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Pirates and Evenstar join a VRMMO in the Troubleverse
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"Alright. Let's do this."

Hyacinth aims carefully with her staff, and throws a Glue II into the middle of the pack. Moments later, she follows up with a Flare II.


And in the same moment, Hailey's wings, tail, and horns flare into existence, and she boosts into a powered leap at the small herd, flapping once to bring her just over the top.


The moose rear up and bray in anger, turning slowly toward Hyacinth.


Hailey lands feet-first atop the antlers of the furthest moose, slashes the back of its neck with a shadow cutter, and then lunges toward another, stabbing deeply into its side and swinging off it to a third.


Hyacinth continues to spam artillery fire, more Flares bursting around the pack of moose. As one makes to break from the pack she tosses another Glue to keep it trapped.


In the middle of one of Hailey's leaps, a moose catches her in the side with its antlers, and she tumbles from the air. With a scowl, she leaps up again, the energy wreathing her saber turning blood-red. Two slashes to the offending moose later, the gouge in her leg is healing smoothly, and she leaps off it to another, whirling from beast to beast as she whittles them down.


Two of the moose are slowly struggling through the glue fields toward Hyacinth, though they're growing increasingly charred around the legs and bellies. The remainder keep trying to batter Hailey down with their antlers.


But she's just not having it, at one point just lopping the antlers clean off one moose with a shadow cutter. She keeps having to mix vampiric blade in with her shadow cutters, though. because the moose occasionally land solid hits.


Everything seems to be under control. She'll check the perimeter quickly, then keep tossing Flares, aiming to splash them over the forequarters of the approaching moose. 


The flare right where they're heading seems to be a bit discouraging, and the moose slowly turn back toward Hailey's deadly dance.


She keeps bouncing from moose to moose, and then finally one falls, bleeding out on the charred ground. Another tumbles down shortly after, then another.


The remaining two catch her between them with their antlers.


"Ah fuck!" She coughs up a bit of blood, but takes advantage of the proximity to rip one moose's throat out with a brutal slash, then whirls and stabs the other behind the neck.


And then she tromps out of the glue fields tiredly.


Hyacinth slots a healing bolt over Quell Flames and heals Hailey. 

"Well," she says. "That at least was straightforward." She frowns. "Not sure if I want to go hunt bandits, they might have bows and I don't have a solid defense against that right now. You okay to travel back to town?"


She huffs a bit. "Just... ugh. Need to butcher the moose before we head back, but..."

She looks down at her hands, back up at Sin, back down at her hands, then shakes her head. 

"Nothing for it."

And then she steps forward into a hug, her breath hitching sharply as she makes contact before slowly and carefully exhaling.


Hyacinth slowly moves to embrace Hailey, so she has plenty of time to see it coming and shake her head if she doesn't want it. 

"Yeah," she says softly. "That looked kind of nasty."


She breathes very slowly, carefully, as she leans into Sin's embrace. "Was a lot. Needed a hug, but hadn't gotten touch-safe all the way to hugging, skipped a few steps. S'intense."

She squeezes Sin tighter and keeps breathing carefully.


"Yeah," Hyacinth says. "I'm proud you got there."

She just holds Hailey, for as long as she needs it.


Eventually her skin stops itching from forcing the touch, and she relaxes more properly, resting her head on Sin's shoulder. "Whoof."


"Yeah. I was a little worried I'd lose you there..."

She should not kiss the touch-averse girl's shoulder no matter how much she wants to. 

"You're good."


She smiles and sighs a bit, squeezes Hyacinth a bit more, and then pulls back. "Okay. I'm okay now. Thank you."


Hyacinth nods. "It's okay. Back to town for now?"


"I'm good to butcher things, make sure we get the most of our resources and prove our kills, if you don't mind waiting."


"Alright. I'll stand watch."

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