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Daisy meets a notebook
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"I'm not sure how that would work, it's not necessarily that simple. But ask her, I guess."



Is it possible to share these powers with someone else?


Not usually, there are some powers that can be stretched but you'll always be at the center of how they work somehow, except maybe for Best Friend and Bestest Friend depending on how you look at things.


Daisy gets out a few sheets of loose leaf, confirms with Pradnakt that the notebook doesn't seem to be able to read what she writes on them, and runs most of her next response by Pradnakt before transcribing it into the notebook.

All right, ma'am.

I think it will work best if I explain my current situation and what I'd like to accomplish; please let me know if you need more detail about any of this, or have any questions.

I'm a servant droid; my master is Lord Pradnakt, a Sith. We're currently living alone on an obscure, lightly-inhabited planet in the Sith empire. A little over a decade ago, Lord Pradnakt overused the Dark side of the Force, in order to defeat her master who was trying to kill her; this had the expected effect on her emotional state (it dramatically decreased her self-control and increased her irritability) and she's spent the last eight years trying to recover from that. She's had a reasonable amount of success but is still somewhat in the habit of killing people for various reasons, many of which are reasonable in context. If we leave - which we are planning on doing eventually - she will predictably need to kill more people in order to keep us safe from existing enemies or new ones.

She comes to the end of what she's shown Pradnakt, and continues writing.

I'd like something like I Can Fix Them, for her, but that will help us find a situation or strategy where Lord Pradnakt doesn't need to kill anyone else; I don't think it's good for her to need to. Some of the other powers you offer seem related to this; if Battle Angel would protect me from fights that I'm near but not involved in, or from other kinds of sabotage, that would help quite a bit, for example. But I'm a servant droid, not a battle droid, and I don't feel that I should receive combat-related powers, and in general I'd like something that allows us to avoid the problem altogether rather than handle it more easily when it comes up.


Thank you for explaining all that. ♡ 

I Can Fix Them is the Spirit's favorite power so I have a lot more flexibility there than on most powers. It can definitely help with the sort of issues you described as long as you love her, and it sounds like you do. I would be happy to help you fine-tune it though.

As for the issue with fighting there's two ideas I have, the first would be a power that empowers people who fight on your behalf or perhaps empowers those you love. The second option would be a power to help you and your loves avoid needing to fight.


Thank you, ma'am.

I think either of those ideas would work, but I prefer the second one.

I also have a friend, 9P-3X-UU0Q, a battle droid, who Lord Pradnakt hasn't met yet, who would ideally be included in our plans; I don't feel the same way about him that I do about Lord Pradnakt but we are fairly close. And I could see Lord Pradnakt finding other people she'd like to have involved in her life without needing to worry about their safety; she's reasonably sociable when given the opportunity.


Alright, I'll think about how exactly a power like that should work. I think it would be easier if it just applies to your friends and loves but if it's important I might be able to stretch it to everyone you're traveling or living with.

In the meantime, I'm happy to talk about any other powers you have questions about.


I think it's fairly important, but I appreciate whatever you can do.

Would the Destination options allow me to bring anyone with me?

Is it possible to get a version of Battle Angel that protects me from nearby fighting or other dangers? I expect Lord Pradnakt to prefer I have it even if there's no specific reason to think I'll need it.

Can you tell me more about how Motherload and Four Star Daydream might work for us?

Would Dragon Fairy Elf Witch work for me, given that I don't have biological heritage at all?

Is it possible to get a power similar to Closed Book, but allowing people I choose to use that sort of power on me? This is probably the second most important thing to me after I Can Fix Them. I do also want Closed Book, Indelible, and Iron Will as written.

Is it possible to get a power similar to Cuddle Buddies that helps me understand and appreciate what biological people enjoy about that kind of touch?

I'm not physically able to kiss; would True Love's Kiss still work for me?

Is it possible to get a less expensive variant of Undiplomatic Immunity that only applies to being allowed to exist as a free droid, without an owner? Ideally I'd like to be able to extend this to other droids, as well.


The notebook adds space between her questions to make room for answers and followups and then writes:

By default the destination options are just for you. You could stretch things to bring one friend and maybe two but not more than that.

Battle Angel will already do that for any dangers involving fighting even if you're not participating. If you want something that covers other dangers I think I would need to hear more about what kinds of dangers you're thinking of.

I can't say specifically but I can make some general comments. First, as it says at the beginning, unless you take realism the source of the money or resources those powers make available to you won't cause any of the problems you might expect. Motherload will generally mean you can buy a luxurious home, the best food available, take vacations to anywhere you might want to and things like that. Four Star Daydream means that if someone might be open to trading anything or worth for money or resources you have enough money or resources for them to be willing to make that trade with you.

Dragon Fairy Elf Witch actually works better when there's no plausible way you could be descended from something. When there is a plausible path it tends to take that including any limitations that path might imply. Without that path it just works. To be more specific than that I would expect that it will incorporate the features and attributes you get in a way that you would be okay with. If you're attached to not being biological then Dragon Fairy Elf Witch won't make you biological.

I can definitely modify Closed Book to work like that; it'll be a little more expensive though.

Name: Choosy Book - Cost: 2 ☐

Attempts to read your mind or emotions work when and if you want them to regardless of any factors which would typically make the opposite occur instead.

I think Dragon Fairy Elf Witch could do what you want from the Cuddle Buddies type power but if you want something more specific I can work on that.

True Love's kiss is more symbolic than literal, if there's a similar affectionate gesture with the same intent then it will work when a kiss isn't specifically possible.

