Before she crosses the cavern, heroes swoop in!
With a little colorful spraying and a lot of nonlethal damage, innocents are extracted and aggressors subdued!
Atop a small pile of bludgeoned belligerents, Cressida Kroft will meet:
1 - One Tian woman wearing a katana and naginata. Flowers grow in her green leafy hair.
2 - One four-armed kasatha open carrying some of the more menacing hardware as is found in Alkenstar or Numeria.
3 - One blue-skinned samsaran swimming in the robes of an Academae student, and around her neck a symbol holy to the Empyreal Lord Ragathiel.
4 - One scruffy aasimar, complete with glowing halo and looking to all the world like he woke up in a drain pipe. He wears a rapier, carries a tankard, and has the holy symbol of Cayden Cailean tattooed on his hand. Maybe other places too, he'd need a mirror to know for sure.