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a Lucy is born in Geb
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"How is this supposed to...?"


"Bloodflow to the brain!" 


"--Alright, why not." It's not like experimenting on oneself is a bad thing for wizards to do, as long as the experiments aren't too dire. Which handstands definitely are not. 


Then Villibor can also get help inverting himself if he needs it while Nenio goes through the same questionnaire she gave Luzai. How do the Dhampirs do on them? Do they seem to get lightheaded or dizzy?


Villibor is definitely going to need help doing a handstand. 

Once he's there, he can report: definitely lightheaded and dizzy. Not, like, immediately, but once the blood has had a chance to do what they're doing this experiment to make the blood do, definitely. 

Both dhampirs do noticeably worse on the questionnaire when upside-down. 


That’s a bit disappointing, especially since it matches her own experience, but Nenio doesn’t let it get to her. Disproving hypotheses is as much a part of science as proving them, and now she knows that there’s a happy medium when it comes to blood in the brain. She crosses out the plans to modify ant haul to work on the heart, and considers her next move.


“I wonder if too much blood to the brain being bad has any connection to the thing where normal people explode on the positive energy plane.”


"Maybe! Though I don't expect bleeding lightly from a head wound is the ideal solution, since it would either only be a temporary boost or the healing would be distracting. Maybe if I can develop a chair to bend at discrete angles, though, we can see if standing upright is a local optimum or if it's somewhat offset from that..."


"Bleeding from the head has the problem that there's only so much blood in your body; you'd run out."


"Exactly, which makes it not very conducive to long research sessions. It would have to be significantly more effective to be worth it."


"Right...there's got to be research somewhere on how the Plane of Positive Energy works." 


If there was anything in Kenabres on it, it would probably be in the Blackwing library! Which was, unfortunately, less than well treated by the cultists prior to their own arrival there and probably hasn't gotten better since. It's probably worth a look, though!


"I don't know Father to have had anything in his library about it, but if he did, I'm sure it wasn't his own research." 


Raiding his library would probably take a lot longer, unless Villibor has gotten strong enough to prepare Teleport recently. Nenio was able to prepare rather a lot of third circle spells today, but stabilizing fourth or fifth circle spells seems currently out of reach.


Not today, no. But someday. Someday. 


While Nenio is discussing the logistics of a raid on Father's library with Villibor, Luzai sneaks off. What's Camellia up to?


Camellia is doing rapier drills! She seems frustrated about something, but it's difficult to discern what from just her facial expression.


"Are you alright?" 


For a moment she looks even more annoyed at the interruption, but she fights it down and her expression returns to blank neutrality an instant later.

"I'm fine."



“…Okay, but actually though.”


"It doesn't matter. Did you have something you needed?"


“I was actually just coming to see how you were doing after everything that happened with the Wardstone.”


"Like I said, I'm fine. I've hit third circle, my reflexes are faster than ever, and I can coat my blade in flames and frost or enchant it to strike true at weak points."

And if she can't draw on the power of a second spirit like her teacher said would be possible for a shaman of her strength, well, that's nobody's business but hers. The old bat was probably exaggerating.


“Oh, awesome! Third circle is great, right?”


That's safer ground, at least. 

"Yes. Magic Vestment, Fly, Stone Shape, Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic... there are a number of options that might prove useful, though I can't have more than three a day just yet."

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