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Pirates and Evenstar join a VRMMO in the Troubleverse
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Sable hustles after her, equipping her clothes on the way to the door. She falls into step beside her and offers a hand to hold.


... Yeah, she'll hold Sable's hand. 

The wallpaper in this inn is really nice. Kind of floral. 


Sable squeezes Hyacinth's hand and smiles.


Jorem waves as the girls come down. Today's breakfast is bread, cheese, and jam.


This is acceptable. 

She'll eat quietly.

A house... a kitsune kit... 

The thought doesn't quite gel together.


Sable strokes her thumb across the back of Sin's hand. "You okay?"



This cheese is nice and creamy. Soft. Spreadable. 

"... it's been three days and we're going to move in together and maybe raise a kitsune kit...


She nods, smiling very softly. "Yeah, I get that. It's fast. It's a lot."


"We are so, so U-Hauling."

Hibiscus giggles. 

"Um. I think... There's still a lot we don't know about each other. We โ€” I don't even know if I really do romance, to be honest. Hya's good at it but I'm not her, and โ€” we've never been great at responsibility..."


"... But we want to try. We want to move in with you and get a pet and... see if we can have the kind of life we want. Together."


"I believe in us. I believe we can manage it. I mean, I do romance hard enough and weird enough to make up for the fact that Hibi might not, y'know? There isn't a limit to how much I love, or how hard. There isn't a reciprocation requirement beyond wanting to spend tender time together. We'll just figure it out, y'know?"



She fingers her glass of water and takes a small drink. It's cold. 

"We'll figure it out. Together."


Sable just grins at her and squeezes her hand, eating some more of her breakfast.


Hyacinth eats a little faster. She feels impatient now, for some reason.


Sable's actually ahead of her, this time, nearly done with her bread and cheese. She takes a big drink of water.


Hya finishes up, takes Sable's hand, and leads her outside. It won't be far to the flat area outside town again.


Sable bounces eagerly, a smile on her face as they walk. "I wonder how it'll look."


"Me too." Hyacinth tugs Sable onward. 


She hurries toward the gates excitedly, and then there they go, they're outside of town. She quickly pulls the tent out of her inventory, deploying it in the clearing.


A violet one-room cottage springs up from the ground where Sable deposited the tent. It has an A-frame roof with a gable over the door and a tiny frosted window in front, framed by a window-box full of dahlias. The eaves are pink and curl in fairytale curlicues, and there's a matching curly heart on the door. The whole place looks like it belongs to a well-respected fairy from a particularly sugary court. 

"Oh gosh," Hyacinth says. "It's so cute!"


"Adorable! Absolutely adorable."

Her fingers twitch through a few menus for a moment, adding Hyacinth as a joint owner.

"Okay, you should have all the same rights to it that I do now. Shall we step inside?"


"Yes, let's!"


Sable laughs and gestures encouragingly. "Well, you try the door, that way I know my adding permissions for you worked."


"Alright, alright!" Hyacinth giggles, and tries the door. 

She comes out into room that's already larger than the outside of the house. To either side of her there's a pair of mahogany divans, and in the middle there's a circular sitting area inset in the floor, covered in pillows on two levels. Pink crystals in the walls illuminate the room, and glitter off of inset loops of steel on the walls, floor and ceiling.

... those are totally hardpoints. And there's the pillow pit... and the suspicously comfortable-looking couches... 


"They put the playroom in the entranceway???" Hyacinth squeaks. 

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