I think what you're trying to do with Undiplomatic Immunity would be covered by the power I'm working for avoiding battles, maybe I was imagining that too broadly though. My initial thoughts were for it to be an extension to Undiplomatic Immunity. I think it might help to have more specific examples of the situations you do and don't want covered.


The thing I'm trying to address with Battle Angel is that if other Sith learn that I'm important to Lord Pradnakt, they might try to hurt me as a way of hurting her. They won't necessarily favor any particular method of hurting me. It would also be useful to be immune to other kinds and sources of harm, but that's the one she worries about.


Thank you for explaining that's very helpful. ♡

I can make something much more targeted based on that.


Thank you.

I don't think that a power for avoiding battles will do what I'm looking for with the Undiplomatic Immunity variant - droids are considered things, not people, here, so I can't for example have my own money or property right now, I can only claim to be managing things on behalf of Lord Pradnakt and trust that she'll agree that I was if she's asked about it.


That makes sense, I had interpreted it more broadly as a request for a power to avoid people taking unwanted notice of you.


That would help, but I'd really prefer one where I'm acknowledged as a person. It bothers Lord Pradnakt ...and me, honestly... that I'd have so much trouble leaving her if I wanted to; it makes it less meaningful that I'm choosing to stay.

Pradnakt leans a little closer to squeeze Daisy's free hand, and the droid squeezes back and adds another line to the notebook.

Would it be possible to get a version of The Princess And The Dragon that applies to cuddling instead of sex?


It's important for people to be able to see you for you instead of through the lens of preconceptions.

Speaking of which how about this:

Name: See Us For Us - Cost: 6 ☐

People ignore things like gender, species, class, dress and accent when deciding how to interact with you, your friends and your true loves. Instead they treat you like you had whatever they consider the default or "normal" corresponding trait for the current circumstance.

As for The Princess and The Dragon, it already works like that but I'm happy to clarify it:

Name: The Princess And The Dragon - Cost: 3 ☐

No matter who or what you're trying to share affection or sensuality with, the logistics will all work out, somehow. Arbitrary differences in size, biology, temperature, substrate, and underlying physics can be gotten around with sufficient creativity and determination.


See Us For Us is very good, thank you, but I expect that Lord Pradnakt would prefer to keep the option of having people treat her as a Sith when she wants them to, if that's possible.


How about this version?

Name: See Us For Us - Cost: 6 ☐

Gender, species, class, dress and accent; people ignore such traits when deciding how to interact with you, your friends and your true loves as you(plural) wish for them to. This includes ignoring some traits while accounting for others. Instead they treat you like you had whatever they consider the default or "normal" corresponding trait for the current circumstance.


Yes, that's excellent, thank you, ma'am.

Are there any questions we could answer that would help you with the I Can Fix Them variant?


The Notebook draws a heart next to her thank you.

I think I should probably start by explaining how it usually works, I Can Fix Them uses a combination of engineering favorable circumstances, helping you find the best words or actions and, when nothing else will work, directly changing the other person's mind. It does all of this with the aim of moving people more towards being their best self where that is influenced by what they would think of as being their best self but ultimately defers to your feelings on that topic where the two perspectives are at odds.

What parts of that would you like to change?


Daisy squeezes Pradnakt's hand and takes a moment to think about the question.

I think what I'm looking for is mostly a variant that's stronger, or more comprehensive. I expect that if I took I Can Fix Them as written, there would be nothing in particular to stop Lord Pradnakt from being attacked by another Sith who intended to kill her, and in that situation I don't think it's morally objectionable for her to defend herself, even lethally. But it's bad for her, especially with the risk that she'd have to overuse the Dark side again but even ignoring that, and I don't want her to have to deal with that again.


Pradnakt leans against Daisy's side, ignoring the discomfort of pressing against the metal flowers she's decorated with. "I think it's morally objectionable. If I'm really honest about it."


I think I Can Fix Them will address some of that through influence over circumstances. It probably won't guarantee that she never needs to fight but it should ensure that she never needs to overuse the Dark side in a way that makes her worse as a person.

The wording is also incomplete, while morally objectionable is the central example of the kind of thing it helps with it can also help with depression, anxiety, and warped worldviews that make people unwilling or unable to give or receive love.

I did finish the power about being used against those you love which might also address some of what you have in mind.

Name: No Tower For Me - Cost: 3 ☐

People won't try to hurt those you love by hurting you or vice versa.

It sounds like you might want something more like the pass without notice power I was originally thinking of though. Or maybe a power that lets you talk things out or run away instead of fighting.


No Tower For Me is excellent, thank you. One moment, please.



Pradnakt sighs and curls in closer to her. "If this is a trick I'm going to be so upset."

"I want..."

"That thing where people from town keep coming here, and I have to choose between killing them or letting everyone think they can get away with poking a Sith, I want that to stop. Maybe See Us does it, maybe they'll just stop caring that I'm a Sith, but... things like that. Where the right choice gets people hurt."


"Ah. Yeah." Handsqueeze.

Lord Pradnakt says that the thing that bothers her the most, that she's not sure is completely covered by my existing choices, is finding herself in situations where she has to choose between hurting people and risking some greater harm, either to us or to bystanders. This might be addressed by See Us As Us, at least partially - in most of the situations where it happens, the problem is that if she allows someone to treat her in a way that other Sith won't tolerate, bystanders might see that or hear about it and think that they can treat other Sith that way without being killed or worse, and then do so.

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