"We can try Cherry's way. Tell each other about the most important decisions and choices we've made, the things we think make us who we are. I don't know if that's best way to describe and understand someone, by reducing them to a few key decisions, but maybe it's the best we can do in a few hours."
"But before that, I do want to respond to something you said. You asked where the line lies between things we won't do ourselves, and things we won't have others do in our name, and things we won't tolerate anyone doing. I think that's a very important question that everyone should know the answer to, because without knowing it you can't really trust paladins the way you're meant to trust us."
"Some things are absolutely forbidden. We accept surrender and don't mistreat prisoners. We don't harm those who come to us under a flag of truce. We don't kill a few innocents to save many others. We don't break promises, or lie to allies. We won't command anyone to do something we wouldn't command a paladin to do, and we won't command a paladin to Fall."
"We swear oaths about this. There are some oaths that every paladin takes, and more oaths for different orders, and positions of authority. The oaths make it clear, in words everyone can understand, what we will and won't and must and cannot do. Those are the things everyone can trust, when they meet a paladin they don't personally know."
"Breaking an oath, any oath, makes a paladin Fall. So swearing oaths makes those commitments absolute. A paladin would only ever break them if they were willing to stop being a paladin over it, and they would probably also lose their Good or Law."
"But no oaths can tell us what do to in every situation. We still need to decide how to accomplish the greatest Good we can. And we give up on some Good, and abide much Evil, when we judge it to be worth it."
"So if you're wondering how we can work with Evil, or whether we'd do some particular thing, the answer is simply - that if we haven't sworn an oath not to, we might do it if we think it is truly for the best. Which is a very hard decision to make, and ideally no-one should have to make it on their own in a single round, and - we do the best we can."
"Some people disagree with some of the tradeoffs we make, and that's fine. Some people would rather be Neutral Good and only ever help people, and that's fine too. What we do isn't just Good, it's Lawful Good, and swearing oaths about some things and not others is the part that's Lawful. We think it's the best way to do the most Good but we do know not everyone can be Lawful, and probably not everyone should try, although I do think everyone should seriously consider it."