The ships that appear are huge, probably built in space, made for aesthetic sensibilities not as alien as they could have been. On board they start checking whether the system is a template.
She looks away. She’s making a face and doesn’t want to be making it at Nelen.
"I don’t really care. Not if you don’t."
"Shame, I'm really good at problems you can solve with stuff. Unfortunately your problem maybe calls for rule of law or indestructibility for your whole family or the ability to heal all wounds and turn into a bird. Well, I'm outta here."
"Totally. Oh, actually. No matter what email setup you have, no matter if you have to write it on the floor in your own blood, you can always reach me if you write 'Mail for Santa Inanna Vashti'."
A pad of sticky notes appears with her mail label at the top of each one. "Now you do. I might not be able to get to you very quickly but I will if I’m around. And if you die of this nonsense I will get you back, and if you end up in a realm of eternal torment I will get you out. Well, I'd hire someone to get you out."
She leaves. The door hasn’t even finished shutting behind her when the guy from before reappears.
"Well, do you want to tell me if you have some obvious advice that anyone who wasn't a complete idiot and knew things every Amentan knows would be able to think of about whether we can do something better than facilitate Amenta getting all the technology the other castes want and then get you folks a planet in another universe?"
"I would recommend talking to the community organizers about this, sir, I'm not one myself."
"We can also communicate by causing paper notes to appear and read anything addressed to us even if it’s been burned. Or I can go visit her in person."