Minor summons murderfairy
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"Your kind of Elf works fine with the nifty thought-controlled computers that cryptographically secure stuff versus demons but it won't work retroactively if someone digs up your history, sorry."


"Oh well."


"How do we get those computers -"


"I make them for you. The wizards don't have them only because we're waiting to see if anything happens to Michael, who got his from a different demon."


"Has anyone figured out interfacing with our computers and our internet -"


"If yours are going to turn out inexplicably the same as ours, yeah."


"There's a lot of inexplicable sameness going around."


"Written Quenya appears to be the same whether you, Rúmil, or my father invent it."


"I mentioned I didn't invent the tengwar - I had a fast shorthand instead, it seemed to me that as long as the words I was representing were pretty the symbols just needed to be serviceable."


"Gets you most of the personal benefits of writing but not the benefits of societal adoption."


"Translation: Elves would not learn to read until someone made them a sufficiently beautiful alphabet."


"Well, not commonly - there's sort of three classes of people, ones who want it even if it's not beautiful and there's nothing to read yet, ones who'd pick it up if it were practical - that is to say popular - even if it weren't an art in its own right, and ones who'll hold out until it's gorgeous, and you have to get the third kind to get the second. Do you have something against Elves, or...?"


"I think you are adorable and I am fascinated by the priorities people have when they and everyone around them is not dying."


"And he's jealous."


"Of some bits."


"Elves are actually like that even when people are in fact dying, my Arda's Fëanáro compared asking Elves to go without prettiness to asking humans to go without sleep, it's just not sustainable even on medium-sized timescales."


"How do they ever get space travel without demons -"


"Well, the ships Oromë brought us to Valinor in were not conventionally engineered and they were huge and lovely, they had whole mini-ecosystems in each one, I used to chase flying squirrels around when we were en route - and those continued to exist after we landed. The liners that go to and from for tourists are smaller but they have fewer people in them - we did have a lot of unmanned flight first though - and a space station we got Aulë to put up so we could have little shuttles tolerable for a few hours, which docked there and then we had bigger ships that we assembled in orbit and took the rest of the way."


"That's really impressive."


"You can chase flying squirrels. Miranda and I are both really clumsy - my extra appendages help but I was just as bad as her before I died -"


"...I'm a really mediocre dancer?"


"Maybe it's clumsy for the species?"


"Seems like it. Flying squirrels aren't that fast, if I couldn't even chase them that would have been very hard."


"Are there, like, blessings for it - I'm not clear on how those work - the magic Elves have magic music, including some for grace and balance..."


"Ooh, that sounds so useful - there are blessings for it, yes, they do help, I did sometimes trip when chasing squirrels and never caught them unless I had help but I could catch them now if I tried again."

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