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He'll step back and put a wing on her shoulder too. "Yeah. Wish we could do it more selectively, but still, yeah."




"Do you need anything?" Miranda asks Minor.


"Don't think so. Not - not until time starts up."


"Okay. Lemme know if you do."


Squeeze. "I will."


The demons who are not on Davidson's Demon List have still taken summonses before. This one filled out one of the Dwarves' surveys, they could say they got them off the Dwarf list. This one has written parody lyrics for some of Singularity Macalaurë's stuff, if Macalaurë is inclined to come up with an opinion about that which would imply summoning the demon. The remaining two... This one has a name collision in one language with an angel and the angel is on a Davidson's list, they can pretend they wanted the angel instead. This last one has... published controversial opinions on the 2087 Sherlock Holmes Supplements and Adaptations Annotated Bicentennial Compilation like a hundred years ago and once had a medium-term food scarcity alleviation job in Ethiopia for sexual favors? Cam's not sure what to do with that.


"Part of the problem here is that I'm not just making a snap judgment of 'would they make people and terrorize them', I also need to know whether they'll say in passing to a friend 'oh, yeah, and there was those winged people with claws, what's that world called?' and that seems like a lot less of a persistent character trait."


"Can you tell what they'll do if we ask them not to mention it?"




"Having to mention it seems likeliest. It seems unlikely that six random demons will all investigate on their own, find that there's a reason to keep quiet in so doing, and then do that."


"And they might keep quiet if asked. ...could also try to find long-term work for them, if they're interested in taking it."


"Could do. That'd keep them from some casual conversations but if we let them write home it still doesn't contain the information by itself."


"Yes, it only helps if we don't think the event was notable enough to write home about but that they might bring it up casually." Sigh. "We can start with the listed ones, at least."


Cam hands him circles.


"Keep checking if they say anything, in the meantime..." And he finishes a circle.


"I can't spy on chiplocked messages or verbal conversations, but so far as I can yeah."

The demon shows up.


"Hi! We're updating all the old demons' lists in light of there being a lot more going on in the world, interested in being on an updated version?"


"You're with Davidson's?"


"No, actually, I used to rely on them and they've been slow about reacting to - all this stuff lately - so I thought I'd just come out with a competing version."


"Oh, cool. I'm mostly off my Broadway kick but maybe you can tempt me with something. I still like doing architecture."


"How about the Elves' theatre, stuff like that?"


He makes a face. "It takes them all day to say 'I like chord progressions and the sound of my voice'."


Giggle. "Picked any translations of your name you'd like listed -"


"I still spell it all the same ways."

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