In Milliways, the front door opens.
"He should compare notes with Minor - Minor's my little brother who decided 'beloved internet presence' was the way to accomplish various political goals -"
"There's a little bit of variance by species, maybe blue centaur alien versions of us are more - whatever makes my father a mass murderer and Curufinwë less inclined to vlogging -"
"I think the extent of Minor's commitment to vlogging was that you told him to do it and then the GCP told him to stop it. If Matirin asked Cayaldwin to establish himself on YouTube for some reason and then someone he really resented tried to shut him up?"
"From how you described things I bet they will not object to our showing up with a brainslug handling plan in place instead of letting more time elapse to go fetch them."
He watches tensely while the new Bell reads the description of everybody and current projects and resources, even though she's hardly going to interrogate Cam.
She doesn't interrogate Cam. She reads and rents a room and has a few questions and holds the door for her sister.
"Aww - well I guess that answers the eternal question of the comments section - does that mean him and Finleran were after all -"
"At the rate new Bells are dropping in I bet a compatible one will turn up eventually."
"Go stash our stuff," Bella tells Andi, handing her a room key. "I'm gonna go flying, enjoy things not being on fire."
"You flew this morning! You demorphed and remorphed in midair to show off and so you wouldn't have to land!"