Around fifty years, probably a few more than that? The original inventor is retired now, but he's still around. It hasn't been open to the whole world quite that long, of course, it started out as a personal project and then spent a while as a local utility.
It's at about this point that they come to the beginning of his territory; unlike the formatting team's section, the tunnels that they've been walking through have been left to look like polished natural stone, similar to the unfinished tunnels they took to get here, though unlike those these are lined with crafting material, to close inspection. The doorway he leads them through is similar to the others they've passed, with the doorframe and door itself made in his design (the teardrops are three dimensional but not fully separate from the door, in this case), and leads to a corridor running under and through a nest of marble rails, itself under a translucent roof. Everywhere one might look there are marbles running at least occasionally, though some tracks are much more popular than others; it's fairly noisy but not too loud.
There are soundproof headphones by the door if the formatter wants some, he conveys, and he has an idea for something that might do the job for Weeping Cherry if the noise bothers her - it is kind of a lot but he's used to it, the sound helps him tell that everything's working as it should be.