After Cam's magic but still basically human boyfriend has fallen asleep and Cam finds he is not tired enough to do the same, Cam goes downstairs.
He doesn't want to ask Cam for the list, so he lets the kid borrow his own computer. The kid can't read. He tries reading it to him and tracing letters as he goes but that doesn't work because they don't share a language. Maitimo is snuggled on his lap frowning at the computer when Cam comes in.
"Uh. How about you write him a note, are you good enough at writing to do that yet?"
"So maybe find someone who speaks Quenya and get them to teach you how to write well enough you can write him a note, and then you can say - whatever you'd want to say, if I coach you it won't help."
"Amriac told this kid, who is me as an Elf again but tiny, that Cam killed fifty-five million people. He - wanted to get a feel for what a million was, so she made him a million grains of rice, and then he started naming them all so he'd know, and this freaked out Amriac pretty badly so she sent a message to Cam about it and now he's miserable and now Michael's taken Amriac out to go play with dragons and the kid, being a me, wants to know everyone who died and my other Elf alt, also being a me, does know and has a file of them."
"I'm not sure - or how that'd interact with Milliways - guess we could try it -" He pulls one out. "Do you want to say something to Cam?"
The quill appears to have captured this in English, at least when Timothy's looking at it. "You," he says to Miranda, "are a genius."
"We're debating whether to bring the new set of Valar through to fix the first Arda."