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Brenda isekais to Golarion
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They can, up to and including after their death via paying for a sending or directly declining the resurrection, though in the latter case she won’t be refunded. 


Excellent. Initials initials signature and she can provide the appropriate size and number of diamonds, plus a bunch more for him to sell anonymously through the Archbanker and pay her for when it's convenient.


The latter comes with another contract, this one much shorter, that acknowledges the transaction and gives her a cause of action to go to arbitration if the church willfully or negligently fails to deliver the money as agreed or return the items to be sold, which he lets her peruse it while he signs, notarizes, and seals the resurrection contracts for transportation.

"I still have time cleared on my schedule for after this. Is there anything else you would like to contract with the church of Abadar for today, or questions I can answer for you?"


"Do you sell spell scrolls? Especially ones of spells learnable by wizards." 


"Yes, though I only have a relatively limited selection of spells available only to wizards above third circle. Do you have anything particular in mind?"


"What do you have at first circle? I mostly want it for experiments. Mage's Perusal would be great if you have it, or Sleep."


He has both available, yes. Mage's perusal doesn't get much call for, but it's cheap enough that he has one anyway, and she can purchase several scrolls of sleep if she so desires.


She would love to! Also a spellbook and ink for it, if he has those despite them being for wizards.


Spellbooks don't have any requirement beyond the paper being good enough to hold the ink, but he does have writing supplies and the correct sort of ink here. In an objective sense compared to the prices she was quoted earlier by Ramien for wages these are rather expensive, but they're a drop in the bucket compared to how much even Raise Dead diamonds are apparently worth.


Great! Pleasure doing business with him.


The same is true for him; it is pleasing to Abadar when people willingly make honest exchanges from which they both fairly benefit. It will take him 10 minutes to message Kalit Maron and confirm the contract, and a bit longer for an Axiomite to arrive to transport it, but while she won't be resurrected prior to Kalit Maron confirming the legitimacy it will still cover any deaths that happen in the meanwhile. He wishes her good fortune in her dealings.


She wishes him the same and departs. (What a lovely church. Gods being real and useful is great except for how some of them are horrible.)

Are Ember, Seelah, and Wenduag all okay with having death insurance even with her being pretty cagey about what exactly she bought it with? It's nothing horrible, she just wants to play some of her abilities close to the vest.


"Isn't that really expensive? I guess I knew you were already pretty well to do from all the magic items but that's still a lot. I'll work hard to live up to it, and Inheritor willing I won't need it except to save others."


It takes Wenduag a bit longer to grasp the concept of insurance or deal with the fact that ressurection is in fact just a thing people can do but once she gets it she suddenly goes very quiet as she tries and fails not to have lots of emotions about this. Even knowing it won't do anything about the spectre of old age looming over her, it's not something she ever expected to get, and even knowing Brenda she has a hard time convincing herself it's real.


She can say some more reassuring things to Wenduag later when she's had time to process it (Friends In Places: so convenient). For now, how about they all go help with the thing where there are still some demons lurking in odd corners? 


Her aeon sight really is convenient for that! For instance, there's someone from the abyss in the basement of that house over there, and two more that seem to be walking a few streets over.


That's so much better than the cantrip she was using before! 

With the demons only coming by ones and twos, she's willing to try talking first (and more importantly, give Ember a chance to try talking first), but anything that starts violence will get finished with violence. Do any demons not immediately attack them up on being discovered?


The two walking down the street seem at first glance to be ordinary people, if slightly heavyset; they mumble out greetings when they arrive.


"Do you need help? You look really scared about everything."


One of them turns their head, projecting embarrassment.

"Of course I'm scared, all these demons around. Who wouldn't be?"


Ember nods seriously. 

“It does sound scary, having all these people who are stronger and meaner than you telling you what to do when they just want you to die for their benefit. But you’re not just afraid of the other demons; you’re also scared of the crusaders. That’s why you killed those people, isn’t it? But just because you’re alone and afraid doesn’t mean you should hurt other people. I bet they were really scared too.”


"I-I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't kill anyone!"


"I'm talking about the people whose bodies you're wearing. There were a lot of people who were already killed by other demons; you could have hid in their bodies without having to hurt anyone else."



"Idiot, that's a paladin with her! They know you're a demon, we need to kill them and get out of here!"

When the second person speaks, their mouth opens up to reveal oozing, pale pink flesh, and they draw their sword.



As the second demon collapses to the ground, Ember turns back to the first demon.

"You don't have to listen to him, or any of the other demons. You don't have to keep fighting and killing and hurting people - yourself and others. But you should leave Kenabres. The people here will be hunting for you, and even if you don't get caught you'll end up running into other demons and then you'll get back to hurting people again."

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