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"Astriss was months ago. Antren more like six weeks."


Are there any important activities of Antren's that we will not discover through the testimony of other parties -


"I, I don't think so."


This court calls Matirin Ashal Nelinfir -


He tried to kill himself. Twice. Didn't work. His voice is steady only because thoughtspeech has nothing to do with breathing. 

<I am an officer in the Andalite military, and was assigned two years ago to a reconnaissance operation which revealed Yeerks had devoted significant resources to infesting a new planet, previously unknown to us, populated with about six billion humans who had reached their moon and no farther. The Andalite High Command was divided on how to react to the news - we were overstretched and Earth indefensible militarily - and a significant contingent favored permitting the Yeerks to invest more resources there and then destroying the planet. Instead we sent an exploratory force that was - not wholly authorized back home. It was divided by infighting.

We met the Yeerks in the edges of the relevant star system, engaged them, lost, took advantage of the fighting to slip a tactical force of forty-one Andalites onto the planetary surface. We abducted humans to acquire and interrogate them; we encountered Bella and Andi, took them on as advisors, made them capable of morph for espionage. We found a Yeerk organization on Earth and organized coordinated terrorist attacks to destroy the Kandrona generators Yeerks outside their home planet rely on for nutrients. We successfully destroyed eight generators in an operation with sixty human casualties. We endeavored to reach out to human governments, only to find them already infested; one attempt resulted in Yeerks assassinating the President, his wife, and much of his official staff to cover things up. Eventually we determined that Yeerks were far more vulnerable than local species to high levels of background radiation, and simultaneously established secure relations with a human government with a nuclear arsenal. We detonated hundreds of bombs in the atmosphere, causing a mass die-off of Yeerks. We disseminated Andalite technology to mitigate the harmful effects of the atmospheric radiation on humans. The Yeerks still controlled the star system's airspace. It became apparent that should they decide they could no longer infest Earth successfully they would sterilize it. We undertook an operation to secretly board and then destroy their flagship. The operation was risky, and it failed; the three Andalite survivors were captured and infested, and then used to infest our allies on Earth. The population of Earth believes the Yeerks were defeated, and under our direction the infestation of the planet and the transition of its industrial capacity to weapons for the Yeerk empire proceeded. 

Then, ah, I found myself here.>


This time there are lots of questions. 

And eventually - this court calls sub-visser Antren -


Antren is hovering awkwardly in the air. I decline to testify.


Are there any Yeerks who do not decline to testify.


Passan is willing to give it a shot? Passan was moved around a lot but was at the end in Karen.


The court will hear his testimony.


Passan prefers she pronouns this week. She gives a description of how she was brought into the sub-Visser's circle - Antren prefers to have a small contingent of personally loyal Yeerks and was always relatively unterrifying as Yeerk commanders went so Passan tried to get into it and did and then took hosts and did not let them sabotage things and didn't do much else.


Are there any Yeerk multiverse operations ongoing that the court has not been informed of?


Not that Passan knows about.


Orik will testify. He wants to know if the court's going to hold to the deal. 

       The court observes that contract enforcement in Valinor would not permit contracting to an arrangement of this kind against one's own future wishes, nor would it acknowledge as valid a contract established under duress.

I find it convenient, says Timothy, to be capable of making promises under duress. 

The court is happy to hold to the bit about getting all Yeerks voluntary hosting arrangements, including the war criminal ones, they're a very rehabilitation-minded society. (Several of the humans present snort.) They're probably going to pause the Yeerks for a while while they work out the details. 

Orik confirms that he will not be paused and is then okay with that.


Minor explains that Miranda is in Hazel because he was trying to think his legs off. His brothers hug him. Orik looks like he's considering it but Minor gives him a rather vicious glare.


Thanks, Cam says on Miranda's behalf.


The absence of immediate danger having been established the court announces a few new precautions against Yeerks in Valinor and adjoins until the accused have the chance to meet with counsel. And a instance of Varda shows up next to everyone who was teleported here, to teleport them back.


How long will it take to bring the soul Elves back to life?


Depends on how quickly we can find them, in the case of the ones murdered on the way back from Ganymede, and on their own cooperation with the process - all Mandos can do is offer. But if they accept, immediately, once they're found.


He nods.


Are there messages I should convey for you in the meantime?


Everything urgent's been covered and Timothy's a little too occupied for personal messages, but thanks anyway.


Cam is back in Ganymede. 

Theodore and Lilie and Niari are back in Singapore. 


" - I super did not know the Valar had that kind of firepower."

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