"It's a bad idea in the general case to ignore expert advice, yes.
"I do think that the specifics of this matter - to wit, that I am trying to proof myself against the dangers and being told that I am not allowed to do so because the dangers exist - are worth taking into account, Master Windu.
"Not to mention that all the Temple yet tells me of the Darkness is that I will know it when I see it. And that clearly, there is either a flaw in what the Temple has taught me, or a flaw in my own vision, if I can look at what few scraps of surer knowledge that I have, and -"
She holds up a 'one moment please' hand gesture.
"I owe you an explanation of my thoughts that is not simply an unordered ramble. Let me write this down. Or up, or - whatever. Or at least...
"Really, I can probably turn what I already have into several essays, on various subjects. But right now I'm thinking about...why Light and Dark, and whether, whither, and how they are distinguished from Jedi and Sith. Because the Sith Code itself is a cry for help. For freedom from suffering. And that they have chosen to wield a tool that is unsuited to the task is -
"It was never truly their choice to do so, if Master Yoda's claims are to be believed upon this subject, and I think in this matter I do give him some credence - the Dark Side is inherently corruptive and addicting. I know exactly what could have broken me, had the wrong voice come a-tempting.
"And it's all the Sith have ever known, Master Windu.
"They are enslaved.
"Were ever enslaved, since first the Force was brought to them, as far as I understand it - from the very first uses of the Force the species that lent their name to the philosophy, saw!
"And my soul cries out to see it!
"They cry to the Force itself for freedom! The very same thing I bet my life on! But they ask only the slaving scum that has placed them in their chains!
"So I am -
"Trying to find the tools that I need to free them.
"Because slavery is an abomination, under universally recognized standards of sapient conduct in this galaxy.
"Because it's the right thing to do.
"Because even the Order today bears fetters beneath its robes, no matter that the Senate that holds them has let them slacken. Which is not to say that I do not immensely appreciate what the Senate has already done of late - but I don't think that we ever should have agreed to the Ruusan Reforms as stated. The Jedi Lords may have been an abomination, and they rightly deserved to be abolished - but so is the subordination of the Force's will to government policy.
"And the will of the Force...
"It is to connect, and to exalt - to uplift and defend - to promote the most life for the most people.
"But I worry that lost sight of this we have.
"Have I mentioned to you the constant disdain I hear, around this Temple, when the Jedi Service Corps, especially the Agricorps, are mentioned?
"That's a huge karking problem, Master Windu, because they are by far the biggest impact we have upon the galaxy!
"They are by far our strongest connection to it, as well.
"And even that stands intensely attenuated!
"Tell me a relief organization that the Jedi Order regularly works alongside, to maximize our effectiveness per Jedi.
"I'll save you the trouble and tell you that as far as I know we don't have any.
"Working alone is not the way of the Light, it is the way of the Darkness.
"And yet the Order isolates itself on Coruscant and wilfully blinds its eyes if the Senate asks nicely!
"That that is possible is a big karking problem!
"And - it's that, that I think we must do something about. To restore balance to the Force.
"Not a break with the Republic, Force no - but - a redefinition. A call to charity's arms, beyond millennia-ossified politics.
"We must free the Force from grasping, controlling hands, before the Force can free us. That is - the center. The point about which the galaxy pivots. And that's why I went looking into the philosophy of Sith.
"Not because I will ever think that the Darkness could do 'the right thing', but because the Order serves so poorly in the ultimate ascent of the Light. And in the twisted, Dark reflection of the Order's beliefs, we might more clearly see their flaws, as well as our own.
"We may have begun to pull the veils from our eyes, but -
"I am called to serve, Master Windu, not to cut. And yet cutting is the Temple's ultimate cause!"