Minor summons murderfairy
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"My father has been known to not leave his office for weeks on end. But I guarantee you that if you barred the door - and he noticed, I suppose - he'd be dead inside four days."


"...yeah this continues weird."


"We will just have to be weird to one another, I suppose."


"You are a fairly depressing flavor of weird, too, don't do the talk show circuit unless you want all of Valinor vaguely worked up about doing something for humans with no clear concept of what that'd entail..."


"What's a talk show? ...And what would they want to do?"


"Televised interviews. People would be upset about mortality, of course, but - if you fix that it's fixed, whereas the accidental children - thing - is sort of inherently unfixable -"


"Revelation has that sorted for those who want it, now, statistically negligible cases."


"Wizards needn't have children without meaning to either but Muggles in our world still do."


"It sounds like maybe the thing to do is to get everyone to take a couple years' intensive training in summoning and infrastructure and so on and then go visit lots and lots of worlds with humans - assuming we can find a way to access them -"


"Yes, I'm hoping there's a way to get around without needing to do it through this excellent but small and singular door, it makes it impossible to meaningfully parallelize."


"And while we can at some cost force the door to any worlds with us, most human worlds we have no way to reach - unless the Valar can figure out how to resurrect people, but they did not give the impression of having even promising avenues to do that, except maybe talking Eru into handing them a new power."


"Although apparently lots of worlds have us and humans too, presumably so we can lament their design in an aesthetic manner."


"Findekáno ends up adopting a couple whole tribes of them, they fight together in the war. The brevity of their lives is indeed much lamented. All the other Erus are clearly having a glorious time of it."




"I'm told I have a lovely narrative arc."


"You poor thing, nobody deserves a lovely narrative arc."


"Are we expecting the other Erus to object if we take their lovely conclusions and fix them -"


"It's probably safer to let the Valar sound that one out. I think Erus sort of keep them as pets, which is a step up from playthings."


"It must be really nice to have competent Valar. In retrospect they're practically customized. Made a point of saying the truth effect was noninvasive."


"They've really made a lot of progress with communication in the last yení in particular, Mirelótë, what was the breakthrough -"


"Uh, Vairë liked common-knowledge logic puzzles. And those tapestries that are different tapestries on the back. And then I sort of chipped away at theory of mind stuff from there - Lórien and Aulë too, some, and propagated to the others from those."


"You are a great gift to our world and I suspect the only reason no other Ardas were graced with such a gift is because the Erus noticed it ruined all the tragedy."


"I am now oddly confused about why I was allowed to exist even the once!"

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