Okay. That horrible possibility having been thoroughly excluded, she checks her point totals--154/96 points for the check tier. Obviously, that's not gonna fly. She goes back to the top of the list and starts going over her checked options to see what she can move.
A Hundred Ships--firstly she doesn't want to give that up and secondly she's pretty sure it's a prerequisite for several drawbacks she took. She bumps it up to exclamation mark. What's In A Name...the notebook suggested that if she didn't want to interact with magic name bullshit then magic name bullshit would not be part of this complete breakfast. If she has to deal with it once or twice in a thousand years, whatever, it'll be fine, she took It Gets Better. It Gets Better covers for a multitude of sins. She bumps it down to star rank.
Angelic Tones is not an absolute must-have, but she didn't take anything else that will do its job and she really quit likes it. She'll leave it as a check mark for now, if she still has unbalanced numbers when she finishes this go-through she can do another one. Perfect Hair is in the same boat as Angelic Tones. Dressing Room and Pocket Dimension get bumped up to an exclamation mark. Like Roses goes in the same boat as Angelic Tones and Perfect Hair. Immunity System...it might be narratively appropriate for her to drink a goblet of wine that, unbeknownst to her, contains a poison which causes her to dramatically fall unconscious, dropping the rest of the wine to the floor and collapsing into an unrealistically elegant position and yeah bumping that one down to a spiral, It Gets Better does most of the work she wanted it for.
Breathe Easy stays a check because not being able to fuck herself up by eating the wrong food means she can eat nothing but cookies for a week if she likes and not get sick. Actually when she puts it that way she's going to bump it up to an exclamation mark. Except, wait, no, it requires Immunity System, never mind.
She desperately wants Lightfoot so it and its prerequisites can get bumped up to an exclamation mark.
Gloryseeker gets bumped down to a star, she's pretty sure you can normally do parkour without getting hurt if you're good at it and she can probably pick up separate magic later for jumping from high places and bouncing.
She waffles about Omniglot and then leaves it a check. Anything You Can Do is a prerequisite for a number of really excellent things, so, exclamation point. Snowglobe and Unleash The Magic also get exclamation points. Inner World is nice, but seems like the kind of thing she might be able to pick up with other magic later. Star.
...Iron Will seems really important; even with It Gets Better she would really like to avoid being horribly traumatized. She checks her exclamation mark point total and then bumps it up, along with Indelible and Closed Book.
And we have reached the Power of Friendship! Disney Princess and its dependents can get bumped down to a star. --Except Cotton Candy required Disney Princess, dang. Okay, Disney Princess goes back up to a check but Puppies Everywhere stays at the star level.
Her Best Friend related selections go up to an exclamation point, of course. Mmmmm.
Backchannel stays at a check for now. You Can Teach Better gets an exclamation point. Time Enough For Love--oh hey she seems to have missed something earlier. Work-Life Balance, she counts as her own friend for the purposes of Time Enough For Love--yes, please. Okay those both get exclamation points. How many times has she wished that tucking herself into a corner with a good book didn't actually cost real time??? Huh, she seems to be drawing hearts around the two options.