"The other things are more familiar? Like, I could say to people 'someone might steal from you' and they would go 'why, are they going without necessities? do they not have a legitimate way to get access to those things?' but it wouldn't be puzzling that under stressful conditions people would steal. I could even say 'daeva might torture you out of random sadism' and they have Melkor as a reference point for that. But, like, if Elves had redmages we'd just consider it a strange disability and work really hard on memory blessings so they could have a normal life. I am sure there'd be redmage kink sites but there are 'being covered in butter and thrown into a swimming pool' kink sites, you really really really would never get - the arrangement in Godspring - and yet from the inside it makes sense, which is why it's so upsetting -"