Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
"Vaguely curious if those get different results and what the differences would be, but either one seems reasonable. - and very pretty, obviously, but I can't find a basement-dweller of you appealing, they don't do that smug expression at all -"
"Oh, the magic can't naively do either conversion, I had to make it up manually, but the potion can't be going off genetics or anything because it can do things like age and hair length." Hair: yoinked. Basement dweller: set in the hallway for Extremely Mysterious Milliways Garbage Collection.
Cam is a very pretty Elf. He reaches out to pet his hair, of course.
"I think I look silly with long hair but this is worth iiiiit," purrs Cam.
Cam with no wings is very weird. He rakes his hands through his hair and snuggles him and giggles.
Elf hair: awesome stuff.
The potion wears off after a normal amount of time and then a slightly panting Cam can put his wings around his boyfriend again.
"Will shampoo commercials never look the same to you again?" Snuggle.
"I'm actually sort of wondering how Elves manage to get to the point of washing their hair."
"They have that bodily control thing, right, maybe they can tone down the hair."
"That could be it, although naively I do not think the thing extends to toning down nerve input."
"Kind of a lot would be different if it did, I guess. Perhaps if I want to make one of my alts blush I will ask them."
"Well, better to ask in the context of hair than in the context of whether they can still do that if a Melkor grabs them."
"I assume not or the hallucinations wouldn't work so well, right?" Sigh. Shiver.
The Sanity Valar think they can restrict summoning to specific locations within worlds, and are experimenting with allowing summoning in their world but only in specific summoning installations where the circles are pre-drawn. They send Ambela a note requesting comment, and tell her they're ready to talk to their alts in Kib's Arda.
She thinks that restricting summoning locations is a good plan. If they could make some kind of exception for a shortlist of cleared daeva who could be tried for in emergencies away from the specified locations that would be an improvement but if that's technically impossible what they've got is fine.
Of course.
It will probably be ideal not to resume time in Kib's Arda until they know what can be done about his Melkor. Cam's working on a spell that may accomplish it. It should be tested under safer conditions if those can be arranged.
The Valar they've been bringing up to speed are willing to have their Melkor subject to attempts to kill him, once they have confirmed that worlds identical to theirs up to the point of Milliways contact always result in Melkor committing more atrocities once paroled. If there are any Melkors that don't, then they can't offer that.