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He has wings. He can cling to Miranda very very much. "I told Ambela everything because I wanted to know if you'd be disappointed in me once you had the whole story I needed to know -"


"I'm assuming you had to get home in a tearing hurry because of the egg people somehow?"


Squeeze. "Your summoner'll be fine they don't even have to study cellular biology. Are you okay -"


"Scared of Ganymede. Tired. It - didn't feel good. I don't want to ever have to do that again even knowing they wake up right away nothing wrong at all -"


Nod. "Would you go, if they summon you - last time you didn't -"


"Last time I hadn't done anything wrong. I - yeah, I would. Murder's not allowed."


"A-are they gonna? We'd visit you..."


"Cam said the guy doesn't want to press charges so - probably not. But they still could if they decided they wanted to, they don't need a complaint, they're just allowed to ignore it if they haven't gotten one. And visiting wouldn't help since I couldn't talk."


"There's soul Elves? Maybe if everybody knows Occlumency too Legilimency can do an osanwë thing."


"It'd still incredibly suck." She puts her head on his shoulder.


"And everyone who trusted me and liked me would think they were wrong and it might even affect the EU escort vote. That just - didn't matter, if I was deciding off that then I shouldn't have been deciding..."


"I mean, the other stuff you're doing does also matter, it wouldn't have been ridiculous to factor it in but you might've had to know more about how it'd go than you did."


"Taking summons is terrifying but if I hadn't we wouldn't know about the egg people until they made the news -"


Squeeze. "How'd they even start doing it, did we leave the main bar unattended and somebody came in?"


"No, they have interdimensional transit - which is its own headache - and someone hopped worlds looking for immortality and found Godspring and got the - correct - impression that the Elves would not share all their stuff and so she spied and figured it out and then went home..."


"Oh no. What're we doing about that?"


"They're explaining to them why they shouldn't do that, I think. Hopefully that's enough."




"Everywhere's paused in the meantime."


"It's good that we can do that. Weird but good." There is not really a place for her to nonawkwardly add to the hug what with the wingwrapping going on.

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