The Valar announce that they've done as much as they can in Singularity (they can't bring back peoples' babies in that critical period either, but they can get them earlier versions) and are setting up portals between there and Sanity as soon as they are confident they've cleaned up the plague. A bunch of Elf architects have this wild idea for a fivedimensional city where alternating intersections are interdimensional portals between various Valinors and they get eagerly to setting it up.
He draws a circle for her. He finds his nearest interruptible brother (Aaron, as it happens), pulls him over to finish it.
She shows up in dark brown wings with a touch of sparkle and all-over henna-like designs.
"Oh I'm fine, it's really nice in Heaven, everything's so bright and clean and the angels have been really nice!"
I'm going to need a lawyer, he writes Timothy, and then bounces over to his camera setup, turns everything on -
"Hey everybody! I have a special guest today, this is Arati! She died last week in India and now she's an angel! - please remember that only summoners become daeva when they die. Arati, what's Heaven like?"
"Hi everybody!" says Arati, waving. "It's really bright, all the time, it's made of this glowy fluffy stuff and I landed in a big pocket with tons of it shining down. Most of the angels speak a neat angel language but I found some who know English and they've been showing me around! I was sorta hoping I'd be a fairy but this is good too, even though learning to fly turns out to be hard."
"We should race once you think you've got it down! Know any phrases in angel language for us?"
"Uh, I can say 'I'm lost, do you know anyone who speaks English'! Ao-zaha, mynn English ia ke lerape?"
"How about your magic? Is it easy to learn to use? Want to change something for us?"
"I did all my designs!" she says, gesturing at her arms. "It's easier and less messy than henna and even less commitment, watch -" She turns some flowers into swirls.
"I took this one! I was expecting it to be my brother but it was your brother instead. I'm not sure about taking general ones, I don't know how to do anything cool yet."
People want to know how she died and she says she actually got a demon she summoned to do it, he took some convincing but eventually did, she found the circle that allowed it on, she still thinks her brother will summon her eventually, she likes her results but doesn't recommend it unless you're positive you never want kids and were kind of mostly done with whatever you were doing with your life at the time, no she isn't really planning on medical angeling...
He writes Maitimo a note. There's an innocent person on Ganymede again get them out. And the explanation -
- yeah, that one the Elves'll cover an attorney for. Is Silva still on medical leave -