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a Lucy is born in Geb
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“Fly! Flying is going to be amazing.”


“Especially if we end up falling down any more ravines. Are there any spells you’re looking forwards to?”


"So many! Someday I'm going to be able to Teleport!"


She had meant more immediately, but that's just as good a diversion onto safer topics. 

"It's a pity we're at the one place in the world that kind of transportation is most limited, then, but at least it can be flown across, and even you poor benighted wizards will be able to learn how eventually." Her sentence ends with a smirk, but it's undercut by her next words. "Would you like to try?"


"I'd love to!" 


Then she can pull a feather out of her pouch, and with a short chant and gesture Luzai has five minutes of flight!




This is so much fun! Luzai cannot do it for herself just yet but she will be able to in the future! 

Camellia is cool. Hopefully in the future Luzai will be able to get her to open up a bit more about what her problems are so that Luzai can help with them, but enh, it's not like she's one to talk about keeping secrets. 


Traveling through the sky is rather effortless, even when she moves at twice her running pace, and she can pick up yet more speed in swoops and dives as long as she's willing to climb first.

Eventually all good things come to an end, and in this case it takes the form of Luzai slowly drifting down from the sky. Hopefully she was either less than 120 feet up or prepared feather fall, since otherwise this might be a little painful for her.



Less than 120 feet up. She does know how Fly works. 


Then she will land safely, and on the street where she can walk off instead of having to shimmy down from a roof. 


She giggles and twirls and all but skips away from her landing site. 

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