The Valar announce that they've done as much as they can in Singularity (they can't bring back peoples' babies in that critical period either, but they can get them earlier versions) and are setting up portals between there and Sanity as soon as they are confident they've cleaned up the plague. A bunch of Elf architects have this wild idea for a fivedimensional city where alternating intersections are interdimensional portals between various Valinors and they get eagerly to setting it up.
He is so pleased to meet them! He foresees a productive future of Elven collaboration with the GCP, especially since Elves are immortal and could help with the summoning.
That is indeed very promising! They have an occasional problem with their summoners dying and having to rearrest daeva.
"I asked the president to introduce me because I am very worried that the GCP is attempting to conduct an investigation they are not equipped to conduct correctly, touching very closely on matters of our national sovereignty and national security. Until close collaboration between the GCP and the governments of Valinor and Endorë is made possible, it will be very damaging to relations between our peoples for these investigations to erroneously go forward."
"It was brought to my attention that you arrested Campbell Swan this morning for crimes committed in the course of a recent war in Valinor. The GCP is of course not equipped to justly try the case; any information you have about it must be thirdhand through our emissaries or through conjuring, and a lot of information relevant to the war was deliberately made not conjurable. The demon possesses a great deal of information vital to our national security which he could share in a trial, unless you mean to conduct it in secret. And whoever summoned him will die in a century or less, meaning the maximum penalty for holing a planet is in practice a single human lifespan. We have more resources to conduct that case, it touches on our people, it endangers our security to have it prosecuted by humans, and you can't lock him up very long."
"It'll be on the lookout for another batched summons; you can't guarantee successful rearrest."
"Among the resources we have to conduct that case are means of ensuring a successful rearrest."
"I would be willing to demonstrate the capacity by bringing in a few daeva you name. I hope we can develop a partnership which would enable freer sharing of resources than that."
"I'm sure we could arrange to have him sent to your planet under his current summon. Surely your methods will still work later on."
"During the trials demons are allowed conjured writing if they have anything to say for themselves," she assures him.
"I am aware. That does not meet our standards for rights of the accused either. And being unable to talk ever again does not meet our standards for acceptable restrictions on prisoners."
"I understand that it might be necessary given your resources; that does not make it acceptable given ours."
"I can talk to my superiors but I can tell you now they're going to want to know how you can guarantee arrest."
"Binding doesn't let it talk at all. In writing, yeah, it could, we have to corroborate."
"We can travel to Hell for law enforcement purposes. It's not safe for us to do but the Valar are immaterial and not in danger."