The ships that appear are huge, probably built in space, made for aesthetic sensibilities not as alien as they could have been. On board they start checking whether the system is a template.
"If Zatar won’t sign off on that I’ll go on strike. Lemme email him."
Email email. "Fifteen Griefs is really something," she says while waiting for a response.
"He says to ask if you want us to offer to kill and resurrect you first because that should make you ''''''clean''''''."
"'Kay. ...Really? They wouldn’t be nicer without their excuse?"
Email email.
"Also your planet's primitive attempts at computer security are no match for me, want anything pirated?"
"If you can also provide the game system some of my relatives would consider a copy of The Strategy And The Honor a pleasant reprieve from. Stress. Ma'am."
Does the internet suggest that this system is small enough to make now and let Nelen take home in a pocket?
"Think you can carry it home or do I have to go find where you live and make it there?"
"- I don't believe Amentans will steal a bag that I have touched that is a gift from the aliens, ma'am?"
"'Kay. You gonna want to fit anything else in it? I can make whatever."
She seems really into this making stuff for people thing. He will list a few other games, one kind of fruit, and some paint for his aunt.
And he can have all these things. Right now, in fact.
And the aliens let Anitam know they’ve gotten what they want from this Anitami citizen and will be returning him soon, plus some gifts since they’ve taken up so much of his time.