


"We drew random cards. Your room is over there. You can move your stuff now. And show me the scans later."


"Alright, will do." Riley grabs her stuff from the trailers and arranges it in her room. "Let me know when you're ready."


They finish collecting stuff and return the to the library to await shoppers (and also read books).


Well if Anna isn't interested in the brain scans Riley is going to continue her research in the clinic. She's currently focusing on gene therapy.


Emily is going to go take inventory of the games and art room.


Claire is going to work on writing down what books are in the library.


Anna is looking for medical texts to supplement what's in the encyclopedia!


There are a number of those: biology, anatomy, genetics, organic chemistry, reproductive studies, neurology, endocrinology and more.


She puts the genetics and organic chemistry books aside, not her area of expertise but clearly useful if somebody else has a background in that area and starts skimming through the rest.


The other books don't differ too much from what she remembers from her course books they have a bit more detail, they speak more definitively and they have much nicer pictures. Is there anything in particular she's looking for?


She was mostly just looking for a general overview.


Alex walks in while she's still reading. "We return from our trip."


"Welcome back. We picked rooms at random on one wing so you now have one Alex. Emily made up name cards for the four of you. I'm not sure where she put them. She's in the art room at the moment."


"You four can sort out the rooms for yourselves. You can use the markers and paper to do it at random if you want."


A minor debate ensues between John and Dave before Jade interrupts, "Guys we can just do it at random, okay?"


"I'll go put my stuff away, then I can start handing out phones. We only have nine though so we're going to need to share until we get around to finding another one."


"Like I said, Emily probably had the name cards with her and if she doesn't she'd know where she left them."


"We'll go find her then." says Rose.

They go do that.


Emily is rifling through various cabinets. There are a few board games set out on tables and a list of things on a table close to her. The four name cards are set on a table near the entrance face up along with the suction cups.


John says, "Hi, we're back!"

Jade says, "Suction cups?"


"Tape doesn't stick to the walls. It just falls right off. I'm not sure why."

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