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Pirates and Evenstar join a VRMMO in the Troubleverse
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Sable just laughs, shaking her head and rolling her eyes as she closes the door behind her.

"It's gorgeous, but I'm starting to wonder about something."


She looks around for the doors.


Hya looks around too. There are three other exits from the room, each swathed with a pink silk curtain. The ones on the left and right sides seem to lead to hallways; the one on the opposite side is wider, and the light behind it flickers like candlelight. 

"Think the far side is the kitchen?" Hya asks. 


"Decent guess, yeah."

She steps toward it, her tail swishing with nervous excitement.


The room beyond the curtain has an enormous fireplace in the center of the far wall, easily seven feet wide. A large fire crackles merrily there, and a host of metal objects adorn the sides and top — Sable can make out two grilles that fold down from the sides and look to have adjustable heights, a trio of hooks that can be pulled down from the top to different lengths, a discreet handle on the back wall that probably conceals an oven, and a pair of U-shaped braces set against the side walls surrounding deep indentations, with a faint glimmer of magic in the curved bottom of the braces.


She scans her gaze further across the room. Stone countertops run the length of the rest of that wall, with mahogany cabinets above and below, and most of the length of the two side walls as well. A large sink interrupts the countertop to the right, as does one set of floor-to-ceiling cabinets. The left wall features a small recessed nook where a trio of eight-foot-long pointed steel poles rest. A sturdy mahogany table occupies the center of the room.


<Yep,> Hailey interjects into Sable's shock. <I think we've been had.>


It's then that she notices a small piece of paper on the table.


Dear Pirates, Hyacinth, and Hibiscus,

I hope you don't mind, but I called in a favor with the SAI in charge of designing purchased items. I saw your customization request for your pocket-home, especially what it didn't include, and couldn't let that stand. So I added the kitchen customization you were too shy to ask for, and moved the playroom to the living room to give you girls a nudge toward the life you want but are afraid to seize.

You're welcome,



Sable facepalms and passes the note to Hyacinth.

"May, you ridiculous gremlin of a girl, we will find a way to prank you for this," she says, an exasperated but pleased laugh in her voice.


Hibiscus siezes front. 

"Heeeeeeeeeeee," she grins. "That May is a real piece of work, huh?~" She giggles. "Nice of her. I think I could get used to this." 


"Looks like it, yeah. Well, guess I don't have to upgrade the kitchen any. That fireplace is easily big enough for your meditation, as well as... other things we might want to do with it."

She walks over to the full-height set of cabinets. "I think this set has preservation enchantments on it to keep things fresh. That's convenient."


"Among other convenient things, yes."


A faint blush dusts her cheeks, accompanied by a wry smirk. "Would you like a brief tour of the various additions and what they're for? Or shall we save that for a day when we're planning to try them out?"


"Sure, hit me."


Sable steps up to the firepit, experimentally folding the grilles down over the flames. With a bit of tugging and pulling, she finds that the grilles can be positioned to meet and cover the full-length of the firepit, and that the reachable heights include a range around waist-height. She nods. "Connected like this, the grilles can be used for whole grilling, the height options include perfect heights for a person to bend over for grilled breasts, and then these," she gestures at the U-shaped brackets, "are for holding up spitted roasts." She nods at the poles tucked away in the corner nook.


"My my my. You do have exotic tastes, don't you?"


"You could say that, yes," she grins.


"Shall we move on? I have a suspicion there's going to be a lovely bedroom for us two."


Sable links arms with Hibiscus and nods, strolling back to the living room, and then toward the first hallway.


There's a short hall behind the curtain, with one door on either side and a pair of double doors at the end. Frosted glass skylights let in "natural light". 

Hibiscus darts to the right-hand entrance and then the left, and finds a well-lit study (with a desk and bookshelves, but short of any books as of yet) and a small bedroom with a pink-sheeted double bed respectively. 

She raises an eyebrow. "I think that's a guest bedroom? I bet the real place is through those double doors."



"I bet you're right. I'm excited."

She tugs Hibiscus along eagerly to the doors at the end.


Hibiscus pushes the double doors open, and comes out into a room with an enormous violet bed, easily large enough for four people. To its right sits a nightstand with a lamp, and below that is a pet bed just large enough for someone to curl up in by themselves. On the left side of the room a "window" opens out to a scene of violet waves on a gemstone shore, stars twinkling high overhead. There's a small desk by the window with padded floor beneath it; the whole rest of the room is filled with deep violet shag carpet, which is soft and springly beneath their feet. It smells of old books and sea air.

"Ooh," Hibiscus says, and goes over to inspect the desk. Sure enough, there's a little cubbyhole beneath it with a lying-cushion and several metal rings inset to the wall.


Hyacinth looks back and forth between the pet bed and the cubby beneath the desk and grins. 

"I've always wanted something like this!' She giggles, awash with bright joy.


Sable sighs happily, looking around the room. "This is gorgeous. I definitely call shenanigans, though. I didn't think to ask for the pet bed or the desk cubby — adorable and hot that you're so delighted about those, by the way — and the only person in all of CORA who'd know to create the vista outside the window is May."


"Some sub-process of hers must have scanned my search history... Which is a bit spooky, but I think I can find it in my heart to forgive her when she did it for this."


"Same, honestly. In this case, the view outside is taken from our mindscape, but with slightly brighter-colored waves, and May saw it during the death dream."

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