After Cam's magic but still basically human boyfriend has fallen asleep and Cam finds he is not tired enough to do the same, Cam goes downstairs.
"The Noldor and Vanyar got there in 1132 but the Teleri took until 1151."
"So, there's Earth with demons, Earth with wizards, Arda with and without mindreading -"
"Arda with and without mindreading Elves, the Ainur don't have chips."
"But I am super unimpressed with them and don't necessarily want to let them in to do it, frankly."
"Haven't got one yet, just - registering dislike of this one."
"- this is about -" he broadcasts the thought Cam had earlier, the planet, crumbling -
"- how about we tell everybody outside about the private thoughts thing and then you can go out and sing with them?"
He goes to the door to outside, opens it - "uh, guys? Someone just came through the door - he's a small version of your Maitimo - but he's got mindreading, you have to do this mental separation thing for privacy - Maitimo, can you read my thoughts?"
" - can't hear any of them, except when they're saying things at me -"