In Milliways, the front door opens.
Theodore pulls out his wand, breaks the window, and sends Midnight flying through it. "Don't worry," he says to the assembled tea-party goers, "I conspired with the current dragons-fairy and with the dragons first, he won't die. I do too have impulse control."
"I know that and you know that, but Theodore uses throwing people out of windows at dragons as a way to deal with his feelings -"
"No, it is not because of that, that's separate. Anyway, now his feelings are dealt with and Midnight will be okay and he will be glad that Theodore isn't angry any more."
"Um, you threw our host out a window. At dragons. I think it's tea party rules that now we aren't having one any more."
There is an audible-to-Elves crash. Elves look up. Fredrick smirks.
"- what happened?" he says to his alt.
"Oh, uh, Theodore read a history book and then threw Midnight out the window into the dragon pit - he'd told the dragons not to eat him and the fairy not to let him land too hard -"
"He has a text-to-speech thing, what is the connection between history books and Midnight in the dragon pit -"
"I'm kind of assuming if relevant parties wanted it shared it would've been shared a while ago? To the extent a person can have that coming he had it coming."
He glances at his alt.
"The particular line that set Theodore off was, I think, 'prisoner-consort'."
"Hmm? No. It's only half his fault, the Valar mind-controlled everybody all the time and we have all this evidence he turns out lovely with most other sets of starting conditions. And he stopped, and he's sorry. But if he's still in the dragon pit I wasn't especially intending to rescue him."