Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
...This is not unreasonable but Bar can't actually confirm identicalness except by checking publications and writing was really recent in their world.
This Arda (a space Arda) received an accidental interdimensional visitor from a world with no magic and which to all appearances forcibly made magic things which entered its domain run on physics. Melkor, currently on parole, seized on this opportunity to open an enormous portal between the universes and de-magic his own. It took three hundred Years, it worked, it looks to have killed Eru, and when it was too late to stop him he warned everyone to take corporeal forms when it happened so they wouldn't be erased. The Valar are no longer gods and some of the Maiar got deleted entirely but Melkor is by all accounts now a model citizen, though sometimes he punches people in the face and giggles 'I can just do that!!! Fate doesn't exist!' Sauron and Thuringwethil have kids.
Can they get his various Maiar too, so they're not running around trying to get around their oath as fast as possible in a panic?
They can check who took the oath, because Cam made sure it was conjuration-verified.
There are. With Bar's help, they identified publications in several different flavors of Arda that would be published the Year before the pardon and mark the time to intervene; unique ones are being watched individually. There are a couple thousand people on it.
She doesn't usually offer a service of alerting people when specific things come out in specific worlds but she has been convinced that it is sort of like providing a magazine subscription. Once this understanding has been reached there is no trouble about there being a thousand of them.
They pick one. Identify someone who is very sure their alt would volunteer and whose alt is very definitely childless.
Well, did she, inquiring minds want to know and they might do this a few million times.