Minor summons murderfairy
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"...how much context do you want, I doubt you have learned much epigenetics in the last ten minutes -"


" - explain it such that it will make sense to my Elf alts?"


"I don't even think my kind of Quenya has that word yet."


"I'm gonna guess he didn't mean you, yeah."


"The really important thing is if I can get Minor to understand it, because - don't count on this, now, it might not work at all - it is possible that with sufficient concentration you could re-wizard if you knew what to concentrate on."


" - I think he'll be sufficiently motivated and will manage to pick it up. What do you concentrate on -"


"Uh, the reason people look like their parents, among other results, is a sort of chemical set of instructions called a genome in every cell of the body. Except the red blood cells. Daeva do not have genes, by default, but ex-human daeva at least have genomes that used to be theirs. Indestructibility applies to whatever seems to us to be part of our body plan and it's a little challenging to add things to it for extended periods of time, and if we slip whatever is newly destructible doesn't last very long because we're not doing biology in a way that supports things that can't cheat at staying alive with magical support. But I think if he really really wanted to he could get genes into at least some of his cells and since there does seem to be a wizard gene that might do the trick. ...This also implies that with sufficiently sophisticated gene therapy arbitrary humans could become wizards."


He kisses him.


Various people are visibly uncomfortable!


He's mostly just confused!


Since Cam is a her and she has known her Maitimo since he was a baby this is slightly weird!


"And humans becoming wizards wouldn't have to concentrate on it?"


"Nope! Genes are generally self-maintaining."


"Maybe we can get the nice Valar to nope mind-affecting wizardry and then make literally everyone a wizard, that'd be very satisfying - Cam, does that mean you can try to become a wizard yourself, instead of getting Minor's hopes up -"


"I could try it but I don't have any way to test the results since I know no wizardry and do not own an attuned wand."


"You can do at least simple spells with someone else's wand, won't be good but will be sufficient to know if it works."


"I still wouldn't really trust a negative result in case it matters that you spend a decade hanging out having wizard genes before you try to do anything, but I guess a positive result would be nice to have before telling Minor."


"And you'd be a wizard."


"And I'd be a wizard."


"What do you need to do to try it?"


"Various medical stuff and then trying hard and believing in myself."


"Do you want to do that somewhere where we won't make all the Elves uncomfortable?"


"We love you no matter what."

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