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Pirates and Evenstar join a VRMMO in the Troubleverse
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"If you're concerned you can content warning it and wrap it in a spoiler block? I'm pretty sure system messages support that. And I mean... If it would make you happy, I support it, you know?"


"I just get shy about this stuff. It's... Hailey took one of my hunches that I wasn't planning on acting on and used that to justify telling you about that kink, and the hunch was right, but if we'd been wrong that could've made one hell of a mess, and making a mess with admins of the game we're planning to live in scares me."


Hibiscus nods. "Yeah, I hear you. I'm not sure I trust every admin to be as cool as May is, not when Pagutum exists in this game."

She runs a hand through her hair, and pauses for a moment as the brush over her fuzzy ear sends a tingle of sweetness down her spine.

"It could be pushing it, I agree. It's an uncommon kink, and if you're talking about... kitchen stuff... you'd have to hit someone very cool. As much as I want you to have everything you want in our house... When I think about it, you might be right."


Sable sighs, then shakes her head. "Yeah. I can probably build a lot of the stuff myself if I put some time into it, and just ask that the kitchen be big enough and include the large firepit."


"Yeah. It's a little sad, but I'd rather we end up with something decent and not risk a ban, rather than get something perfect and do."


Sable edits the request a little further, nods, and then sends it.

"Okay, done." She leans against Hibiscus and squeezes her. "Still a bit shocked that you're this supportive of this whole thing."


"I'd be a massive hypocrite to judge you over one unusual kink after all the stuff I've done." Hibiscus shakes her head. "We'll figure something out together. I don't know if I'll ever get into kitchen stuff, but you absolutely have the right to have and practice that kink with people who'll be willing to."


She sighs and squeezes Hibiscus incredibly tightly. "Thank you."


Hibiscus hugs back. 

"Who knows," she says. "I might like it. I'm pretty sexually omnivorous, so..."


"I'll certainly do my damnedest to make liking it easy. Not gonna hold it against you if you don't, of course."


"'Course not. You're not that kind of person."

Hibiscus kisses Sable softly and snuggles in. Her skin is soft. 

"... I think it's time we slept," she says. "Hold me?"


She tucks into bed and wraps her arms and wings around Hibiscus, holding her close. "Gladly."


She nestles in. Sable's dark wings are so soft and comfortable... 

"I could get used to this," she murmurs. 

She closes her eyes. 


"Likewise. Pretty cozy." Sable does the same, kissing the top of Hibiscus's head.



And gradually the room fades away.


Sable wakes up first the next morning, sighing contentedly at her girlfriend(s) in her arms.


And Hyacinth wakes a few moments after that, her body warm and light against Sable's. 

"Mmmm... Morning," she sighs.


She leans in and kisses Sin's forehead with a warm smile. "Morning, love. How'd you sleep?"



She rolls over, freeing herself from Sable's wings, then gets up and sits on the side of the bed. 

She looks back over her shoulder. "Um. Did the request go through overnight?"


"Good question."

Sable checks her inbox.


There is now a tent in her inventory.


"Success! It's eating half my carry weight, but it totally went through."


"Super cool. I want to go check it out as soon as we finish breakfast."


"Definitely. I'm gonna buy the weightlessness coupon for it, too."

She buys it immediately and attaches it to the tent, then sighs with relief.

"Phew. I have my whole inventory back again."


"Good. That's good to hear."

Hyacinth re-equips her clothes. There's a little tension in her shoulders and gut this morning. She shrugs it aside and heads downstairs without waiting for Sable to catch up.

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