She has a bunch of questions! (If he looks at her arms, he'll see text appearing and then going through editing and formatting cycles as she refines (some of) her thoughts before saying them out loud)
1. What does "being knocked out of phase with reality" look like? Are they in some alternate dimension? Does time pass normally for them? Would it wear off on its own? Could you use it on inanimate objects?
2. Can he automate the frequency search somehow? Or is it one of those annoyingly-fiddly things that you have to figure out before doing any testing, she hates those...
3. Could he maybe make a bunch of pairs and then build something else to manually sync 1 out of each pair together?
4. Oh, that's so cool! ...could he, like, deploy a shitty version for now just by taping a smartphone to it and starting a video call so he doesn't have to worry about doing the rest? (Any% MVPs! If he lets her, she'll launch into an anecdote about how she added multiplayer to a game in a weekend because someone told her they didn't think she could do it, and what a silly (but fun and cool and rewarding) project that turned out to be)
5. She didn't know Clockblocker's power could cut th- (and then she says Clockblocker out loud for the first time and her train of thought is derailed totally because she can't stop laughing. How did he get away with that????)
6&7. Oooh, what are the options? ...and could he make something that swaps between them as needed?
5&8&9. When he makes stuff that interfaces with other people's powers, what's that process like? Presumably he needs their help to test things, but how does getting the initial inspiration work?